His Country's Man

I found John McCain's speech very patriotic, genuine, and filled with America's greatness. This is quite a contrast from the constant negativity being spewed during the DNC convention last week. Obama's speech "among the Greek pillars" was a show - not very genuine IMO.

McCain shared many great points. I think that the best statement was when he stated that after his captivity for five years in a cell in Vietnam, he was no longer "his own man - he was his country's man."

What a contrast between Cindy McCain's life and love of country vs. Michele Obama's statements in the past like when she said, "for the first time in my adult life - I am proud of my country."

Michele must have been coached to change her image at the DNC convention. She certainly wasn't "herself" there. She tried to re-make herself and hide her previously nasty tones. The coaches helped her to put on a new wardrobe and a new hairdo - all with the goal of putting forth a kinder, gentler image. For me? It didn't work. I already knew the real Michele Obama - all too well.

While watching the video of Cindy McCain and all that she has done to help others, I couldn't help but think about one of Michele Obama's most disturbing lines during the campaign. It was when she was "encouraging" a crowd of supporters to get out and work. She also told them, 'Barack will NEVER let you go back to the way you used to live' - or something like that. How arrogant a statement is that?? Does she think that she and her husband will get into office and create some kind of Marxist-type utopia complete with their minions of "worker bees" at their beck and call?

What a HUGE contrast there is between the two would-be First Ladies.

Back to McCain's speech.

Our choice couldn't be more stark, or more clear. Either the country will elect an inexperienced candidate - who is known for his corrupt associates and was was "selected" by the DNC, the MSM, the Soros millionaire types, the Hollywood crowd, and the Obamabot followers - or, they will be wise enough to see through that charade and elect a true patriot, America lover and defender who will work for YOU, protect and defend our nation, and put country first - rather than get into office for the purpose of his own glory.

I continue to pray for the election of John McCain.

More tomorrow. Goodnight!

Transcript link: 'I'm running for president to keep the country I love safe'


I was in solitary confinement when my captors offered to release me. I knew why. If I went home, they would use it as propaganda to demoralize my fellow prisoners. Our Code said we could only go home in the order of our capture, and there were men who had been shot down before me. I thought about it, though. I wasn't in great shape, and I missed everything about America. But I turned it down.

A lot of prisoners had it worse than I did. I'd been mistreated before, but not as badly as others. I always liked to strut a little after I'd been roughed up to show the other guys I was tough enough to take it. But after I turned down their offer, they worked me over harder than they ever had before. For a long time. And they broke me.

When they brought me back to my cell, I was hurt and ashamed, and I didn't know how I could face my fellow prisoners. The good man in the cell next door, my friend, Bob Craner, saved me. Through taps on a wall he told me I had fought as hard as I could. No man can always stand alone. And then he told me to get back up and fight again for our country and for the men I had the honor to serve with. Because every day they fought for me.

I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else's. I loved it not just for the many comforts of life here. I loved it for its decency; for its faith in the wisdom, justice and goodness of its people. I loved it because it was not just a place, but an idea, a cause worth fighting for. I was never the same again. I wasn't my own man anymore. I was my country's.

I'm not running for president because I think I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need. My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God.

HT: Politico