Intercessory Prayer

I was up late last night. Thus, I found myself waking up later than usual this morning. The main reason for this is because I awoke at 4:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. with the time change! Yikes!) the morning before.

Last evening, once I laid down on the couch with our puggle to watch T.V., it wasn't long before I had fallen asleep. It was only 7:00 p.m.! Ha!

My son came home from work at 8:00 p.m. and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He probably wondered how I could have fallen asleep so early in the evening. After he enjoyed the dinner I had previously prepared, he came in to play with the dog. He was exhausted. That young man works hard at his job. Long hours some days.

I fell asleep again. Found myself waking at midnight. Decided to go on the computer for an hour. I read some email, and transferred some of my blogposts over to my discussion forum. This way, I have a record of all the posts in case Blogger ever boots me off the site.

This morning, my husband and I awoke at different times. He was up by 6, and I awoke at 7:30. He was marking his ballot booklet and planned on heading to the polls before work.

We live in a rural area, so the polls are set up in a neighbor's garage. We are quite fortunate. I can't remember ever having to wait in line to vote. I have heard about the long hours of waiting to vote in the urban and city areas. I give them a lot of credit for standing in line all those hours to do their civic duty.

It is raining outside. It is the first rain in our area in months. When it rains here, I see it as a kind of gentle cleansing of our area. However, since people in CA do not regularly do not drive in the rain, many fender benders are quite likely to occur.

It's probably not biblical, but I sometimes imagine that when rain occurs on special or significant days - it contains a lot of symbolism. It can be one of joy, blessings, and longevity (as has been the case for our marriage - it rained on our wedding day and we recently celebrated our 25th anniversary!) or, it can be a symbol of mourning. According to the way this election goes, one side or the other will most likely mourn that their candidate has lost the election.

I searched for an umbrella for my husband to use as he left the house. Next, I made coffee. I was wondering what to write about today. First, I decided to mark my ballot booklet so that I will be fully prepared when I go out to vote.

I didn't turn the T.V. on, like I usually do. Instead, I turned on my computer and read some email. I was drawn to two articles and thought maybe I'd write about them. Instead, I will just link them (below).

After reading one of the links, I found an additional link to a website that contains an intercessory prayer. I thought THAT is what I want to emphasize today!

Some may think it a coincidence, but I do believe that the Lord guides me towards what He wants me to post here at TalkWisdom. This election has taken me away from my usual objectives here. However, with one more day to go I feel that now I can get back on track.

I am looking forward to sharing many new posts from several of the books that I have been reading!

So, dear readers, PRAY and then go out and do your civic duty and VOTE!

In Christ,


The following post is from:


Do you hear the alarm sounding? It's time for God's people to pray.

Our nation faces a serious crossroads. It is our most crucial hour. Please join us as we join forces with Christians throughout the world to ask for divine intervention.

The Intercessory Prayer Initiative was born out of a desire to recruit an army of prayer warriors who are willing to go to the front lines of today's spiritual battle. Christians from various streams and denominational backgrounds are putting aside their differences to unite around the agenda of Jesus Christ.

We are asking the Lord to bring His kingdom on earth, establish His government, empower His church, mobilize His people and scatter His enemies.

Will you join us in the battle?


Intercessory Prayer Initiative

PRAYER ALERT – 10/30/2008

Dear Prayer Warriors:

We feel that the most crucial area needing prayer right now is our nation and the upcoming elections. In the final days of this election season, we must pray that the American people will have God's wisdom as they cast votes.

Prayer Points

Pray that the enemy's deceptive powers over the American people will be broken.
Pray for the exposure and reporting of fraud and evil agendas prior to the election.
Pray, "Lord, cause Your wisdom to infect American voters."
As Dutch Sheets shared in a recent letter, "The vote we cast on November 4th will do more to shape the culture we give our children and grandchildren than any other vote in our lifetime!" This is because the next president will be able to appoint at least 2, maybe 3 Supreme Court Justices. This can shape the court for 30-40 years or the next generation.

Prayer Points

Pray for God's will to be done in this election.
Pray that God will give you His prayer strategy.
Pray that the Court will shift to righteousness.
We have heard prophetically that October 31, 2008 is a pivotal day for our nation. The Lord spoke to Cindy Jacobs from Generals of Intercession concerning the need to pray in New York City for the nation and the economy. She and a group of intercessors have been praying since October 29th and are calling for serious prayer through November 2. Many are joining them in fasting and praying, especially on October 31. Traditionally, this day known as Halloween is a time of heightened demonic activity as evil is celebrated in many circles. The Church must take its authority and stand to break demonic strongholds and decree what God says.

Prayer Points

Pray that the Church will stand in Apostolic authority as Paul did in Acts 12, and decree a that God will bring a shift to righteousness in the nation.
Pray that the demonic influences trying to silence the Church would be silenced as Herod was in Acts 12, and that God's purposes would be fulfilled.
Pray without ceasing to see the glory of God suddenly revealed in these days.
Years ago a prophetic word was given saying that the spirit of socialism and the spirit of Islam would attempt to get a stronghold in America in the future. The prophet this came through called this week and the Holy Spirit impressed him that they are knocking at the door of our nation right now. The future is here. Powers of darkness have been unleashed as never before in an effort to subdue America in this season, but if the Church fasts and prays God has promised to intervene. 2 Chron. 2:14

Prayer Points

Pray that a spirit of repentance would come upon the Church and the nation.
Pray that God would uncover and bring judgment to the spirit of socialism and the spirit of Islam that are trying to take over the nation.
Pray that God would release warring angels in answer to the cries of His people and cause a shift back to righteousness in the nation


Links to the articles I read this morning:

Obama Insider Spills the Beans

Investigating Obama