Our Nation Needs Gov. Palin

I predict that after going through the horrors of the coming four years of living under a rabid, radical, leftist, Marxist like Obama, America will be ready for Governor Sarah Palin. I truly believe that our nation needs a mother at the helm. Not just any mother, mind you, but a Christian, conservative, pro-life, pro-traditional family, highly intelligent, gutsy, well informed, military supporting, articulate, caring, and love for our country American woman like Sarah Palin.

Isn't it ironic that every newscaster and talk show host (including Oprah Winfrey) wants to interview her now?

I was very impressed with Governor Palin during the entire campaign. But after seeing Greta Van Susteren's two-day interview with her, I am even more impressed! Now that she has the freedom to say anything, and everything she wants, her knowledge is being shown to exceed that of Obama's (IMO) - big time!

Greta did a really good job of covering all of the questions that people may have had in the aftermath of the campaign. My one (minor) criticism is that I did feel that Greta spent way too much time on the "clothes" issue. Governor Palin was gracious enough to answer every question - no matter how absolutely annoying they were!

The Fox News Channel website has a link to several videos (click on "Video Exclusive: Greta interviews Gov. Palin") so you can see any segments that you may have missed.

During the second part of the interview which was aired last night, at one point, I noticed something on the wall behind Governor Palin. Plaques with the words "Peace," "Faith," and "Joy" were clearly visible.

America is going to need someone like Governor Palin in 2012 - to clean up the carnage of an Obama administration. I am so grateful to God for leading John McCain towards choosing her for his running mate. Although they did not win the election, the fact that conservatives now have a candidate to rally behind over the next four years gives me great hope that conservative hopes, dreams, values, ethics, governing, and God-honoring leadership will one day return to our beloved nation.

HT: Fox News