If you have been waiting patiently for the past month, popcorn box in hand, to find out whether there will be any fresh Hollywood films to watch on the big screen anytime soon, you may have to keep on waiting.

Pemerintah pada hari Rabu gagal untuk keluar dengan keputusan dijanjikan pada pajak film impor, mengatakan perundingan belum menyimpulkan belum. The government on Wednesday failed to come out with a promised decision on the tax on imported films, saying negotiations hadn't concluded yet.

Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik, yang sebelumnya berjanji bahwa Rabu akan menjadi hari ia akan mengungkapkan keputusan mengenai isu pajak yang telah menyebabkan importir film asing untuk menghentikan membawa judul baru, mengatakan skema belum diselesaikan. Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik, who had earlier promised that Wednesday would be the day he would reveal a decision on the tax issue that has led foreign film importers to stop bringing in new titles, said the scheme had yet to be finalized.

"Kita tidak bisa mengumumkan skema pajak film yang tepat namun karena masih sedang dibahas, dengan mempertimbangkan tiga peraturan, di bea cukai, pajak dan juga film," kata Wacik. “We cannot announce the exact film tax scheme yet because it is still being discussed, taking into consideration three regulations, on customs, tax and also films,” Wacik said.

Kebijakan tersebut menyebabkan anggota Motion Picture Association memutuskan untuk menghentikan ekspor film ke Indonesia. The policy in question led to members of the Motion Picture Association deciding to halt exports of films to Indonesia.

Inti dari masalah ini terletak dalam perhitungan nilai pabean film impor, yang sebelumnya didasarkan pada panjang fisik gulungan film, dengan setiap meter sebesar 43 sen. The core of the issue lies in the calculation of the customs value of imported films, which was previously based on the physical length of the film roll, with each meter valued at 43 cents. Tetapi pemerintah sekarang ingin royalti pajak di depan di bawah hukum adat tahun 2006 yang menetapkan bahwa royalti harus dimasukkan dalam pajak impor. But the government now wants to tax royalties up front under a 2006 customs law that stipulates that royalties should be included in the import tax.

Pemerintah, meskipun, telah mengirim pesan yang membingungkan. The government, though, has sent out mixed messages. Sedangkan Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai telah muncul tegas tentang pelaksanaan perhitungan royalti baru, Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata telah menyatakan bahwa pemerintah terbuka untuk negosiasi dengan importir film. While the Directorate General of Customs and Excise has appeared resolute about implementing the new royalty computation, the Culture and Tourism Ministry has maintained that the government was open to negotiations with film importers.

"Saya ingin memastikan bahwa film asing masih masuk ke Indonesia," Jero menegaskan kembali pada hari Rabu. “I want to make sure that foreign films are still entering Indonesia,” Jero reiterated on Wednesday. Dia tidak merinci pernyataan tersebut, bukan mengumumkan bahwa pajak impor yang terpisah pada peralatan produksi film akan dihapuskan untuk membantu produsen film Indonesia memberikan dorongan. He did not elaborate on the statement, instead announcing that a separate import tax on film production equipment would be scrapped to help give Indonesian film producers a boost.

Departemen Pariwisata telah sebelumnya mengatakan mendorong industri film lokal adalah alasan di balik kebijakan royalti baru. The Tourism Ministry has previously said boosting the local film industry was the rationale behind the new royalty policy.
"Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyarankan pengembangan industri film nasional dengan mengurangi pajak bagi para pembuat film Indonesia, jadi kita akan menerapkan pajak nol persen pada peralatan produksi film," kata Wacik. “President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono suggested developing the national film industry by reducing taxes for Indonesian filmmakers, so we are going to apply a zero percent tax on film production equipment,” Wacik said.

Ia mengatakan produksi film peralatan dan material selalu terdaftar sebagai barang mewah dan karena itu ditampar dengan pajak yang tinggi. He said film production equipment and materials have always been listed as luxury items and therefore were slapped with high taxes.

"Selain itu, kita akan mengurangi pajak nilai tambah ke tingkat minimum," katanya, tanpa menjelaskan lebih lanjut. “Other than that, we are going to reduce the value-added tax to a minimum level,” he said, without elaborating.
Wacik mengatakan tingkat produksi film saat ini negara tidak dalam posisi untuk memenuhi tuntutan 672 rumah pemutaran di seluruh bangsa. Wacik said the country's current film production levels were not in a position to meet the demands of the 672 screening houses across the nation.

"Itulah sebabnya film-film asing yang diperlukan, untuk memenuhi permintaan dari layar dan juga untuk menjadi referensi bagi para pembuat film Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kualitas film mereka," kata Wacik. “That is why foreign films are needed, to meet the demand of the screens and also to become references for Indonesian filmmakers to improve the quality of their films,” Wacik said. "Kami tidak ingin membuat kebijakan yang menyakitkan banyak orang, termasuk penggemar film Hollywood dan karyawan bioskop." “We do not want to create a policy that hurts many people, including Hollywood film fans and cinema employees.”

Wacik mengatakan rezim pajak film impor bertujuan untuk melindungi industri film nasional, sementara pada saat yang sama tidak merugikan impor film asing. Wacik said the tax regime on imported films was aimed at protecting the national film industry while at the same time not harming foreign film imports.

"Kami hanya ingin melihat film asing masuk ke Indonesia tanpa melanggar peraturan. “We just want to see foreign films enter Indonesia without violating the regulations. Sejauh ini, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak telah memutuskan skema pajak, namun belum menyelesaikan keputusan mereka, "katanya. So far, the Directorate General of Taxation has decided on a tax scheme, but it has yet to finalize their decision,” he said.

Dalam rangka membantu masyarakat meningkatkan nilai untuk film, Wacik mengatakan pihaknya mengusulkan untuk memiliki puluhan mobil proyeksi film yang tersedia pada tahun 2012 untuk melayani daerah tanpa bioskop. In order to help increase public assess to films, Wacik said his ministry proposed to have dozens of film projection cars available in 2012 to cater to areas without cinemas.

"Ide ini pada dasarnya untuk membawa film untuk semua warga negara Indonesia. “This idea is basically to bring films to all Indonesian citizens. Dengan cara itu, film akan menjadi bentuk hiburan tidak hanya dinikmati oleh orang kota tetapi juga oleh orang-orang dari kota-kota kecil atau desa-desa kecil "kata. Jero. In that way, films will be a form of entertainment not only enjoyed by city people but also by people from small towns or small villages.” Jero said.


Despite previously promising to announce the final foreign film tax on National Film Day today, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has postponed its announcement because the government institutions involved are yet to reach a conclusion on the matter.

Menteri Pariwisata Jero Wacik mengatakan, pelayanan, Departemen Keuangan dan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak masih finalisasi peraturan tentang film-film asing. Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said the ministry, Finance Ministry and Directorate General of Taxation were still finalizing the regulation on foreign films.

