
HYPNOSIS??!! Well, to be honest I have heard this allegation about Obama before. However, Devvy Kid's devastating article over at News With Views states, quite bluntly - NO, WE DON'T HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT.
By: DevvyJanuary 22, 2009
© 2008 - NewsWithViews.com
“It is a terrible thing when you think you got on a bandwagon and it turns out to be a garbage truck." Ernst (Putzi) Hanfstaengl*
The circus out in Washington, DC., for the unlawful swearing in of the impostor president, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro and so forth, is now over. All the gushing and slobbering over the trashy looking rag worn by the militant Michelle Obama, has faded into the night. I wonder how many of the mindless mouth pieces giving their commentary about the "wonderful, smart First Lady," know that in 1993, Michelle Obama, was ordered by the Illinois Supreme Court to stop practicing law? The faux First Lady was ordered by the court; it was not her choice. (Click here). The records are sealed by the court so we don't know why, but I am told by lawyers sending me email, it had to be something major for such drastic action.
Please read the entire article.
Here is the part about "hypnosis":
What about the masses who responded to the prod and voted for Obama? It's being reported that nearly two million people showed up for the coronation two days ago. It would have been convenient to have stands along the way to fit these people for their chains of bondage. I hope you can take time over the weekend to read a document I covered on my radio show as the coronation parties were in full swing. What made millions swoon, weep, raise their hands to the heavens, declare Obama the next Messiah and go over the edge for a nobody with a closed past - besides the color of his skin?
As I told my listening audience, I am not a conspiracy freak. Frequently, I get very angry email from patriots for debunking some popular theories that don't hold water. A couple of months ago, I read this paper and as I read the 67 pages, it all came together. Untold numbers of us couldn't figure out this "Obama phenomenon" and what was causing it....until I read this explanation about conversational hypnosis. Not only did I read it, I spent six hours running down the foot notes and studying Erickson's method used and accepted in the field of psycho-analysis.
Finally, it all made sense. As a lay person not trained and with little prior understanding on this issue, all I could keep wondering is are these people all mad, desperate or did they all take the same pill? No, Obama simply used a technique of hypnosis on mass crowds and turned them into little better than melting butter. A master orator without an original thought in his head, he used his voice and hands to mesmerize.
I learned a great deal from this document. At some point the stupefaction will wear off and millions of people, except for too many black Americans who voted for one half of Obama's race (most of them forget Obama's mother was Caucasian), will begin to wonder why they voted for Obama as he blunders along and the economy worsens. Except, of course, those blinded by skin color.
[R]ead this document:
Obama's use of hypnotic technique during his speeches
You can decide for yourself. I'm certain those who support Obama will poo-poo it away. They've got too much riding on his campaign promises. These very same people haven't done a minute of research on Obama's background, his proven communist ties and Marxist beliefs. Obama's faithful will not see or hear his slick lies because the thought of betrayal is simply too much to handle. As Judge Andrew Napolitano so accurately named his book, A Nation of Sheep, can you hear the baaa-baaa still echoing from the Washington Mall?
When I have some extra time, I plan to read the entire 67 page document. The woman who wrote the above article, doesn't appear to be wacko or any kind of a conspiracy theorist. And, we do know that hypnosis does work on some people.
I can recall viewing several You Tube videos of former ObamaBorg Bots snapping out of their former euphoria over candidate Obama and warning others not to fall for the hype.
Is there a connection?
Probably so.
Anyone recall the movie "Michael" starring John Travolta? Remember how so many of the women he encountered swooned all over him? However, one female companion of his during his travels wasn't affected in that way. When she questioned (Michael) why this was so, he answered, "Because I put a block on you."
I know. That's just a fictional movie you say. But is hypnosis real? Yes. Are people easily affected by it? Yes.
Perhaps the Holy Spirit of God who dwells within all born again in Christ believers put a "block" against the "hype" and/or "hypnosis" so that the deception didn't affect true believers? The Lord helped us avoid such deception and not be captivated by it!
