NOBama's Radical List Grows!

Today's post is quite disturbing. It is another one of my "Talk Wisdom Reports - You Decide" blogment posts.

In the "Obama Bubble Bursting" thread, I included a comment mentioning that I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to do anymore Internet searches on Obama.!


Because every time I do, I find out even MORE disturbing information about him!!

Free Republic post: Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis wrote shocking, autobiographical pornography


If you take the time to read through the comments (at above link), you will see that people are noticing the fact that Obama DOESN'T HAVE ANY NORMAL FRIENDS!

Also, did you notice how the DNC skipped over his college days in the video intro to his speech?

I think I now know why!!

Several days ago, I got an email with information that shares how George Soros is financing, and using Obama as his puppet to get access to the White House. If you are unfamiliar with this man, please do a search. You will find out how he has spend BILLIONS trying to get Gore, Kerry, and now Obama elected.

The email I received described another book coming out called, "Obama Unmasked".

Found it!

New Book Exposes Obama's October & November Surprises

Help Unmask Obama!

Excerpt from second "Unmask" page that contains my concerns about Soros:

Back when he was an Illinois Senator, why did Obama vote "Present" a record-setting 130 times?

Is that leadership?

Is that "change"?

When Obama did vote on important issues, why did he vote the "Democratic Socialists of America" party line every time? (You could call that "change" but not the kind we need!)

A dirty Chicago machine made Obama, and will be expecting blood loyalty...How easily can Obama be bought?

Unsealing the federal indictment against his close pal and fundraiser (and convicted felon) Tony "the Fixer" Rezko should reveal plenty.

Earlier we spoke of two revelations in Obama Unmasked that may well blow the lid off this election.

Okay, first, a source close to the mad billionaire George Soros has revealed that Soros is planning...An "October Surprise" to make Soros a fortune and Obama a President.

Soros' lefty candidates have lost the last two elections, and he's p*ssing mad. He has $7 billion to spend to get it right this time! He is reportedly planning to sack the U.S. economy, make himself billions richer, and put Obama in the White House marching to his mad tune.

[Here's a thought. Did Soros have any connections with the Lehman Bros. bankruptcy? What about the collapse (and subsequent government rescue) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Is anyone else out there suspicious about this?]

All the details, as well as how you'll be affected financially, are in the book.

And out on the left coast, Obama has a powerful ally in billionaire Hollywood mogul David Geffen.

Geffen's "November Surprise" could trick millions into voting for Obama.

Nobody knows how to spin a yarn better than Hollywood's finest, David Geffen. And according to our source, he'll be a whirling dervish!

Radical leftists see Obama as their ticket to power—and they are pulling out all the stops. Not just an October Surprise, but a November Surprise as well. The first from New York, the second from Hollywood.

We may be in for the craziest election ever, with so many unknowns...That's why Floyd has worked so hard to peel back the mask and reveal the real Obama, his true political leanings, and what we could expect from an Obama presidency.


It is my plan to expand upon this post. This is WAY TO IMPORTANT TO IGNORE! Perhaps I can add to it over the course of a few days.

I need to get that "Obama Unmasked" book! We all need to continue to do some heavy investigating!

If anyone has additional information to share about this book, "Obama Unmasked" or any of the article links that I have shared, please include your information and/or links in the comment section.

Thank you!

Bill O'Reilly has opined MANY TIMES that Soros is A VERY DANGEROUS PERSON. In his book, "Culture Warrior," O'Reilly shares much of the awful truth about this evil man. There are over two dozen pages that either mention or describe how despicable a man Soros truly is! You owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of Culture Warrior and read Chapter One.

Soros has several partners in crime and organizations that he supports which are bent upon destroying America. WAY to much information to type out here. However, O'Reilly sums it up this way:

To sum up, Soros is a smart, ruthless ideologue who will stop at nothing to advance the secular-progressive offensive. He has no scruples, ethics, or sense of fair play. The guy reminds me of Colonel Banastre "Butcher" Tarleton, the most justly hated Redcoat during the Revolutionary War. Soros and Tarleton can both be associated with take-no-prisoner policies: In both cases, their prey, whether traditionalists today or colonial rebel fighters in the eighteenth century, were simply people trying to strengthen their country.

I mean it. for traditional-minded Americans, George Soros is public enemy number one. Without his unlimited cash (along with that of Peter Lewis), the S-P movement could not attack so readily and so effectively - and with such venom. Soros envisions a libertine society that soaks the rich (except for him) and forms no judgments on personal behavior. His one-world philosophy would obliterate the uniqueness of America and downsize its superpower status. His secular approach would drastically diminish Judeo-Christian philosophy in America and encourage his own spiritual philosophy: atheism. George Soros is truly an imposing force, and his elite media allies are making him even more so. We ignore him at our peril.

Doesn't the last five sentences remind you of many of the Obama campaign not-so-subtle talking points?

Excerpt source: Culture Warrior by Bill O'Reilly pp. 40-41.


Update 9/16/08 @ 7:35 a.m. PT

Another Obama book that sounds like a worthwhile read:

Concludes one reviewer, "'The Audacity of Deceit,' more than the other books taking a look at this fatally flawed candidate, summarizes what is known to date about Obama, his policies, plans and associates – and it's not pretty for anyone who cares about this country."

HT: WorldNetDaily

Also, check out this article and links which points out Charlie Gibson's biased reporting practices - especially when it comes to questioning candidates and their religious/faith views. Everyone is now noticing how Gibson (and liberals writing and commenting about it) twisted Sarah Palin's words.

But what about this:

Obama admitted to Charles Gibson that he hears God’s voice, and now Obama is launching faith merchandise.

According an article by James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal, Obama told Charlie Gibson during a January interview, that he hears the voice of God,. Obama said, “ . . .sometimes you hear it strongly and sometimes that voice is more muted.”

[By] the way, an alert reader spotted this exchange from Barack Obama's January interview with

Q: Is it difficult in the rough and tumble of campaign politics to stick to that, to live out your faith? And can you talk about whether you have a favorite prayer or what you pray about?

Obama: The prayer that I tell myself every night is a fairly simple one: I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that my sins are forgiven, that my family is protected and that I am an instrument of God's will. I'm constantly trying to align myself to what I think he calls on me to do. And sometimes you hear it strongly and sometimes that voice is more muted.

Obama, like Palin, prays that he is on God's side. Palin, unlike Obama, does not (so far as we know) claim to hear the voice of God. Why is she the one who gets painted as a religious nut?
Good question!



HT: Faultline USA


Why Obama is mum about Harvard


On the surface, at least, Barack Obama's single most impressive accomplishment has been his 1990 election to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.

This position also provided Obama his only real executive experience as he supervised the law review's staff of 80 editors.

One has to wonder, then, why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches in Denver.

In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama's time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge.

Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama's record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry's record in Vietnam.

Kerry was justifiably swift-boated because he fraudulently positioned himself as a war hero. Obama seems to have learned from Kerry.

[A]ccording to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."

HT: WorldNetDaily