"Kita tidak bisa mengumumkan skema pajak film yang tepat namun karena masih sedang dibahas," kata Jero. “We cannot announce the exact film tax scheme yet because it is still being discussed,” Jero said.

"Peraturan tersebut bertujuan untuk melindungi industri film nasional tanpa merugikan impor film asing. “The regulation is aimed at protecting the national film industry without harming foreign film imports. Kami hanya ingin film-film asing untuk masuk ke Indonesia tanpa melanggar peraturan tersebut. We just want foreign films to enter Indonesia without violating the regulation. Sejauh ini Direktorat Jenderal Pajak telah memutuskan skema pajak, tetapi belum untuk menyelesaikan keputusan mereka. " So far the Directorate General of Taxation has decided on a tax scheme, but is yet to finalize their decision.”

Nilai pabean film impor sebelumnya didasarkan pada panjang fisik gulungan film, dengan setiap meter senilai 43 sen. The customs value of imported films was previously based on the physical length of the film roll, with each meter valued at 43 cents. Pemerintah sekarang ingin royalti pajak di depan di bawah hukum adat tahun 2006 yang menetapkan bahwa royalti harus dimasukkan dalam pajak impor. The government now wants to tax royalties up front under a 2006 customs law that stipulates that royalties should be included in the import tax.

Perhitungan pajak baru berada di belakang langkah baru-baru ini oleh Motion Picture Association untuk menghentikan ekspor film ke Indonesia. The new tax calculation is behind a recent move by the Motion Picture Association to halt the export of films to Indonesia.


A Citibank Indonesia manager accused of embezzling up to Rp 17 billion ($2 million) siphoned customers' money to an account at another bank before re-transferring it to a company account, the police said on Wednesday.

"[Malinda Dee] dibantu oleh seorang teller di bank lain. “[Malinda Dee] was assisted by a teller at another bank. teller kemudian akan mentransfer uang untuk sebuah perusahaan, yang ternyata menjadi perusahaan MD sendiri, "juru bicara Kepolisian Nasional Insp. The teller would then transfer the money to a company, which turned out to be MD's own company,” the National Police spokesman Insp. Jenderal Anton Bachrul Alam mengatakan pada konferensi pers, seperti dikutip oleh kantor berita banyak pada hari Rabu. Gen. Anton Bachrul Alam said at a press conference, as quoted by numerous news agencies on Wednesday.

"Kami tidak bisa menyebutkan nama perusahaan karena penyelidikan masih berlangsung," kata Anton. “We can't mention the company's name because the investigation is still ongoing,” Anton said.

Polisi telah menyita aset, termasuk sebuah kendaraan sport Hummer dan apartemen mewah. Police have seized her assets, including a Hummer sport utility vehicle and luxury apartment. Dia sekarang ditahan polisi dan sedang dipertanyakan. She is now in police custody and is being questioned.

Setidaknya tiga Citibank pelanggan telah mengajukan keluhan dengan polisi, dengan indikasi bahwa jumlah digelapkan bisa jauh lebih tinggi daripada total dihitung sebelumnya sebesar Rp 17 miliar. At least three Citibank customers have lodged complaints with the police, with indications that the total amount embezzled could be much higher than the previously calculated total of Rp 17 billion.

Sementara juru bicara Kepolisian Insp. Meanwhile National Police spokesman Insp. Jenderal Anton Bachrul Alam mengatakan detektif menyelidiki kasus ini juga menangkap seorang kasir Citibank yang dicurigai sebagai kaki-tangan. Gen. Anton Bachrul Alam said detectives investigating the case had also arrested a Citibank teller suspected of being an accomplice.

Citibank pada hari Senin meyakinkan pelanggan bahwa dana mereka aman. Citibank on Monday assured customers that their funds were safe.

"Kami sepenuhnya bekerja sama dengan semua instansi terkait," kata Ditta Amahorseya, perusahaan bank urusan kepala, dalam sebuah pernyataan. “We are fully cooperating with all relevant authorities,” Ditta Amahorseya, the bank's corporate affairs chief, said in a statement.


The government was still unable to confirm on Thursday whether a suspected terrorist recently arrested in Pakistan was in fact Umar Patek, an Indonesian who is wanted here in connection with the 2002 Bali bombings.

"Kita sekarang silang informasi," kata Sutanto, Kepala Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN), di Istana Negara. “We are now crosschecking the information,” Sutanto, head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), said at the State Palace. "Foto identik, tetapi kita perlu memeriksa lebih." “The photo is identical, but we need to check more.”

Umar Patek, diduga anggota Jemaah Islamiyah, kelompok teroris regional yang terkait dengan Al-Qaeda, dilaporkan ditangkap di Pakistan awal tahun ini. Umar Patek, a suspected member of Jemaah Islamiyah, a regional terrorist group linked to Al Qaeda, was reportedly arrested in Pakistan earlier this year. Pemerintah mengatakan tim yang terdiri dari pejabat intelijen dan polisi telah dikirim ke Pakistan untuk menentukan identitas orang itu. The government says a team of intelligence officials and police officers has been sent to Pakistan to determine the identity of the man.

Namun Sutanto mengatakan meskipun ia adalah positif diidentifikasi, pemerintah masih akan tidak memiliki yurisdiksi langsung atas Patek. But Sutanto said even if he was positively identified, the government would still not have direct jurisdiction over Patek.

"Dia juga melanggar hukum di sana," katanya. “He also violated the law there,” he said. "Jadi kita harus menghormati hukum di Pakistan." “So we need to respect the law in Pakistan.”

Patek, kata dia, sudah melawan penangkapan dan melukai seorang pejabat keamanan Pakistan saat dibawa ke tahanan. Patek, he said, had resisted arrest and injured a Pakistani security official while being taken into custody.

Kapolri Jenderal Timur Pradopo, sementara itu, mengatakan mereka masih menunggu di DNA dan verifikasi sidik jari. National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo, meanwhile, said they were still waiting on DNA and fingerprint verification.

"Sekali lagi, saya mengatakan ada belum ada konfirmasi dari identitasnya," katanya. “Once more, I say there has not yet been any confirmation of his identity,” he said.

Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa mengatakan bahwa pemerintah telah sehingga informasi ini hanya menerima sekitar penangkapan dari media, dengan Islamabad belum memberikan pemberitahuan resmi. Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa said the government had so far only received information about the arrest from the media, with Islamabad yet to provide official notification.

"Kita harus mengikuti semua tahapan, termasuk verifikasi identifikasi dan konfirmasi," katanya. “We need to follow all the stages, including identification verification and confirmation,” he said. "Dan kemudian aparat penegak hukum akan memutuskan apa yang harus dilakukan." “And then the law-enforcement officers will decide what to do.”

Djoko Suyanto, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, hukum dan keamanan, mengatakan pemerintah masih diperlukan untuk menentukan apakah tersangka ditahan ternyata Patek. Djoko Suyanto, the coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, said the authorities still needed to determine if the detained suspect was in fact Patek. "Dikatakan bahwa ia telah ditangkap, tetapi kita perlu pergi ke sana untuk memastikan hal ini," katanya. “It is said that he has been arrested, but we need to go there to ensure this,” he said.

