Correcting Revisions of America's Christian History

Because of all the craziness (i.e. the election and economic crisis bailout) going on in the news these days, I'm sure that many conservative Christians, like myself, may not have been aware of the deliberate effort to eliminate God (once again!) via revision of America's religious history.

In his article - God gets boot again in Washington D.C., Chuck Norris shares that Rep. Randy Forbes, R-VA. and the 108 congressional members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus would not allow such omissions to stand.

Norris writes:

That is why Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., and the 108 congressional members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus recently petitioned the Architect of the Capitol by letter, which details and documents the incomplete and inaccurate religious content in the Capitol Visitor Center – also found in Sen. Jim DeMint's, R-S.C., YouTube video "War on God":

1. No mention of our national motto, "In God We Trust";

2. In displaying images of the current speaker's rostrum in the House chamber, the phrase "In God We Trust" is omitted from its location engraved in marble above the speaker's head;

3. The opening words in Article 3 in the Northwest Ordinance (1787) are excluded from an exhibit. The actual article reads, "Art. 3. Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." The exhibit article reads: "Art. 3. … schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."

4. There are factual inaccuracies regarding church services held at the Capitol in early decades of our republic, saying they were held when Congress wasn't in session, when in fact they were held year around – and even the so-labeled strict-separatist Thomas Jefferson attended them throughout his eight years of presidency.

5. The exhibits include photos from Earth Day, an AIDS rally, various casino grounds and factories, but it does not include photos from monumental religious events such as the National Day of Prayer or the March for Life event, attended by thousands annually, etc.

6. There is an absence of any major display or description of the religious influence within or about the 200-plus year history of the Capitol.

Historical buildings like the Capitol Visitor Center are there to tell the story of our nation," said Rep. Forbes. "When religious history is removed from these displays, the American public is not able to observe an accurate depiction of our nation's story. We owe it to those who have gone before us and to our future generations to provide a complete representation of our nation's heritage. We will continue to fight until this is achieved in the Capitol Visitor Center."

Read entire article.

HT: WorldNetDaily