Obama's ACORN Tree

When some former Obamabots decide to leave the ObamaBorg space cadet ship, you KNOW that a big shoe is about to drop on Obama's run for the presidency.

All I can say is thank God!

Faultline U.S.A. has the complete story that originated over at Take Our Country Back.


In more or less breaking news, Winged Hussar 1683 posting at Grizzly Groundswell brings us news of defections from the Obama Campaign over his lack of renouncing the ACORN voter fraud scandals breaking out all over the Nation. The Google cached comments are all listed in this post and the Obama web site is being monitored for the comment deletions that are soon to come. I am sure The One cannot afford for folks to see that his implosion will continue over the ACORN debacle.

There can be or, there should be no doubt that Barack's fingerprints are indeed all over ACORN. He has denied it but we all know that he, at one time, was a trainer for the ACORN activists.

Obama lied about ACORN. He lied about Ayers. He lied about Rev. Wright. How can you believe what he says about taxes, education or health care?

There is much more to discover and many links to read at the above sites.

Here is the conclusion of the post:

Gateway Pundit and Riehl World View have more information to the Obama-ACORN quagmire. Obama keeps getting dirtier and dirtier. Must have something to do with the Chicago political climate he latched onto.

FYI, Barack was an attorney for ACORN and was instrumental in getting folks home loans that had no capacity to pay...sound familiar? I wonder if he will deny that ACORN helped him win his 2006 election. Seeing that he is a liar, I wouldn't put it passed him.

Photo credit Gateway Pundit...click to enlarge...

[UPDATE] - from McNorman's Weblog: the definition of ACORN: Association of Corrupted Organizations for Registration of Non-Eligible Voters


Faultline U.S.A.

Take Our Country Back