Pada hari Rabu, pejabat keamanan Pakistan, berbicara dengan syarat anonim karena sifat sensitif masalah ini, menegaskan penangkapan. On Wednesday, Pakistani security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the issue, confirmed the arrest.

"CIA tipped kami off bahwa dia mungkin bepergian di sini," kata seorang pejabat, namun menekankan bahwa itu adalah "operasi semata-mata Pakistan." “The CIA tipped us off that he might be traveling here,” one official said, but stressed that it was a “solely Pakistani operation.”

Sutanto mengatakan bahwa istri Patek itu juga diyakini berada di Pakistan. Sutanto said Patek's wife was also believed to be in Pakistan. "Dia pergi ke Pakistan dengan Umar Patek," katanya. “She went to Pakistan with Umar Patek,” he said.

Dia mengatakan bahwa sejak Patek juga diduga melanggar hukum Pakistan, setiap keputusan oleh Islamabad pada apakah dia harus diekstradisi akan dihormati. He said that since Patek was also suspected of violating Pakistani law, any decision by Islamabad on whether he should be extradited would be respected.

"Kami akan memeriksa [apakah mungkin], karena ia juga melanggar hukum di sana dan kita harus menghormati itu," katanya. “We will check [whether it is possible], as he has also breached the law there and we should respect that,” he said.

Sementara itu, sumber di unit antiterorisme Kepolisian Nasional mengatakan kepada Globe Jakarta, Kamis bahwa meskipun tim telah tiba di Pakistan minggu lalu, itu belum dapat menentukan identitas tersangka. Meanwhile, a source at the National Police's antiterrorism unit told the Jakarta Globe on Thursday that although a team had arrived in Pakistan last week, it had not yet been able to determine the suspect's identity.

"Kami masih menunggu konfirmasi. “We are still waiting for the confirmation. Tim terdiri dari peneliti kami dan anggota Badan Intelijen Negara, "kata sumber itu, menolak untuk mengkonfirmasi apakah tim Indonesia telah diberikan akses ke Patek. The team consists of our investigators and members of the State Intelligence Agency,” the source said, declining to confirm whether the Indonesian team had been given access to Patek.


Pakistan's Foreign Ministry has confirmed the arrest of a man believed to be the main Indonesian suspect in the 2002 nightclub bombing in Bali that killed 202 people.

Spokeswoman Tehmina Janjua told reporters Thursday that Indonesian consular officials will be allowed to visit the man to determine if he is indeed Umar Patek. She did not provide further details.

Pakistani security officials have said a CIA tip-off led to the arrest of Patek in Pakistan. They said he is being questioned and will eventually be given to the Indonesians. They spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The arrest of Patek, who has a $1 million American price tag on his head, ends a 10-year international manhunt.


NATO's chief said Thursday the alliance doesn't support US and British suggestions that the U.N. mandate for the international military operation in Libya allows arming rebels who are fighting Moammar Gadhafi's troops.

NATO assumed command of all air operations over Libya early Thursday, taking over from the US, which had been eager to be rid of that responsibility. NATO Chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters in Stockholm that NATO's position is that "we are there to protect the Libyan people, not to arm the people."

Britain and the US believe that existing U.N. Security Council resolutions on Libya could allow for foreign governments to arm the rebels, despite an arms embargo being in place.

The NATO secretary-general said he has "taken note of the ongoing discussions in a number of countries but as far as NATO is concerned ... we will focus on the enforcement of the arms embargo."

Fogh Rasmussen said the transition to its command was completed at 0600 GMT (2 a.m. EDT) Thursday, giving NATO sole responsibility for all aerial and naval operations in the region. A rebellion against Gadhafi's 42-year rule erupted last month, and international forces including the US, France and Britain stepped in March 19, just as it appeared Gadhafi was on the verge of crushing the revolt.

Gadhafi's forces were heavily bombarded, effectively turning the US-led air assaults into an unacknowledged aerial arm of the ragtag rebel force fighting the government's army.

The NATO operation - code named Unified Protector - includes enforcement the U.N. Security Council resolution mandating an arms embargo on Libya, enforcement of a no-fly zone and the protection of civilians from Gadhafi's troops.

The takeover comes at a sensitive moment in the war between the rebels and loyalist forces. On Wednesday, Gadhafi's ground troops recaptured a strategic oil town and moved within striking distance of another major eastern city, nearly reversing the gains rebels made since the international airstrikes began.

Asked where NATO is now that the rebels ae being pushed back, Fogh Rasmussen answered, "We are there. We are there to take action with the aim to protect civilians against any attack."

"And if and when our military commanders feel that civilians are threatened then they will take, asis stated in the U.N resolution, take all necessary measures to protect civilians against such attacks," he said.

The battlefield setbacks will likely increase calls for the international community to supply weapons to the lightly armed rebels.

The operation is being commanded by Canadian Lt. Gen. Chrles Bouchard from NATO's operational center in Naples, Italy. There was no word on how many airplanes and military staff would be involved, but officials say dozens of fighters, fighter-bombers, air refueling tankers, AWACS surveillance planes, maritime patrol aircraft and search-and-rescue helicopters will lkely be required for the operation.

They will be based at a string of NATO bases along the Mediterranean, including Italy, France, Greece and Turkey.

"The transfer of authority on air assets is now complete," NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said. "Everything that has been offered to us has been hand over.

"NATO is the only one issuing operational orders for the international effort," she added.

NATO's governing body, the North Atlantic Council, has approved the alliance's operations for up to three months. That period could be extended if necessary, officials said.

While Western powers ae keeping up the pressure to force Gadhafi out with air strikes, diplomats are attempting to persuade him to leave without military force. A senior Ugandan official said a day after his country first offered Gadhafi refuge that the leader has not asked for political asylum in his country.

Security MinisterAmama Mbabazi, who was meeting with Russia's foreign minister in Moscow on Thursday, told reporters that Ugandan authorities have therefore not formally made an offer to him.


Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) senior politician Hidayat Nur Wahid said Sunday the current attacks on Libya were based on interests to revive the European economy and to seize the nation’s oil.
“European countries have suffered from the economic recession. They need new resources to revive their economy,” he said, as quoted by
He said that a war in Libya could bring new income to the European countries through weapon sales.
He also said that the U.S. and its allies were aiming to control Libya’s oil with the attacks.
PKS urged the government to demand that the United Nations Security Council issue a new resolution against the attacks.

SMH: Anti-Union Bill To Become Law In Ohio (BLOG)

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Labor stronghold Ohio assumed center stage Wednesday in the fight over collective bargaining rights for public workers as the state Legislature passed a bill that was in some ways tougher than that seen in Wisconsin and sent it to the governor.