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8
Let's just combine the two words and call it HYPEnosis.
Jesus warned us:
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
However, by the wording of the warning, we see that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE for such false Christs, false prophets who show "great signs and wonders" to deceive the very elect!
Could Chief Justice Roberts have been an unbeknownst victim of the HYPEnosis when he met with Obama? I don't know. But it sure seems very weird that they met just before the inauguration - especially with all of the pending lawsuits going to conference at SCOTUS.
Devvy writes:
"At the invitation of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., Mr. Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden will pay a protocol visit to the Supreme Court of the United States Wednesday afternoon, the office says....The visit is private; reporters and photographers will not be present."
I called the media number at the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon. The giddy operator confirmed they expected Obama at any minute!
To say I was floored when I read the news item is an understatement. A 'ceremonial' meeting between a president elect and justices of the Supreme Court is somewhat traditional. HOWEVER, in this instance, it's flat out wrong. Chief Justice Roberts has cases on the docket where Obama is the defendant or is the subject of the litigation. Roberts and the other eight justices have already held two 'Distribution for Conferences' on the Donofrio and Wrotnoski cases on Obama's citizenship ineligibility. They just turned away one of Phil Berg's cases a few days ago; that one is still in the Third Circuit. Tomorrow is the fourth case; another from Phil Berg.
On Wednesday, Roberts meets with the man at the heart of that case in private. Two days later, he sits down to discuss the case with the other justices after having a closed door meeting with the defendant! There is still the Lightfoot v Bowen case to be heard in conference, January 23, 2009. Again, Chief Justice Roberts will sit in that private meeting to discuss whether the case should go to oral arguments.
Does anyone see major conflict of interest here? How can Chief Justice Roberts meet with Obama behind closed doors under such circumstances? Even if they just chatted up the weather, it is highly inappropriate in my humble opinion. Roberts should have notified Obama that under the circumstances, he would not be able to meet with him, private or with photogs in attendance. There must be zero appearance of any bias or preference when it comes to judges and justices of the Supreme Court.
At this point, I want to switch gears just a bit. Over at GateWay Pundit, I was reading one of his latest articles entitled, Despite Air-Raiding Villages, Closing Gitmo, Pi$$ing Off the Vatican & Berating GOP Leaders... AP Claims Obama Avoided Divisive Stands His First Week.
I ask you. If former President Bush ordered an airstrike in Pakistan and killed 17 civilians, what do you think that the media would have reported? Certainly not what the AP wrote about Obama; who they claim "avoided divisive stands his first week!"
What the hell is going on here?
Gateway Pundit writes:
Could our Pravda Media be any more transparent in their devotion to Obama? The AP headlines: "Obama breaks from Bush, avoids divisive stands"
Only a Far Left lib could believe this.
Then, in the comment section I ran across this little gem with a link to the original article quote:
Simon Diamond @ 9:05 pmre: [Do you think Barack Hussein Obama is literally a bastard?] don't rightly know since he refuses, nay, "lawyered up" to guard his BC.. but his wife Michelle says he is..
[His own mother ... was "very young and very single when she had him."]==bg 01.25.09 - 12:35 pm
Here's the link to the original article with the Michele Obama quote, "His own mother, she said at the beginning of her remarks, was "very young and very single when she had him."
Single when she had him (Obama Jr.)?? So, how do we know just who the father really is?
Even though there are people becoming increasingly more alarmed about the usurper Obama, others are apparently giving in to the HYPEnosis.
I used to include America's Right on my blog roll until I read, "His Failure is Our Failure; His Success is Our Success."
I could not disagree more!! I DON'T want Obama's awful policies to succeed!!! Let's just take one - the topic of abortion and the executive order he signed just a day after the inauguration. How horrified I feel that MY TAX DOLLARS are going to help provide abortions to women in other countries!! It is UNCONSCIONABLE TO ME!! Obama hasn't met an abortion that he doesn't like or would not volunteer to fund. This makes me ill....literally.
