The Morning After

Conservatives are mourning the presidential election results. How can anyone blame us? Obama stands for everything that we are against.

In the back of my mind, I thought that perhaps not enough of the public (or, even biblical Christians for that matter!) knew about the details surrounding Obama's past and "grooming" in radicalism.

When a Christian in a bookstore this weekend told me that he thought that Obama was "pro-life," I knew that there are probably thousands, if not millions of people who were not aware of Obama's far-left liberalism on that issue as well as other issues.

The Media of Mass Deception did a great job of keeping the lid on these controversial issues. I was hoping that the conservative Internet blogs, Talk Radio, Fox News, WorldNetDaily, and other conservative outlets would infiltrate the pro-Obama hype and cause people to realize what the Obamamedia was not telling them.

Several people who visit and comment here were cheering for an Obama victory. They got what they wanted. In fact, within the "Intercessory Prayer" blog post comments, GMPilot wrote this:

GMpilot said...
How'd that work out, anyway?

November 4, 2008 11:30:00 PM PST

My response:

Christinewjc said...
GM -

You mean my intercessory prayer?

God has the whole of history before Him. I can only see "as through a glass darkly."

Even though I mourn for our nation because of the election results, the finality of Jesus Christ being in control and ultimately the Victor - for and with those who are called by his name - comforts me and gives me the true hope that is not of this world.

I am in agreement with what Jesus responded when he asked the Father to "take this cup from me."

Luk 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Nevertheless - not my will, but thine, be done.

November 5, 2008 9:19:00 AM PST

Even though the election did not go as I would have liked, there are decisions that were made that Christians across our nation can certainly celebrate!

I thank God for organizations like the Alliance Defense Fund.

Just received the following encouraging email from Alan Sears:

Dear Christine,

If you're looking for evidence that God in His mercy continues to bless, equip, and empower the Alliance Defense Fund to accomplish its mission amidst — or in spite of — the current legal and political climate... you need look no farther than last night's election results.

All three Marriage Amendment proposals on the ballot were passed — in Arizona, in Florida, and even in California, where the state Supreme Court had fabricated same-sex marriage and advocates of the homosexual legal agenda outspent our allies more than 2-1. Meanwhile, in Arkansas, voters passed a measure barring adoption for same-sex couples. Thanks be to God.

Clearly, the people have spoken. Last night's results bring to 30 the number of states nationwide that have affirmed marriage with a constitutional amendment — in fact, in every state where marriage has been put to a vote, the people have shown their resounding support for this fundamental institution.

In fact, in all three states last night, support for the marriage propositions outstripped support for the more conservative candidate for president — in California, by more than a million votes. ADF will continue to engage in the legal battle for the issues we've been called to defend and protect, regardless of who is in office.

That said, ADF, and indeed all those called to defend religious liberty, face an uphill road in the years ahead. Beginning in January, the Presidency and the Congress will be dominated by those who have openly campaigned on their intention, if elected, to "transform America" — in part by launching concentrated attacks on free speech, religious liberty, and the sanctity of life, family, and marriage.

But ADF is ready. We move into an uncertain future certain of our calling, of God's guidance and protection, and of our expanding capacity — thanks to you — to respond to every opportunity He gives us.

Look again at the final results on the presidential and congressional candidates. Then look at the polling numbers on the marriage propositions. And believe me when I tell you that — whatever the political and legal environment we're in — by God's grace ADF can and will win the battle to keep the legal door open for the spread of the Gospel.

And we'll continue to successfully defend your right — and the right of your children and grandchildren — to hear and speak the Truth.

Pray for our country. Pray for all of our newly-elected leaders, that they will seek out and submit themselves to God's wisdom and direction. And pray for the lawyers and staff of the Alliance Defense Fund, that we will be faithful to the good work our Lord has called us to do, remembering that apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5)...

...and with Him, all the things He calls us to do are possible (Matthew 19:26).

Yours for religious freedom,

Alan E. Sears
President, CEO, and General Counsel