Amid shouts and jeers in both chambers, the House passed a measure affecting 350,000 public workers on a 53-44 vote, and the Senate followed with a 17-16 vote of approval. Republican Gov. John Kasich will sign the bill by the end of the week.

Senate President Tom Niehaus threatened to clear the chamber ahead of final legislative action on the bill as pro-labor protesters shouted insults at senators and threatened to unseat them in the next election.

Chants of "Shame on you!" filled the elegant, high-ceilinged chambers where legislators are accustomed to hushed tones and self-imposed decorum.

Unlike Wisconsin's measure, the Ohio legislation would extend union restrictions to police officers and firefighters.

But the overall response by protesters in the Rust Belt state, despite its long union tradition among steel and auto workers, has paled in comparison to Wisconsin, where protests topped more than 70,000 people. Ohio's largest Statehouse demonstrations on the measure drew about 8,500 people.

That difference has been attributed to Madison's labor legacy and the proximity of the populous University of Wisconsin campus to the state capital.

Standing in the Ohio Statehouse Rotunda after the House vote Wednesday, union steelworker Curt Yarger said he saw the bill as "a preliminary attack on working people."

"I shouldn't have any disillusion that I'll be next in the private sector," said Yarger, 43, of Mansfield.

Leo Geiger, a Republican who works as a sewer inspector for the city of Dayton and didn't attend protests because he couldn't take the time off, said he's "deathly afraid that this is going to affect me, my family and the entire state of Ohio in an incredibly negative way."

Geiger, 34, called the bill and the way it has moved through the Legislature "completely un-American" and said he believes it has more to do with "political payback" than the budget.

"I find this to be loathsome," he said Wednesday night. "I find this to be disrespectful to Ohioans and disrespectful to the process of Democracy."

Democrats, including former Gov. Ted Strickland, and unions have vowed to mount a campaign to overturn the measure through a referendum in November.

On Wednesday, an estimated 700 people went to the Ohio Statehouse to hear the debate.

The Ohio measure affects safety workers, teachers, nurses and a host of other government personnel. It allows unions to negotiate wages but not health care, sick time or pension benefits. It gets rid of automatic pay increases, and replaces them with merit raises or performance pay. Workers would also be banned from striking.

Kasich has said his $55.5 billion, two-year state budget counts on unspecified savings from lifting union protections to fill an $8 billion hole. The first-term governor and his GOP colleagues argue the bill would help city officials and superintendents better control their costs at a time when they, too, are feeling budget woes.

Most Republican lawmakers promoted the bill as necessary to aid the state's ailing economy through cost savings and government flexibility in negotiations.

"This state cannot pay what we've been paying in the past," said House Speaker Bill Batchelder. "Local governments and taxpayers need control over their budgets. This bill, as amended and changed, is a bill that will give control back to the people who pay the bills."

Democratic state Sen. Charleta Tavares, a recent Columbus city councilwoman, called the bill "paternalistic, patronizing, disrespectful and condescending" to city leaders who balance their budgets annually, not every two years as Ohio does.

Two vocal Republicans who again voted against the bill – Sens. Tim Grendell and Bill Seitz – delivered lengthy speeches on the continuing legal flaws in the bill.

Grendell said House changes set up a system for judging performance in teachers that will harm education in the state.

"They'll be teaching to the tests on steroids now, because 50 percent of their evaluation – whether to keep their job, get a pay raise, I don't know what else – is depending on that test," he said.

Pickerington teacher Patricia Kuhn-Morgan said she was confused by connections being drawn between the bill and job creation.

"As teachers, the best way we can have to job creation is to educate the public," she said.

She said she believes Wednesday's vote will hurt the GOP with voters.

"I've spoken to a lot of educators who are typically straight-ticket Republicans that have said to me that they won't ever vote for another Republican because of how this bill's been pushed through and the democratic process has been abused," she said as she awaited the Senate's vote.

State Rep. Robert Hagan, a Democrat from Youngstown, took issue with the notion that the bill was aimed at saving money.

"Don't ever lie to us and don't be hypocritical and don't dance around it as if it's finances, because you know what it is: It's to bust the union," Hagan told his fellow lawmakers.

Contentious debates over restricting collective bargaining have popped up in statehouses across the country, most notably in Wisconsin, where the governor signed into law this month a bill eliminating most of state workers' collective bargaining rights. The Ohio bill has drawn thousands of demonstrators, prompted a visit from the Rev. Jesse Jackson and packed hearing rooms in recent weeks.

Democrats offered no amendments to the bill in either chamber, saying it was too bad to fix. In the House, they delivered boxes containing more than 65,000 opponent signatures to the House labor committee's chairman.

Kasich has said he won't make a spectacle of the moment he signs the bill because he knows its passage is difficult for union supporters.

"We think we have a program here that's going to allow local governments to deal with fewer dollars, it still protects the right of collective bargaining on things that we think are legitimate and will help people be able to cope in a period of time when we do have fewer resources," Kasich told reporters Wednesday at a separate bill signing.

Batchelder said House Republicans were launching a website,, to correct what they see as falsehoods about the measure.

Huffington Post
Associated Press writer Julie Carr Smyth contributed to this report.

Jay Z Subject Of NBA Investigation (BLOG)

On Sunday March 27th the Kentucky Wildcats defeated the North Carolina Tar Heels in an Elite Eight match up between two legendary programs. Following the win at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, Jay-Z visited the locker room to congratulate the winning team.

There wasn't a problem with Jay-Z the rapper being in the locker room, but it is against NBA policy for Nets minority owner Shawn Carter to be there. NBA personnel are prohibited from being in contact with amateur players until they have declared for the draft. The high-powered Wildcats have a likely pair of lottery picks on their roster as well.

It is believed that it is Jay's relationship with basketball rainmaker William Wesley that led to him being in the room. Wesley, also known as Worldwide Wes, also has a relationship with Kentucky coach and former Nets coach John Calipari. Based on past infractions around the league, Jay-Z will likely face a small fine.


Interesting: Fat Stigma Spreads Around the Globe (BLOG)

In Mexico, the latest anti-obesity public health campaign shows people with bulging stomachs eating greasy food.

“I have always thought that it’s your own fault,” said Sergio Miranda, 35, who has a shoeshine stand in Mexico City. “People eat just things that make them fat, like bread and pizza.”

Mr. Miranda said he did not really notice whether his clients were fat or not. But he does when he is wedged in a crowded city bus.

“The fatties take up a lot of space,” he said. “People are annoyed. It’s uncomfortable.”

At a time when global health officials are stepping up efforts to treat obesity as a worrisome public health threat, some researchers are warning of a troubling side effect: growing stigma against fat people.

“Of all the things we could be exporting to help people around the world, really negative body image and low self-esteem are not what we hope is going out with public health messaging,” said Alexandra Brewis, executive director of the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.
Dr. Brewis and her colleagues recently completed a multicountry study intended to give a snapshot of the international zeitgeist about weight and body image. The findings were troubling, suggesting that negative perceptions about people who are overweight may soon become the cultural norm in some countries, including places where plumper, larger bodies traditionally have been viewed as attractive, according to a new report in the journal Current Anthropology.

