Obama: Death, Deceit and Lies

Yesterday, before attending the 12:00 service, I visited the "Rockpile" bookstore at The Rock Church in San Diego. While browsing through some Bible prophecy books, a nice man named Joe started up a conversation with me. We ended up talking for over 20 minutes!

We began our conversation discussing Bible prophecy and which authors can be trusted through proper hermeneutics. Near the end of our conversation, we discussed The Great Commission and how important it is to follow Jesus' command to share the gospel. I asked Joe if he visits blogs on the Internet, and he said he does. I gave him my card that had the links to my Angels Helper website and TalkWisdom blog.

Just before we ended our conversation (the service was about to start and I needed to pay for my book and enter the sanctuary) he asked me what I blog about. Some of the issues were listed on the card. I then told him that I have been actively discussing the election and how important I believe it is that as a Christian, I need to be informed on the issues and to "vote God" and "vote the Bible" (just as Pastor Miles often states).

I told him that I research information about the two candidates. I post about their history, past associations, positions on issues, moral and ethical subjects and where they stand on them.

I also stated that the main purpose of my blog is to help lead born-again, biblically-based Christians towards the truth in order to avoid heresy. He agreed that within Christianity, there is a LOT of error, confusion, and heresy out there.

Trying to be magnanimous, I mentioned that I know some Christians will probably vote for Obama, but I cannot. He asked why. I told him that one issue would not allow me to. He asked what it was. I told him that my reason is because of Obama's position on the abortion issue. I went on to say that Barack's view is so radical towards the death of babies - even to the point where he would not support the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (when it came up for a vote in both in the Illinois Senate and then, subsequently, in the U.S. Senate) - that I could NEVER VOTE FOR SUCH A MAN.

Joe said to me, "I thought Obama was pro-life."

People!! I was ABSOLUTELY DUMBFOUNDED! I could not believe that ANYONE would believe that Obama was pro-life!! We didn't have any time left to discuss it further. I do hope that Joe visits this blog and comments.

Please don't take this as a judgment against Joe. That is not my purpose with this particular blog post. In fact, the Lord led me to another blog where I found out why Joe and other Christians MAY HAVE BEEN MISLED about Obama's position on this issue.

Over at Gateway Pundit there is a post that contains the following:

9.) Obama is losing the God vote.
Barack Obama tried to bamboozle religious voters this year with outrageous and dishonest mock "Pro-Life" websites paid for by George Soros:

Unfortunately for Barack Obama religious voters were not fooled. They understand that Barack Obama is the most radical pro-abortion and infanticide candidate in the last 35 years.

The following video shows - In Obama's own words - just how radical he is regarding being pro-death and pro-infanticide in his abortion views.

Go Here to view video: America's Choice Video


Gateway Pundit

Email from Susan Reinhardt who alerted me to Americas Choice Now