Bush's Man Obama Has Won??

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Heh heh...I just have to chuckle at my own first line. When I start a conversation like that with any member of my family, their usual response is - Uh oh! The next thing one or more say to me is, "can we have the Cliff Notes version?"

Well, here at my blog I can decide whether or not to present the "Cliff notes" version or write a forty page dossier on the subject! Of course, many readers may not get through THAT many pages. I am not sure just how long this will turn out to be, but here goes.

There have been a few bloggers who have pointed out how well President Bush and President-elect Obama appear to have been getting along since the election. One blogger, in particular had a very brief but interesting comment at his blog.

Does anyone happen to know who the author of the blog "Lame Cherry" is? This person often writes quite different, often controversial, yet very interesting posts. [Note: some posts mock certain people and are derogatory in nature. Don't claim I didn't warn you!]

Sometimes it is hard to tell which ones are meant to be only satire and which ones are dead serious. He also has a strange habit of using the term "hisself." It seems to be the only obvious grammatically incorrect term that is frequently used. Perhaps he's just trying to be funny? Anyway, in one of his posts where he has the photo of the four living presidents and Barack Obama,he writes:

In noting that, the photo released of Birdie Obama with the 4 Presidents was most interesting as it shows no one wants to be close to the looser [sic] Jimmy Carter. It reveals Bill Clinton is almost in Bush 43's pocket as he wants to be in power so badly again.

43 is amusing in turning his back on the sexual predator Clinton and racist Carter as he is uncomfortable with them and is quite pleased his man Obama has won.

In that Bush 41 is completely at home and within himself with hands in his pockets and leaning into Obama who in turn is leaning into HW Bush, with his hands folded and tilting away from Bush 43 in a clear sign he is telling the world he is retreating within himself and not ready to be President.

Others have noted that in his staff meetings where he has to be presidential he is non stop grinning in a reaction of discomfort in he has no idea what he is doing.

Pay special attention to that sentence in red italics. Did you see that? This Lame Cherry guy is claiming that Bush 43 is "pleased his man Obama has won." Isn't that odd?

Maybe not.

Let me put my tin foil hat back on, but let's go in the opposite direction of former conspiracy theories.

If you look at that photo of the four presidents and Obama, wouldn't you think that Obama would be standing in between two Democratic colleagues, Clinton and Carter?

Plus, look at the ties! The Bushes and Obama are wearing blue ties, and Clinton and Carter are wearing red! Hmmmm....

[FYI, if I knew how to remove the unflattering pics placed at the bottom of photo by Lame Cherry, I would have. Perhaps I can look for an un-doctored photo later.]

Wouldn't that be a hoot if Bush actually did (secretly or otherwise) support Obama over John McCain? Perhaps their differences and virulent rivalry in the Republican presidential primary back in 2000 never really healed. During the election cycle, we were told that Bush kept his distance from McCain's campaign (most likely at the request of McCain) but also because of Bush's "unpopularity." Could it have been for more reasons than that?

I'm just asking questions.

It still bothers me that McCain didn't do all he could have to expose Obama's past relationships. We know why he didn't question the "natural born citizen" issue. McCain seemed to quickly concede the election and was so overly gracious about it - it just seemed to me like he completely expected to lose.

And, why weren't there investigations into the fraud of ACORN and Obama's ties to them? Why weren't the extraordinary amounts of money that went into the Obama campaign coffers investigated by the FEC? Why didn't McCain complain about the fact that his campaign was held accountable for the funds he received but Obama's campaign wasn't? What about the millions of dollars that Obama allegedly received from foreign sources? And - why is the Blagojevich scandal on hold? Is prosecutor Fitzgerald going to immediately get the boot from Obama right after he is sworn in?

So many unanswered questions!

A couple other things that I have noticed.

When President Bush's daughter Jenna got married, the Reverend who married the couple was Kirbyjon Caldwell (?) and he was an open supporter of Barack Obama.

Recall how ballistic the liberal leftists - like the Daily Kossacks - went when Obama decided to keep Gates as Secretary of Defense? Obama had the AUDACITY to keep a Bush war appointee for his own administration? Horrors!

Also, wasn't it mentioned somewhere in the press that Obama and Cheney share some ancestry?

It is painfully obvious that Michele Obama ABSOLUTELY HATES President Bush. She would not even acknowledge him on the day that the Bushes and Obamas met in front of the White House for their first tour. If you watch the YouTube video, she wouldn't even LOOK AT BUSH; no less shake his hand in greeting! Apparently, Mrs. Obama likes Laura Bush and they got along quite well - according to the press coverage.