The researchers elicited answers of true or false to statements with varying degrees of fat stigmatization. The fat-stigma test included statements like, “People are overweight because they are lazy” and “Some people are fated to be obese.”

Using mostly in-person interviews, supplemented with questions posed over the Internet, they tested attitudes among 700 people in 10 countries, territories and cities, including American Samoa, Tanzania, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Argentina, New Zealand, Iceland, two sites in Arizona and London.

Dr. Brewis said she fully expected high levels of fat stigma to show up in the “Anglosphere” countries, including the United States, England and New Zealand, as well as in body-conscious Argentina. But what she did not expect was how strongly people in the rest of the testing sites expressed negative attitudes about weight. The results, Dr. Brewis said, suggest a surprisingly rapid “globalization of fat stigma.”

“The change has come very, very fast in all these places,” she said.

To be sure, jokes and negative perceptions about weight have been around for ages. In Mexico, for instance, a nickname like “gordo” which translates as “fatty,” raises no eyebrows.

But what appears to have changed is the level of criticism and blame leveled at people who are overweight. One reason may be that public health campaigns branding obesity as a disease are sometimes perceived as being critical of individuals rather than the environmental and social factors that lead to weight gain.

“A lot of the negative health messages have a lot of negative moral messages that go with them,” Dr. Brewis said.

Surprisingly, stigma scores were high in places that have historically held more positive views of larger bodies, including Puerto Rico and American Samoa.

Stephen McGarvey, a professor of community health at Brown Universitywho studies Samoan health issues, noted that 25 years ago, Samoan study subjects living in Samoa and New Zealand who viewed thin and large body silhouettes mostly had positive feelings about bigger bodies. (The exception was young, educated women, who showed a preference for slimmer silhouettes.)

Dr. McGarvey said that more extensive study was needed to determine just how much that had changed, and that it was important that public health campaigns intended to curb diabetes and high blood pressure did not end up creating negative images of overweight individuals.

“A public health focus on ‘You can change,’ or ‘This is your fault,’ can be very counterproductive,” he said. “Stigma is serious.”

What is not clear from the new research is how pervasive fat stigma has become. With only 700 people included, the study is not a representative sample of each country and reflects only a snapshot of cultural attitudes in the area studied. In addition, the research looked only at selected locales and did not include any Asian or Arab countries.

In India, for instance, being overweight or obese is associated with being middle class or wealthy, said Scott Lear, associate professor for health sciences at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Even so, Dr. Lear, who is studying rising childhood obesity in that country and in Canada, agrees the potential for stigmatization exists. “We know in developed countries that obese people are less successful, less likely to get married, less likely to get promoted,” he said.

Nisha Somaia, 38, who lives in New Delhi and pioneered the first plus-size women’s clothing stores in India, said criticism against people who are large was often direct and overt. In India, she said: “Fat equals lazy. Fat equals comedy relief.”

The fashion industry, Ms. Somaia said, seems to promote the ideal of beauty as having a body “like an adolescent boy.”

“I think all around the ideal of beauty is skinny thin,” she said. “I had a highly educated friend confess that she would prefer for her children to be anorexic rather than overweight.”

Marianne Kirby of Orlando, Fla., who writes the fat-acceptance, said the apparent spread of fat stigma was not surprising, given the global push to brand obesity as a major health threat.

“The fundamental message we’re putting into the world is that fat people deserve shame for their own health,” said Ms. Kirby, co-author of the book “Lessons From the Fat-o-Sphere.” “We’ve been pushing this message for a long time. I don’t think anyone is immune to it.”

Dr. Brewis notes that far more study is needed to determine the extent of fat stigma and how it is affecting the lives of individuals. She noted that her study was designed only to detect cultural views of obesity and did not show whether people were experiencing more social or workplace discrimination as a result of the growing fat stigma.

“I think the next big question is whether it’s going to create a lot of new suffering where suffering didn’t exist before,” Dr. Brewis said. “I think it’s important that we think about designing health messages around obesity that don’t exacerbate the problem.”

Nytimes Health Blog

Best MLB Apps For Phones, Tablets, and Devices (BLOG)

Before "The Star-Spangled Banner" is sung, Navy jets go ceremonially zooming overhead, and the first cracked peanut shell hits the ground today, let's talk about the important stuff when it comes to the inaugural game of the 2011 Major League Baseball season: Baseball apps for your smartphone or tablet.

While baseball is surely the most romanticized of American professional sports, it's also by far the geekiest. After all, it was a certain set of baseball fans' and executives' reliance on and obsession with player performance numbers that gave birth to the curious science behind baseball statistics nicknamed "sabermetrics."

In some sports you can't look away or you'll miss a key play. Baseball moves at a bit more easygoing pace. "People say it's slow, but it's a thinking game," is how basketball coaching legend John Wooden once defended the sport.

With all that time between plays, and of course with OPS and VORP--that's "on-base percentage plus slugging" and "value over replacement player" to the uninitiated--to calculate (and pick the perfect roster of players for your fantasy team, obviously), it makes sense that the geekiest sport of them all offers so many ways to use technology to watch it.

Here are some of the best ways to watch, follow, or fantasize about America's pastime, and of course, keep score of games.

MLB At Bat '11
It's the official--and officially the best--way to watch baseball via a portable device. It's certainly not cheap, but most devout baseball fans consider it essential. At Bat '11 for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad costs $14.99, but the coolest features, like watching live games (out of market only), require a subscription to MLB.TV that starts at $99 for the season.

There's a lot that's new this year for the iOS version of At Bat, but the cost-conscious will be most excited to read this: Volvo is sponsoring a free trial for MLB.TV for the entire month of April--on iOS only. That means once you buy the At Bat app, you can watch any game live (again, out of your home market) without being an MLB.TV subscriber for that month.

Geek out on pitching data with MLB At Bat '11 for iPad. (Click to enlarge)(Credit: MLB Advanced Media)

Also new this year: at least three times during a game you're watching, an orange "Live Look In" button will appear on the screen giving you the option to jump into another game for a period of time. MLB will use the feature to let viewers see pivotal game moments, like a bases-loaded bottom of the 9th situation. And it won't matter where you're watching from--the feature will be blessedly free of black-out restrictions.

Specific to the iPad version of At Bat is an improvement to the GameDay feature, which simulates games in progress with pitch trajectory visualizations and streaming play-by-play information. If it looks more to you like a really well-done video game this year, that's because MLB got Sony to lend it the images from its MLB 11: The Show game. This year the ballpark backdrops and players (who change home and away uniforms) look more realistic than ever.

