Obama's Marxist Boot Camps!

There are so many topics I would rather post and discuss here at Talk Wisdom. But the post I just read over at Faultline USA - Obama's Marxist Boot Camps is just too important to ignore!

In a previous post, I wrote this:

What a contrast between Cindy McCain's life and love of country vs. Michele Obama's statements in the past like when she said, "for the first time in my adult life - I am proud of my country."

Michele must have been coached to change her image at the DNC convention. She certainly wasn't "herself" there. She tried to re-make herself and hide her previously nasty tones. The coaches helped her to put on a new wardrobe and a new hairdo - all with the goal of putting forth a kinder, gentler image. For me? It didn't work. I already knew the real Michele Obama - all too well.

While watching the video of Cindy McCain and all that she has done to help others, I couldn't help but think about one of Michele Obama's most disturbing lines during the campaign. It was when she was "encouraging" a crowd of supporters to get out and work. She also told them, 'Barack will NEVER let you go back to the way you used to live' - or something like that. How arrogant a statement is that?? Does she think that she and her husband will get into office and create some kind of Marxist-type utopia complete with their minions of "worker bees" at their beck and call?

Michele O's statement of "for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country" has gotten a lot of play on conservative radio shows - especially Sean Hannity's. But her second statement - that 'Barack will NEVER LET YOU GO BACK TO THE WAY YOU USED TO LIVE' has not gotten widespread play.

After reading the "boot camp" article at Investor's Business Daily, her statement doesn't only just disturb me - IT CHILLS ME TO THE BONE!!


Big Brother had nothing on the Obamas. They plan to herd American youth into government-funded reeducation camps where they'll be brainwashed into thinking America is a racist, oppressive place in need of "social change."

But its real mission is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about "social change" through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation — the tactics used by the father of community organizing, Saul "The Red" Alinsky.

Anyone who has been subjected to the wrath of the Obamabots online, can see how the radicalization and brainwashing has already begun!

I have to confess. I didn't know HOW BAD the Obama's worldview REALLY IS until I read that article!! I need to buy Jerome Corsi's book. I didn't realize that there are facts in his book about the Obamas that I had not already known.

People, we need to spread this post around the blogs! If this doesn't alarm you regarding what we would be in for if Obama made it to the presidency (God forbid!), then NOTHING WILL!

HT: Faultline USA

Investor's Business Daily

See also:

About that 'civilian national security force'