Judges or Voters?

While reading several articles over at World Net Daily, a thought came to mind about two extremely important and pressing issues involving voters vs. current judicial challenges. What will each decision mean for our country?

There is now a U.S. Supreme Court 'conference' review scheduled for December 5th in which a lawsuit has been filed for proof of Barack's citizenship - challenging his name on the N.J. ballot.

There has also been a lawsuit filed and accepted which is to be heard by the CA Supreme Court, challenging the passage of Proposition 8 here in California.

Plus, there is another article which asks the question: Prop. 8 hinges on who decides: judges or voters?

So, if Proposition 8 gets overturned by the CA Supreme Court - all of the liberals, homosexuals, Democrats, friends of homosexuals, supporters of the homosexual agenda and their financiers - will inevitably be found dancing in the street and celebrating. Four judges will have then (for a second time) overturned millions of votes cast by California voters in the election for the passage of YES ON PROPOSITION 8.

I wonder.

What would be be reaction if the U.S. Supreme Court examines Barack Obama's vault length COLB, discovers that he was born in Kenya, and overturns the election of Obama because he is not a natural born citizen of the United States of America - which is both required by law and in our U.S. Constitution?

HT: World Net Daily