The iPhone and iPod Touch versions of the At Bat app have been updated with the latest mobile obsession: check-ins. This year if you "check in" to a ballpark on the app, you'll unlock some hidden features. Those include interactive maps of the stadium to find restrooms; ATMs; and exactly which concession stand serves your favorite beer, thanks to the included menus. Plus, the home team will offer special deals for fans that check in, which could include seat upgrades, coupons for gear, food discounts, and more.

The app will also keep track of stats from the games you've been to. That way, by midseason you can track how well (or poorly) your team did, including players' batting averages or pitching performances, during the games you saw in person.

But MLB At Bat isn't actually the only game in town when it comes to iOS baseball apps. A few more suggestions:

ESPN iScore, available on iOS and Android, lets you keep score of baseball games via your smartphone or tablet.(Credit: ESPN iScore)

*If you're old-school or just a baseball geek, the very high-rated ESPN iScore ($9.99) will let you score the game yourself, whether it's little league, high-school baseball, or the pros.

*Need to understand the current baseball season in all its crazy-specific minutia? Then download the appified version of The Baseball Prospectus (divided into American League and National League, each $9.99). It comes with essays about players, previews of teams, and sortable stats. Or there's the 2011 Baseball Encyclopedia, which at $1.99 is a bit cheaper and promises to generate any kind of stats leaderboard you can conceive of.

*For fantasy baseball aficionados, Draft Kit '11: Front Office ($4.99) syncs automatically with CBS, ESPN, and Yahoo fantasy leagues, and uses a Bloomberg-derived algorithm to rank and predict player performance. It will also help you manage your teams and pick players.

*And if you just can't get enough of MLB-related gossip, there's an entire app devoted to potential player swaps. You can buy MLB Trade Rumors for iPhone and iPod Touch only for $2.99.

After conducting a trial during the postseason last year, MLB At Bat for Android now officially allows live-game watching via an MLB.TV subscription like its iOS counterparts. (Note: there is no free April trial offer available for this platform.) But if you don't have an MLB.TV subscription, you can watch one free out-of-market game per week.

Fantasy sports news for free on your Android phone, courtesy of RotoWire Fantasy news.(Credit: RotoWire Fantasy News)

The Android version also has the Live Look In and ballpark check-in features. Unique to the platform is the ability to set up a widget on an Android home screen to jump right to your favorite team's page. MLB says its app will run on Android 2.2 phones, which it says is about "10 or 12 devices."

*ESPN iScore, the score-keeping app, is also available on Android for $9.99.

*For up-to-the-minute and free fantasy league info, RotoWire Fantasy News. Bonus: it covers all four major sports leagues in the U.S., not just baseball.

Research In Motion's platform is woefully devoid of cool baseball apps. But there are some ways to keep up with the sport via your smartphone.

MLB At Bat for BlackBerry ($14.99) doesn't support live game video, but you can access live home and away audio to hear the game, and keep up via the GameDay simulation feature.

Baseball Scorecard costs just 99 cents and is a basic scorekeeping app for any game, be it major league or little league.

If free is your ideal price, CBS Sports (owned by CBS, publisher of CNET), ScoreMobile, and individual MLB teams offer free game-tracking and game updates apps.

Read more:

Google Challenging Facebook's Like Button with +1 Button (BLOG)

Google is taking on Facebook's Like Button with a button of its own, the +1 Button.
"Our goal at Google is to get you the most relevant results as quickly as possible," Rob Spiro, a Google product manager, wrote in a blog post Wednesday. "But relevance is about relationships as well as words on webpages. That's why we recently started to include more information from people you know -- stuff they've shared on Twitter, Flickr and other sites -- in Google search results.
"Today we're taking that a step further, enabling you to share recommendations with the world right in Google's search results."
Plusone1And it will be the +1 Button that Google is hoping users will use to give their seal of approval across the Web.
When a user looks at search results (and is signed into his Google Account), a +1 Button will show up right next to a link, beside the current magnifying glass icon used for Google's Instant Previews feature.
If a user likes the website they've visited, they can click the +1 Button to publicly share that with those Google has identified as friends or contacts. Below links on's search results, a list of any friends who have clicked the +1 Button for that link will show up too.
Google +1 ButtonGoogle is currently rolling the +1 Button out to a small number of "select" users, but soon users will be able to opt in, through Google's experimental search site. Google also said adding the button to websites will be easy, giving Google fans the option of giving a +1 to participating pages outside of as well.
The whole system is similar to that of Facebook's Like Button, which has quickly spread to many popular websites across the internet -- including news agencies looking to increase online readership.
And like Facebook, the idea revolves around using a digital button to share a user's action, sending that information back to the main site -- either or
"It's called +1 -- the digital shorthand for 'this is pretty cool,' " Spiro said. "The beauty of +1's is their relevance -- you get the right recommendations (because they come from people who matter to you), at the right time (when you are actually looking for information about that topic) and in the right format (your search results)."


Everything you need to know about +1 

(Mashable) -- Google's announcement that it's adding a "+1" button to incorporate sentiment into its search results raised a lot of questions not addressed in the company's official announcement.

We spoke with Google rep Jim Prosser about +1. Here are some of our questions answered. What other questions do you have about the new product?

Why is Google doing this?

Aside from the fact that it represents another way to compete with Facebook, Google's official line is that it will make search results more germane. Says Prosser: "People consult their friends and other contacts on decisions. It's very easy and lightweight way to make search results more relevant."

Will the number of +1s affect search rankings?

Prosser says no, but adds that it's something Google is "very interested" in incorporating in some form at some point.

Who are these contacts we're seeing next to the +1s?

They are from Google Contacts, which come from various Google products, most notably Gmail, Buzz and Reader.

Will we see Facebook friends giving +1s at some point?

Not likely. Prosser draws a distinction between the "open web" and Facebook's closed system. Google is up for incorporating open social media apps, but not Facebook. And Facebook isn't likely to be interested in bolstering +1, a competitor to its "Like" button.

What about Twitter?

That's a different story. Google already incorporates Twitter data into its searches, though Prosser says there are no immediate plans for integrating Twitter results with +1.

What about using data from other social networks?

Prosser says Google is interested in using more data from Flickr and Quora, which Google considers "open web" apps. Initially, though, you won't see your Flickr or Quora friends' +1 recommendations.

When will we start seeing the +1s?

Not for a few months, at least not en masse. Those who are interested in experimenting with +1 right away can go Otherwise, Prosser says only a "very small percentage" of searches and sites will have the +1 button within the next few weeks.

Will +1 be incorporated into banner ads?

Not right away, though Google is interested in that possibility.

Can marketers game the system by running "check +1 to enter" promotions?

It seems that Google frowns on this sort of thing, but it's unclear whether the company expressly forbids it. Meanwhile, to maintain the integrity of the results, Prosser recommends that marketers don't tweak their copy to ensure more +1s.

15 Cities Where The Economy is Getting Worse (BLOG)

Sunny California has been taking a beating lately on our 2011 Forbes cities lists. Stockton took first place as the Most Miserable City for the second time in three years, and four Golden State metros ranked high on our Most Toxic Cities list.