You will notice within that thread of comments, a former democrat had this to say:
Anonymous said...
To whomever said Obama won the nomination, I beg to differ...
I think you need to go back and look at the nomination actual votes, plus the caucus votes...by all implications Hillary Clinton got more individual votes than he did.
Mr. Obama DID NOT get enough pledged delegate votes to win the nomination.
When neither candidate gets the pledged delegates to win, then it behoves the party oligarchy to bestow the nomination.
Mr. Obama did not WIN the nomination, he was anointed!
The DNC tossed away the the people's vote into the trash bin. Pulled some tricky dicky sanction business, then voided their sanction business and gave the states their votes back.
I'm a democrat. And frankly the whole mess reminded me of the Nazi's marching across this country in a power grab.
Never again will I believe the propaganda spewed from The New Party that hijacked the DNC.
After having the scales fall from my eyes, and taking a really serious look at historical facts over the last 50 years, frankly the democrats and their pig trough of propaganda are repugnant!
January 24, 2009 10:41 PM
On another site, the topic was also about abortion. Investigating Obama: Obama Escalates Worldwide Abortion Holocaust With Americans Confiscated Money
You will notice my two comments there. One, in fact, asks the question, "Does anyone know and/or have statistics as to how many Muslim women get abortions?"
Life News had some information.
Religious Americans more strongly oppose abortions than the American public in general, with just 22 percent telling Gallup it's all right.
Still, members of the Islamic faith in various European nations are more pro-life than religious Americans.
Just 34 percent of Muslims in Berlin say abortion is morally okay, Paris Muslims are more strongly pro-life at 24 percent approval for abortion, and just 10 percent of London-based Muslims say abortion is okay.
So, just why is it that Muslims don't embrace Obama's abortion holocaust? I will leave that question out there for the moment.
Whenever I leave comments at other blogs, I subscribe to the blog thread so that I can see the additional comments posted. The following comment [from Investigating Obama blog] is one of the best I have ever read regarding why Obama is just so hell & holocaust bent on promoting abortion in America and worldwide:
Anonymous said...
Only a maniac would believe that the way to solve social problems is to exterminate the sufferers: King Obama believes in extermination to solve problems for women, minorities, and the "unwanted" unborn. Okay. Let's solve mental health problems by exterminating the retarded, disabled, and the demented; let's solve crime problems by exterminating recidivist inmates; let's solve health-care problems by exterminating the geriatric, terminal, and comatose. Each of those groups share "features" which make them prime targets for extermination: essentially parasites, with little or no personality, and nothing to contribute - they are a waste of time, food, and money: society won't miss 'em and their families can move on.
For two thousand years Christianity has led by proposing to help those who suffer by loving and caring for them, in emulation of the greatest man who ever lived. Thus: each person (even an enemy) is unique, dignified, irreducible, and exists in an eternal context that transcends society, nation, class, race or creed; no one can determine when another's existence and meaning begins or ends; and a fast slippery slope to horror and hell awaits any society or individual that think they have found a better way. Human experience and history do indeed confirm that any other approach is catastrophically destructive of life and morals. King Obama won't be the first tyrant to make death his solution to problems, but evil nations consume themselves in a downward spiral of decadence and hate. Abortion is a hateful dehumanization, subjecting mother and child to spiritual and physical deaths: why would King Obama be America's leading advocate of genocide ? The answer may be found at the following:
Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer by Ali Sina at Faith Freedom.org
The article describes King Obama's politics as being horribly influenced by his disordered narcissistic personality, characteristic of abused males seeking to compensate for childhood trauma (eg Obama's multiple abandonments), acting out subconscious fantasies of superiority, power, and revenge. It's hard for us to see the cringing child inside the swaggering strong-man (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Saddam, whoever) but such individuals have developed a finely tuned sense of collective vulnerabilities and will lie and manipulate to get the only thing that matters (for them !): power over life and death. I caution the reader with three observations: 1) we must not fall into the trap of demonizing any person, because we then become easily capable of the crimes we abhor; 2) there are and have been many other "Obamas" in American political life, from both parties, who should never have been permitted any authority - there are flaws in ourselves and our system that keeps on allowing them through; and 3) a psychologizing explanation for political events is never sufficient: there was more to Germany's slide into murderous fascism (economic collapse, spiritual trauma of WW1, rapid social change etc) than Hitler being wicked and insane.
