Good To Infiltrate Heretical Territory - Or Not?

Ran across a blog called Slaughter of the Sheep. There is an interesting conversation going on between myself and Ken Silva in the "Robert Schuller, Ravi Zacharias and the Rethink Conference 2009" thread.

After you read the post at the above link, you will notice several really good comments. For this post, I am re-posting just the ones between Ken Silva and I (so far):

I know for a FACT that Miles McPherson is attending to share the Biblical Truth to all who will be there. He did the same thing last year. He does not water down the true Gospel message for ANYONE.

Perhaps Ravi Z. is doing the same? Just a thought.

Perhaps it is necessary in this day and age of heresy and apostasy to infiltrate the heretics and apostates in order to steer them back in the right direction?

If they don’t, THAT’S when the Sola Scriptura Bible-based leaders may have to eventually “shake the dust off their sandals.”

By: Christinewjc on September 15, 2008
at 4:31 pm

Ken's reply:

“Perhaps it is necessary in this day and age of heresy and apostasy to infiltrate the heretics and apostates in order to steer them back in the right direction?”

Or maybe this day and age of heresy and apostasy is a judgment from God ala 1 Peter 4:17 because we’ve allowed the infiltration of these heretics and apostates who refused to be steered back in the right direction?
By: Ken Silva on September 15, 2008
at 8:02 pm

Very true, Ken. However, I’d like to know your opinion of Pastor Miles’ attempts to share the truth at their heretical get-togethers?

Speaking of “refusal to be steered back”, the “gay christian” movement is a perfect example of those who refuse to be steered back in the right direction. Several other bloggers and I have posted biblical evidence of their heresy - but they don’t care - AT ALL. What matters most is their “feelings.”

When do we “shake the dust off our sandals” in such a case? I’m not sure - are you?

I, and many others, keep trying to reach them. Sometimes we just need to pray from them.
By: Christinewjc on September 15, 2008
at 8:33 pm


Please know I say this gently, k. I’ve not been impressed with what I’ve seen from McPherson as yet. The Adam and Eve “blinged out” opening of the new venue was not right.

That said, in a setting like ReThink he’d be dealing with a language barrier. By that I mean, as with Ray Comfort at the Word Faith conference, these people reinterpret Christian terminology.

For example to Rob ert Schuller “sin” is “negative self-esteem” so unless one very specifically defines their terms those to whom they “witness” to simply think they agree. The speakers there would all claim to be Christians anyway.
By: Ken Silva on September 15, 2008
at 9:30 pm

Oops…need to correct my last sentence. Meant to write:

“I, and many others, keep trying to reach them. Sometimes we just need to pray for them.”


I am disappointed to hear that you are not “impressed” with Miles McPherson, but that is certainly your right.

I am not sure where you got this from:

The Adam and Eve “blinged out” opening of the new venue was not right.

Oftentimes, Pastor Miles says things with the kind of verbiage that young people can identify with. It is not meant to mock or replace the truth of God’s Word on the subject at hand.

I’m learning not to be too picayune about such things. As long as the RESULTS do not compromise the Gospel message or what is contained in God’s Word, then using terms that I’m not personally familiar with doesn’t bother me.

I will admit to you that I had the same reservations about Miles’ appearance(s) at both the “ReThink” conference and (especially!!) “The Secret” conference. However, when I listened to his presentation (and saw the results of people who attended that were searching for SOMETHING - but not knowing that they needed Jesus Christ) and then found out that out of all of the speakers, they saw the truth being shared by Miles - I had a different perspective on why he attended.

By: Christinewjc on September 16, 2008
at 12:57 pm

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One more brief point. When Miles was backstage, the previous speaker at The Secret conference was Tony Robbins. He told Pastor Miles (paraphrased here), ‘None of us believe in this “Secret bull****.’ Glad you are here to share the truth.’

Admittedly, it takes a very strong Christian pastor, leader and apologist to go into “heresy territory” and share the Gospel Truth. I, and the thousands who attend The Rock Church see this unique ability in Pastor Miles.
By: Christinewjc on September 16, 2008
at 1:02 pm

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Note that my last two comments are awaiting moderation.

What do you think of this exchange?

As a born-again, Bible-believing Christian, what are your thoughts about "infiltrating" heretical groups and conferences and sharing the Gospel Truth with the audiences there?

Do you think that this type of action just might be badly needed in this day and age?

Or, do you think that showing up for such conferences damages the credibility of any born-again, Bible believing and teaching pastor/speaker/evangelist?

HT: Slaughtering the Sheep blog

P.S. Opinions among Christians on this are probably all over the place, so don't hesitate to write just because you disagree with mine.