Bailout: Dems Behind the ACORN

I had to laugh after listening to Harry Reid at the news conference this morning. First, he starts out by saying that this shouldn't be a presidential political issue. Then, in his next breath he not so subtly and hypocritically blames McCain for coming to town - claiming that he was responsible for ruining the progress on a potential bill.

Well people - that is a boldfaced lie and total bull****.

But Reid gets away with it anyway! How despicable.

And...he also tried to give Obama credit for what was previously agreed upon! How ludicrous is that??

At least Fox News reported the truth that the disagreements between the committee and the House Republicans were there even before the meeting with President Bush occurred.

Harry - you are such a liar! I won't hold my breath for a retraction.

Want to know the truth about why an agreement isn't forthcoming as quickly as it could?

Then go to Right Voices and read - Why is ACORN in The Bailout?

Why indeed!

Who wants ACORN in there? The nutty socialists! (Ha! Couldn't resist the pun). It is mostly the Dems that are OK with this. However, according to the Dem news conference starring Hapless Harry and Chris Dodge-the-Corruption, there are also some clueless RINOS in the Senate willing to go along with them! Wonder who they are? I'm sure conservatives can take a guess.

Ha! Just noticed what is written below the Right Voices logo at their website: all matter of opinion, our adversaries are insane - Oscar Wilde

Lots of additional links at that website.

And, Road Sassy exposes the truth once again in Bi-partisan My A**: Barack Hussein Obama is a Liar.


Someone should write a movie script starring Reid and Obama and call it Liar, Liar! Oops wait! That title has already been used! My bad!


Right Voices

Road Sassy

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McCain Getting Blamed For Deal Dying But Guess Who Is Not Mentioned At All?


Media Mum on Barney Frank's Fannie Mae Love Connection
Democratic House Financial Services Committee Chair promoted GSEs while former 'spouse' was Fannie Mae executive.

What's worse Pelosi made Frank "super-chairman" of this current bailout debacle. Does this make ANY SENSE TO CLEAR THINKING AMERICANS?



Update: The Democratic ACORN bailout; Update: Video added ( Hidden in the Paulson Recovery Plan?)

Also see Hot Air - Lindsey Graham video added.

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