How To Spin a Debate!

I plan to discuss the presidential debate in more detail later (hint: McCain knocked it out of the park!). However, since I really enjoyed reading (and laughing!) about the very first blog post reaction to the debate that I chose to click on this morning (over at Newsbusters), I thought that I would encourage everyone here to go over and read it!

Reading New Republic Teas Leaves Determine Debate Winner

The last paragraph made me laugh out loud! I could not believe that any serious journalist would ever write such a stupid title!! Someone needs to point that writer in the direction of the Fox News Channel's text message poll. As of last night, the "who won the debate" question results were:

McCain - 82%
Obama - 16%
Undecided - 1%

Last I heard, over 56 thousand people participated in that text message poll!

Over at CNN, they utilized their typical spin mantra to make one believe that Obama had a slight lead over McCain in the "who won" telephone poll they had conducted. Even one of the persons in their "after the debate" panel admitted that they had polled mostly Democrats and would have to see the national results that will be broadcast the next day. Ha!

The MSM spin is so laughable when it comes to their Obamabot mindset. It is like their brains have all been deprogrammed, then attached and assimilated by pseudo-humanoid drones like the Borg!


Additional links (will be updated throughout day):

Was a Tie Enough for Follow-the-Leader Obama Tonight?

Kissinger Unhappy About Obama (Hint: Obama lied!)

Debate #1 Wrap-up

What's the name on my bracelet?

[Note: A bit unrelated (at least, directly) to the debate, but when I saw Obama fling the rose onto the 9/11 memorial site, I cringed. Ran across this post and video of it. A Tale of Two Roses]

It’s a small gesture, but gestures matter at the hallowed grave site of so many murdered innocent Americans.

Barack Obama flings a memorial rose at Ground Zero like he’s a kid tossing pennies into a fountain at the shopping mall — or a spectator tossing flowers at a bullfight.

He doesn’t know what he’s doing.

(Clueless NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg copies him.)

By contrast, John McCain and his wife kneel and gently, somberly, place their roses down at the foot of the 9/11 tribute.

Tons of you e-mailed me about this. Here’s the vid for the rest of you who didn’t see it. It’s a telling cultural and generational distinction between these two men vying to be commander-in-chief of our nation.

Update: See Christopher Ruddy's:
Why McCain Won the Debate
