Picturing the Death of Landscape Architecture

Last month we alerted readers that kerb was looking for article submissions for their 17th issue: Death of Landscape. The deadline has past, but there is still a way for you to contribute. The editorial team wants some images.

kerb 17

Does Landscape Architecture have the capacity to deal with the potentials of the future?

What is the future of Landscape Architecture?

How can landscape be shaped by concepts/models/ideas/theories that are not normally considered relevant to Landscape?

Send your illustrative answers to kerb@ems.rmit.edu.au.

Show them its rotting corpse in the overgrown lawns of Foreclosure, Florida or its perfumed diseased body getting further irradiated by a Middle Eastern sun. Perhaps you have evidence that it's actually flourishing in the toxic landscape of the Pontine Marshes and in the Pleistocene Park?

Whatever you've got, keep in mind that the due date is 17 October 2008.