Banned by YouTube!

It looks like my account has been cancelled and I have been banned from the YouTube site!!

What did I do wrong? I don't know. Perhaps it was the because of the 8 second 3-yr. old spitin' image of Sarah Palin Halloween video where a man asks her if Sarah Palin will be the next Vice President of the United States and she answers (sounding just like Gov. Palin), "You Betcha!" It was priceless!!

Or, was it because of the Iraq Vet - whose support for John McCain in his YouTube video has been viewed over 11 million times - was posted here?

Back in 2006, Michelle Malkin had a few of her videos banned by Youtube. I also read that a prominent blogger named John Aravosis, who writes at Americablog got banned ENTIRELY from YouTube for posting a Comedy Central video at his blog.

It has been a habit of mine to post a video here for viewing for one to seven days. Then, I revert back to a link at YouTube. I haven't had any trouble with this method over the past 4 years! What gives now?

Why pick on my little 'ole blog anyway? This blog is small time - I get from 150-450 hits per day. There are blogs (with far more visitors than I have to their sites) who constantly post YouTube videos on their blogs and they haven't been banned!

What's up with that?

Is this just more evidence of Liberal Left Bias? Do you think that if I had a POSITIVE video of Barack Hussein Obama on this blog that I most likely would NOT have been targeted?


Boo...Hiss...Youtube management!

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