Obama Schizophrenic Syndrome (Updated)

There will be a moment in time, coming on the horizon, where many who voted for Obama will finally wake up, feel the intense grief and finally say (perhaps privately) what have we done?? That moment may have subconciously already happened for several hundred thousand ObamaBorg Bots who attended the inauguration. Despite all of the euphoria of that day, many actually admitted that they were left with a nagging, downsided feeling while stating "what do we do now?"

Last night, I saw Rush Limbaugh on Hannity. Much of what he said was dead-on truth. He, like many millions of conservatives who already surmised that Obama was trouble for our nation, exposed much truth about how this hyped-up man slithered into the presidency - unvetted and unknown; terribly dangerous policy wise and wrapped up in Marxist ideology. We already know most certainly (if Obama Sr. was his true father) that he is ineligible for the office of POTUS according to our U.S. Constitution's "natural born citizen" clause.

Late last night, I read Lame Cherry's post, The Limbaugh Paradox. It's brilliant! An absolutely eye opening post. It is truthfully presented - warts and all. It is one of those rare, "I don't care if I'm being politically incorrect" evaluations of what the author explains and labels as "Obama Schizophrenic Syndrome."

Go read it!

Read it all and then come back here to share your thoughts!

One thing is for sure. We the People who already knew all about the corruption surrounding Obama, his multitude of lies, his abandonment syndrome by the desertion of his fathers in his life, his narcissim, his evil associations, his terrible pro-infanticide "he never knew an abortion that he didn't like" political position, and his on the "down low" homosexual liasions (Larry Sinclair and the unsolved murder of Trinity church's Donald Young) - which probably explains why he supports so much of the gay agenda extremism views - will all have to finally be exposed.

Mark my words. It will be us conservatives, and all patriots who support our U.S. Constitution who will need to come to the rescue and clean up after Obama's huge mess.

Of course, the mess is just beginning. I hope and pray that Orly Taitz's lawsuit will get the truth exposed, once and for all, and force Obama to reveal all that he has been hiding. Why would anyone prevent any judge or the public from seeing his papers - including his vault-length COLB - unless he has something to hide? Until this is resolved, millions of people will see Obama as a usurper who is ineligible for the office he now fraudulently occupies.

We the People will pursue this issue no matter what!

We are committed to exposing the truth!

We are about justice!

We are members of the United States of America - a Constitutional Republic of the people, for the people and by the people!

We are NOT going away! We refuse to let a usurper get away with trashing our Constitution!

What's more, true American patriots will NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT!

Hat Tips:

Lame Cherry

Citizen Wells

Additional related links:

Apparently, many brave patriots in our awesome military agree! Please read: The Obama Oxymoron

Even MORE GOOD NEWS! The The Federal Grand Jury (5th Amendment) option!


An Uneasy Feeling by Pajamas Media

Concluding excerpt:

Another modest prediction

As Obama begins to govern and as the public sees that he simply borrowed Bush’s foreign policy rhetoric, jazzed it up with his cadences and pauses, and then took either Bushites or Democratic centrists and called them hope and change, and as he glued new rhetorical veneers on the Patriot Act and FISA, and as he alienates many by making decisions other than voting present, and as the gaffes begin (Biden and Michelle can’t be put under wraps forever), and the Chicago fumes linger (Blago ain’t through yet), the fawning media will begin to look embarrassed, then ridiculous, and finally completely bankrupt. They offered no audit of Obama, no tough treatment, no honest examination of his flips, no balance in their treatment of Bush, and they will soon pay a terrible price for that derelection and worse, as the public sees them as the state megaphones that they have so sadly become. The only suspense? Will they play Pravda to the end?
The point of all this? Excuse me, but as a cynic I confess the politics of the left are now about power, ego, status, and the notion of control, rather than genuine concern for the planet, or the creed of egalitarianism or for freedoms of the people. The conservative grandee at least lives by his unapologetic creed, one that we sometimes abhor, but accept is consistent with the natural law of the jungle in that the stronger and more capable claim that that they deserve a greater material reward for their greater accomplishments or, barring that, even unabashedly for their greater luck in being born lucky.

But for the leftist. the desire for wealth, status, exceptional treatment, all this earns the additional wages of hypocrisy. We all know the conservative failing—that a Larry Craig or Mark Foley who preaches constraint and traditional values are themselves slaves to nefarious and destructive appetites. But ignored are their liberal counterparts in hypocrisy—that men and women of the people no more wish to live as the people than the rich they so loudly despise. If some conservatives adopt the patina of a Cato’s stern agrarian conservatism to mask their own weakness for drink, or drug, or sex, then at least grant such psychological states exist for many liberals who demand global parity as a sort of psychological get out of jail card for their cravings for money, status, and privilege.

What is missing in the description about conservatives is the fact that they, without doubt, give more money and donations to churches, charities, missionaries, natural disaster funds etc. than the liberals do. This includes even the very rich liberals!

So, where does the rich, Soros-type far leftists money go?

To fraudulent political candidates (like Obama's) campaigns.
To corrupt politicians (again, like Obama).
Every nefarious organization you could think of including pro-abortion infanticide organizations and the radical homosexual indoctrination agenda and their political organizations.
Nutroots groups like Code Pink.
Used to fund illegal voting registration and practices the likes of ACORN.
Used to employ thugs outside of voting precincts to intimidate voters.
Used to employ Internet ObamaBorg Bots to "fight the smears" against their ObamaFuhrer.
(please feel free to add to this list in comments)

That's where.