Alas, California also claims the top spots on our newest list: Cities Where The Economy May Get Worse. Riverside ranked No. 1 thanks to a high unemployment rate (13.9%) coupled with weak job growth, a hefty number of mortgage loans 90 days or more delinquent (8.21% of all loans) and a projected migration pattern that finds 4,000 residents expected to leave the area this year.

Other Golden State metros on the list: Stockton at No. 2, Los Angeles at No. 4, Bakersfield at No. 5, San Francisco at No. 6 and Sacramento at No. 7. All of these cities have double-digit unemployment rates and paltry job growth projections. All except LA have housing markets in which prices continue to decline or remain stagnant.

In Pictures: Cities Where Economies Are Getting Worse

“Struggling housing markets, state government cutbacks, combined with economies that lack industrial diversity and are heavily dependent on low-wage industries, such as agriculture, will hold back job growth.” So says Celia Chen, a senior director at Moody's, about many smaller California metros.

Behind The Numbers
We started with the 85 largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) as defined by the U.S. government’s Office of Management and Budget. These areas include both the cities they are named for and the geographic areas surrounding them, with populations of 500,000 or more. For this list we held up the MSAs to five evenly weighted economic measures.

First we asked Moody’s to provide 2011 projections for job growth, as well as net in-migration, or the estimated number of people moving into (or out of) each city. Moody’s uses a combination of data from Moody’s Analytics, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau to come up with projections. Of the 15 cities where economies may get worse, only three (Bakersfield, No. 5; Sacramento, No. 7; and Jacksonville, No. 8) are projected to welcome new residents in 2011; the others will lose residents to other metros.

Job growth too was minimal in the cities that made our list, with projections of less than 1% in all but one city. That less-than-1% statistic is relative to the local unemployment rate, which we also factored into our methodology, using the most current unemployment rate available for each MSA, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In a city like Stockton, Calif., where unemployment is about 18%, a job growth outlook of 0.54% promises a somewhat dismal future for job opportunities. On the other hand, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (which ranked No. 15), boasts a 7.6% unemployment rate (well below the 9% national average) and a 0.43% job growth outlook. Employment offers a bit of good news for Poughkeepsie, but the Hudson River hub made our list for other reasons: a substantial population exodus compared with city size, a housing market that has yet to hit bottom and a significant number of mortgage loans delinquent by 90 days or more.

Lastly we used two housing-centric data points in our methodology. Local Market Monitor, a Cary, N.C.-based real estate research firm, provided us with their 12-month home price outlooks for these metros. LPS Applied Analytics, a Jacksonville, Fla.-based mortgage research company that releases a monthly foreclosure report, supplied the percentage of mortgage loans currently delinquent by 90 days or more. Some of these delinquent loans will be modified or settled in short-sales, but many others will roll over into foreclosures and ultimately become bank-owned properties. It’s a process that wrecks homeowners’ credit and pushes the prices of local real estate down further. All of the cities on our list claim housing markets with a larger than average number of delinquent home loans on the books. Riverside and Stockton demonstrated some of the highest delinquency rates among the 85 MSAs we assessed.

The good news, at least housing-wise, is that most of the country appears to have hit market bottom, or come close to it. The double-digit plunging home prices and staggering foreclosure rates of the past several years seem to be subsiding--in the case of these cities, at least slowing. Riverside, for example, will see minimal gains in its home prices this year, after a 45% price drop over the past few years from its 2006 peak, according to Local Market Monitor. Even cities like Jacksonville, which ranked high on our list in terms of projected home price declines, will only see a 4% drop over the next 12 months.

It’s also worth noting that several of the big foreclosure cities remain absent from this list: namely Phoenix, Las Vegas and all of the Florida metros except Jacksonville, which ranked eighth on our list. Here’s why: While Florida home prices continue to decline in most metros, and foreclosure and delinquency rates remain high, job growth shows signs of improving, and people are beginning to move back to the Sunshine State, especially to Miami and Orlando. Indeed Phoenix skirted our list thanks in part to a bullish migration projection as well, with 19,000 additional people expected to call the Southwest metropolis home this year.

“Net migration patterns will improve this year in Phoenix, Orlando, Miami and Las Vegas due to the low cost of housing and slight gains in job growth,” explains Chen. “Job growth is expected to turn positive this year in all of these areas, for the first time since 2007.”

Las Vegas remains the top city for delinquent loans (and Nevada the top state for foreclosures) but it skirted a spot on this list, thanks to a strong migration projection as well (13,000 people are expected to move to Sin City this year). That said, Local Market Monitor expects home prices to drop another 4% over the next 12 months, and unemployment vs. job growth leaves much to be desired. Although it didn’t make our list, Vegas merits watching as a city where the economy could get worse.

1. Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif.

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Calif.
Unemployment rate: 13.9%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 8.21% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 1% increase
2011 net migration projection: 4,110 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.69% increase

2. Stockton, Calif.

MSA: Stockton, Calif.
Unemployment rate: 18%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 7.78% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 1% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 620 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.54% increase

3. Detroit, Mich.

MSA: Detroit-Warren-Livonia, Mich.
Unemployment rate: 13.3%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 5.42% of loans
12 month home price forecast: 2% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 1,340 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.53% increase

4. Los Angeles, Calif.

MSA: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, Calif.
Unemployment rate: 11.7%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 5.53% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 1% increase
2011 net migration projection: 7,880 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.88% increase

5. Bakersfield, Calif.

MSA: Bakersfield-Delano, Calif.
Unemployment rate: 16.2%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 6.85% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 3% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 311 residents incoming
2011 Job growth projection: 0.21% increase

6. San Francisco, Calif.

MSA: San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, Calif.
Unemployment rate: 10.1%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 4.17% of loans
12-month home price forecast: no change
2011 net migration projection: 3,030 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.34% increase

7. Sacramento, Calif.

MSA: Sacramento-Arden-Arcade-Roseville, Calif.
Unemployment rate: 12.1%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 5.83% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 2% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 1,270 residents incoming
2011 Job growth projection: 0.55% decrease

8. Jacksonville, Fla.

MSA: Jacksonville, Fla.
Unemployment rate: 10.9%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 5.08% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 4% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 370 residents incoming
2011 Job growth projection: 1.39% decrease

9. Springfield, Mass.

MSA: Springfield, Mass.
Unemployment rate: 9.3%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 5.09% of loans
12-month home price forecast: no change
2011 net migration projection: 610 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.32% increase

10. Memphis, Tenn.

MSA: Memphis, Tenn./Miss./Ark.
Unemployment rate: 9.5%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 7.68% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 2% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 820 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.88% increase

11. Cleveland, Ohio

MSA: Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor, Ohio
Unemployment rate: 8.6%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 4.82% of loans
12-month home price forecast: no change
2011 net migration projection: 2,250 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.41% increase

