"Joe the Plumber" - Star of the Debate!

Sorry...just couldn't resist writing that title! He was mentioned about six times by each candidate. Sometimes it's nice to have someone as the object lesson of a topic! Joe the plumber was included in many of the topics that came up tonight!

I'll be back tomorrow for more analysis and links. For now, here's a live-blogging review of the debate over at Gateway Pundit.

My son just said:

"I can see it now - Joe the Plumber on Saturday Night Live holding a plunger over his shoulder with a cheeseburger in the other hand!"

Ha ha ha haaa!

I leave you with that bit of levity and say goodnight!

P.S. For a much more detailed version of liveblogging - go to Michelle Malkin's blog

She also exposes how Obama lied about his ties with ACORN!