Palin's Speech Rocked the RNC!

Vice Presidential Nominee, Governor Sarah Palin (R) of Alaska gave a speech last night that absolutely rocked the Republican National Convention! I was so excited about it that when I awoke at 3:00 a.m. I didn't want to go back to bed! So I watched the re-run!

Earlier, while viewing the live broadcast I took a moment to take our puggle dog out in the back yard. I had previously missed the part where Palin mentioned "the removal of the styrofoam Greek Columns" at the DNC last week. Hilarious!

If you missed it, or just want to view it again, my friend Stacy over at Active Christian Media has the video up at her blog.

Prior to Palin's speech, Ann Coulter wrote a great column over at Human Events entitled The Best Man Turned Out to be a Woman.


I'm sure that the Obama Camp and Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC don't agree.

My son was busy switching around to the other cable stations after the speech and saw Mitchell discussing Palin's speech in an interview with Rudy Guiliani. He told me that he totally understands why I don't watch that cable station. The people over there had NOTHING good to say about Palin! Good thing Rudy was there to hit back against their smears and defend the Governor.

What are your thoughts about her speech?

Please share any articles or blog posts that you have found in the comment section. I will be updating this post throughout the day.

Palin had so many great lines in her speech. I am still trying to decide which one was my favorite!

Way to go Sarah!!

HT: Active Christian Media


Update @ 10:57 a.m. PT

Great blogpost:

Palin and Worldviews at CultureWatch