12. Chicago, Ill.

MSA: Chicago-Joliet-Naperville, Ill./Ind./Wisc.
Unemployment rate: 9%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 4.12% of loans
12 month home price forecast: 1% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 11,710 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.63% increase

13. Dayton, Ohio

MSA: Dayton, Ohio
Unemployment rate: 9.9%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 4.14% of loans
12-month home price forecast: 1% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 140 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.06% increase

14. New Haven, Conn.

MSA: New Haven-Milford, Conn.
Unemployment rate: 9%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 4.30% of loans
12 month home price forecast: no change
2011 net migration projection: 460 residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.06% increase

15. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

MSA: Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, N.Y.
Unemployment rate: 7.6%
Mortgages 90-plus days delinquent: 5.25% of loans
12 month home price forecast: 1% decrease
2011 net migration projection: 1,590-plus residents leaving
2011 Job growth projection: 0.43% increase

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Shyne's Interview With Superstar Radio


I was up on my Early Morning Work Grind listening to the Star and Bucwild Show. I heard him speak on Shyne saying that Shyne said "Lil Wayne was false Flaggin" as a listener to music, and different things I wanted to hear the Interview for myself. So I found the Interview online. Check it out....make your own conclusions.

Wiz Khalifa Speaks on Amber Rose Relationship

Wiz Khalifa's relationship with Kanye West's ex-flame, Amber Rose, isn't a secret, but the couple have yet to really divulge how serious things have gotten over the past several months.

The Pittsburgh rapper, however, is in love and isn't afraid to tell anybody about it.

In a recent interview with Angie Martinez, on her Hot 97 radio show, Wiz opened up about the relationship ... and just how much he's really into Amber.

Angie went right in, immediately, asking the rapper directly, "Are you like boo'd up, officially now?"

"Yea, I am, I am," Wiz admitted.

"It's pretty serious. I really, really dig her," he continued. "People think it's like an image thing and that we're just doing it to be crazy, but like, for real, for real, at the end of the day, it's just two great people meeting at a good time."

While the couple may seem odd to some, Wiz says they are a lot alike and share a laid back attitude.

"We just like to crack jokes and stuff like that. She's very down to earth, she's very realistic, and that's the way that I am. Just seeing stuff for what it is and not being blinded by the lights," the rapper explained.

As mentioned, Rose -- who is known for her trademark blonde buzz cut -- used to be in a highly publicized relationship with Kanye West. When asked if he felt weird about being with Rose after Kanye, Wiz said it doesn't bother him whatsoever.

"That's just life. Individuals grow apart from each other and then they grow with other people, and there's no tension or anything that's gonna happen," said Wiz. "That doesn't involved me I would never ever, ever be involved in that situation because that has nothing to do with me. I wasn't there."

As the interview contined, and Angie continued to grill him about the relationship, the rapper stressed that the couple's love is real.

"I'ma be with her," Wiz exclaimed. "That's why we wanted to give it to the world, but it's realistic. It's nothing that we're just beefing up or just doing for anybody's eyes. It's real. She's a great girl. I really, really am into her."

Lil Jon Gives Prize Money To Foster Home

After a Celebrity Apprentice team win landed producer Lil Jon $40,000, the King of Krunk has donated his entire winnings to a children's home in Decatur, Georgia.

Jon gave his share of the purse to United Methodist Children's Home.

The children's home located on Atlanta's east side holds a special spot in the hitmaker's heart.
His mother adopted two of his siblings from there.

"I have a sister and a brother who were foster kids," reveals Lil Jon. "My mother ended up adopting them. I feel children shouldn't have to suffer for faults of adults."

Lil Jon's team of actor Gary Busey, former MLB star Jose Canseco, and reality star Richard Hatch won the prize on team challenge where they had to produce a 30-second long commercial for the new ACN video phone.

Rebecca Black –INTERNET has made her famous

Rebecca’s YouTube video for her song “Friday” went viral. Rebecca Black is considered an internet meme, she has had 18 million views on Youtube in few days. Yes folks, over 18 million people have seen this video. 

Even Rebecca was surprised by the instantaneous repercussion. She said:  “After seeing it go from 4,000 views to 70,000 views in one night and then waking up to see it was at 200,000 views, that’s when I knew it was going to be big.” … “I have been so mind-blown with the whole thing,” she says. “I didn’t really expect much to come out of it. Just maybe some friends and some family would see it.”
Even Wikipedia has a topic about her!
That shows the power of social midia – specifically Twitter and Facebook in the ability to create "overnight sensations”.
Although most people on the internet has voted her to be the worst song, she does have a few people, who like her song.

See what people have been saying about her song:
Story photo: 18,000-Plus Hopefuls Flood X Factor Auditions in L.A.
“Love it! I’ve never seen anything cause so much controversy. I think it’s genius. the fact that everyone’s getting upset about it is hysterical. any song to do with the weekend annoys you. It reminds me of ‘Saturday Night;’ do you remember that [1994] song by Whigfield? It’s what we call a ‘hair-dryer song,’ a song girls sing into their hair dryers as they’re getting ready to go out. But the fact that it’s making people so angry is brilliant.”
Story photo: 18,000-Plus Hopefuls Flood X Factor Auditions in L.A.
“Why are people so cruel, can’t a girl make a song about a day and call out other days and have a creepy black guy in the video chasing school buses?  This is how the internet works.  They take the dumbest thing alive and make it popular… they helped her career criticizing her they made her more marketable.”

“ The poor girl is only 13 – of course she’s going to sing about boys and fun. That’s all she knows.”

“ok...... really people ... i mean i love to sing ... but she ruined it for me .. just shut up really take singing lessons it has been stuck in my head for 1 million freaking years!!! and the lyrics is like someone is talking... i mean who writes " yesterday was thursday , now today is Friday!"

"Why is a 13-year-old driving that car? Why aren't they wearing seatbelts? And why is an adult rapper following them? "

 "I hope you cut yourself and I hope you get an eating disorder so you'll look pretty. I hope you cut and die."

Charlie Sheen said on his twitter: “Rebecca Black, we don't hate you because you're famous. You're famous because we hate you”.

Rebecca explained why she recorded the song Firday: She said the producers offered her two songs, and she chose "Friday" because, as she said: "The other song was about adult love -- I haven't experienced that yet. 'Friday' is about hanging out with friends, having fun. I felt like it was my personality in that song."

Rebecca said:"Those hurtful comments really shocked me. At times, it feels like I'm being cyberbullied."


VIRAL (adj) very popular and spreading very quickly, especially on the Internet, e.g.:
Within weeks, her blog went viral.

INTERNET MEME: The term Internet meme  (pronounced /ˈmiːm/, rhyming with "cream") is used to describe a concept that spreads via the Internet.

CYBERBULLYING: Cyberbullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone.

Please take some  time to comment this topic, it's a nice opportunity to practice your English!

Do you like Rebecca Black's song  ”Friday”?

Do you think some people's comments above are a kind of cyberbullying?
What do you think of the internet power?

by Vivian Barone