Tell Congress NO on StimuWASTE Plan!

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From The Right Side of Life:

For those of you who are American citizens (especially those ex-pats living overseas that visit this site), now is the time to get your voice heard.

As I’ve documented here and here, the President’s stimulus plan as it stands right now is really nothing more than a boondoggle of government largesse and waste.

Think about it this way: if the typical contractor includes 10% of the project as waste and/or overruns, and let’s say that the final bill is $900 billion, that means at the very least there will be a bare minimum of $90 billion in waste, just off the top – and that assumes all the rest of the bill is legitimate!

Just say no. But, you have got to say no.

Consider this admonition from as well as these helpful links from InvestigatingObama:

Senators’ and representatives’ addressses, telephone and fax numbers, and email addresses

Additional contact information, including staff of Senate & House leaders’ staff

Here is a copy of an email that I have already sent to House Republican Leader, John Boehner:

Dear Congressman Boehner,

I am writing today to urge you and ALL REPUBLICANS TO NOT VOTE for the president's stimulus bill. From what I have heard and read about the bill, it is really nothing more than a boondoggle of government largess and waste. Think about it this way: if the typical contractor includes 10% of the project as waste and/or overruns, and let’s say that the final bill is $900 billion, that means at the very least there will be a bare minimum of $90 billion in waste, just off the top – and that assumes all the rest of the bill is legitimate!

Also, I DO NOT WANT ANY OF MY TAX DOLLARS TO GO to help organizations like ACORN. Just what we need - giving $4 billion more dollars to ACORN canvassers passing out cigarettes on the street corner in exchange for votes. Notice I didn’t say REGISTRATION, I said VOTES. I still recall that video of the ACORN representative telling a man in Ohio to vote for Obama.

Please, please PLEASE!! I am BEGGING YOU NOT TO VOTE FOR THIS! It will further increase our current ten trillion dollar deficit which would be placed on the backs of our children and grandchildren!! DO NOT DO THIS TO THEM!!

Please convince every Republican NOT TO VOTE FOR THIS AWFUL BILL! Please try to convince any Democrat that knows in his/her heart that this bill is TOTALLY WASTEFUL - NOT TO VOTE FOR IT!!


Hat tips -

The Right Side of Life for both the information I used in my email and the links. Also, thanks to commenter "Carol" for the ACORN information I included in that email.

U.S. National Debt Clock FAQ

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Michelle Malkin: Stop Thief! Kill the bill, melt the phones!


Translation: They can’t spend the stimulus money fast enough to actually stimulate anything other than campaign coffers, media buzz, and bureaucratic paperwork. President Obama asserted that there is no disagreement on the need to Do Something. He’s wrong. Two hundred economists spoke up this week in an open letter disseminated by the libertarian Cato Institute: “More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s,” they said. “More government spending did not solve Japan’s ‘lost decade’ in the 1990s. As such, it is a triumph of hope over experience to believe that more government spending will help the U.S. today.”

And that must be the message of gimlet-eyed fiscal conservatives in Washington who should wear the “obstructionist” badge proudly. Obstructionism in the name of fiscal sanity is no vice. Panicked profligacy in the name of blind bipartisanship is no virtue.

Dissent is patriotic. Light up the phones today. (Or as Top Conservatives on Twitter and GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann are calling it: Operation Melt the Phones).