The writer provides another link for me to read after I conclude this post.
Back to the HYPEnosis topic.
Evil Conservative Radio Blog agrees that Obama is using HYPEnosis: "Look Deep Into My Eyes": Experts Agree Obama Using NLP."
What is "NLP"? Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Some background on NLP and its use, from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons:
A fundamental tool of “conversational hypnosis” is pacing and leading—a way for the hypnotist to bypass the listener’s critical faculty by associating repeated statements that are unquestionably accurate with the message he wants to convey.
In his Denver acceptance speech, Obama used the phrases “that’s why I stand here tonight,” “now is the time,” and “this moment” 14 times. Paces are connected to the lead by words such as “and,” “as,” “because,” or “that is why.” For example, “we need change” (who could disagree?)…and…that is why I will be your next President.”
Techniques of trance induction include extra slow speech, rhythm, tonalities, vagueness, visual imagery, metaphor, and raising of emotion. Hypnotists often have patients count. In a speech after the primaries closed, Obama said: “Sixteen months have passed (paused)…Thousands (pause) of miles…(pause)…Millions of voices….”
Hypnotists call this a distraction technique: sending the dominant hemisphere on an assignment involving linguistic processes, thus opening the non dominant hemisphere to suggestion.
Hand gestures can be used as hypnotic anchors, or to aid in hypnotic command implantation. They can be difficult to distinguish from innocent gestures used for emphasis. Obama, however, uses some gestures extraordinarily often and for very specific words such as “believe” and “chose.” His characteristic thumb-and-forefinger gesture looks like a hand holding a pencil—as if you were in a voting booth. The gesture of pointing sends the subconscious message that a person in authority is giving a command.
Obama actually said at one time: “a light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, ‘I have to vote for Barack.’”
Had to laugh at a comment over there:
Didn't work for me...I wonder if I'm suffering from the flu or something. He just makes me sick.
Last, but not least, I wanted to post a comment from another "Anonymous" blogger over at Investigating Obama:
Anonymous said...
Direct your friends to this website that I found
Obama Birth Certificate FAQ
Obama FAQ
FAQ on Obama's birth
Because many of the mainstream media and the general public are generally unaware of what's really the issue behind Barack, the best thing for us to do is to educate them and the website above is the best primer.
I went to the first link and read most of what is posted there. It is FILLED with excellent information and deals with the objections of those who might want to accuse you of being a "tin foil hat" wearer and/or a conspiracy theorist.
The concerns surrounding Obama are mounting - with each passing day. The FACT that he is ineligible for POTUS - (unless Malcolm X or Frank Marshall Davis is his real father) because Obama Sr. was a native of Kenya and therefore, Obama Jr. is NOT nor EVER COULD BE a "natural born citizen" as is required for POTUS according to Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of our United States Constitution - is NOT GOING AWAY.
We await to see what happens with Orly Taitz's case at SCOTUS tomorrow.
Hat Tips:
News With Views
GateWay Pundit
First Read
Investigating Obama
Life News.com
Obama Birth Certificate FAQ
Other related blog posts and articles:
Riehl Worldview: Why is Obama "Air- Raiding Villages and Killing Civilians?"
WorldNetDaily: President's meeting with judges questioned
Lawyer challenging eligibility raises issue of secret conference