I don't know what is going to happen with the 33 lawsuits still on the books (including the Berg vs. Obama upcoming decision announcement from the conference previously held on 1/16/09 - as well as the upcoming Orly Taitz lawsuit that is to go to the SCOTUS conference on January 23rd). But I would suspect that there could be several different scenarios.

1. The Supreme Court (and all other courts) dismiss all of them. I fear that a civil war may erupt.

2. The Supreme Court takes one or more of the cases, and Obama is forced to prove natural born citizenship. The outcome of this could be one of the following:

a. Obama is found ineligible and Joe Biden becomes President.

b. Obama is found eligible, due to the fact that his biological father turns out to be someone other than Barack H. Obama, Sr. There have been rumors on the Internet that his father could be either Malcolm X or Frank Marshall Davis. If so, then he would be a "natural born citizen." Many people who voted for him might be REALLY UPSET that they have been lied to about his parentage during this election cycle and for all these years (and, in his books), but since when did lying and deceit and/or even impeachment (e.g. Clinton) get a president booted out of office? Well - that is - except Nixon!

c. Write your own scenario!

One more thing. I can't tell you how many people were outraged about the Chris Wallace/Nancy Pelosi interview on Fox News Sunday. I need to locate a good commentary about her blatant plans for power grabbing and the impression that was given by Pelosi that she would push the Congress to go after President Bush for prosecution purposes.

The anti-gun legislation issue, the power grabbing scenario, and the oxymoronic "Fairness Doctrine" issue have Pelosi salivating. She would love to pass legislation in Congress that would help disarm, completely keep Republicans from having a voice, and/or silence conservatives on talk radio. An excellent essay opinion appeared in the comment section at Digg. Here is a copy:

Reply to this thread +3 diggs +3 / -0 lookingforHim
on 01/18/2009 novenator,
"Obama will NOT take away your guns."
Sure is trying oh his watch.

The Center for Individual Freedom

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi isn't just trying to SILENCE RUSH, HANNITY AND CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO by re-imposing the so-called Fairness Doctrine……Pelosi has also effectively moved to SILENCE CONSERVATIVES in Congress and keep the American public in the dark!

You didn't read about it on the front page of The New York Times, but some have gone as far as to call Pelosi's move outright "tyranny."

Jim Meyers with CNSNews.com simply called it a "naked grab for power." On the very first day of Congress, Pelosi pushed through a change to a House rule known as the "motion to recommit," a rule that was implemented a CENTURY AGO specifically to PROHIBIT the leadership of the majority party from railroading horrendous legislation through Congress under the cover of darkness.

John Fund of The Wall Street Journal aptly described the "motion to recommit" as "a procedural safeguard first given to the minority a century ago after a rebellion against tyrannical GOP Speaker Joe Cannon."

So what is the "motion to recommit" and what are the ramifications of doing away with the it? A real-life example - or rather, 50 real life examples - should suffice. As Fund put it: "Republicans used the tactic 50 times in the last Congress, primarily to block tax increases buried in larger bills."

In other words, on 50 occasions during the last session of Congress, Pelosi and Company tried to sneak tax increases, anti-Second Amendment measures and amnesty for illegal aliens, among other things into unrelated bills.

On those 50 occasions, conservatives exercised their right to send the bills back to committee to FORCE liberal committee members to actually go on record.

Essentially, conservatives said, if you want to pass it... vote on it... go on the record... let the American people see what you're trying to do and let the American people know where you stand... but don't try to sneak measures the American people DO NOT WANT through Congress under the cover of darkness!

Of course, in many cases, Pelosi and Company simply let the bills die rather than forcing fellow liberals to actually go on record. Pelosi's wasn't very happy about being forced into those situations, so she quietly changed the rule. As for the rights of the American people: Who cares -- after all, Nancy knows best.

But now that conservatives in Congress are daring to bring Pelosi's tyranny into the light, Pelosi and her fellow-travelers are screaming bloody murder.

According to The Washington Post; "Republicans had repeatedly abused these motions, wording them to put vulnerable members in a bind by having to choose between killing a bill or taking a politically unpalatable vote destined to turn up in a 30-second attack ad."

Representative Barney Frank said conservatives in Congress are only "interested in game playing."

Representative Jim McGovern chided conservatives; "Congress has to accomplish things. This is designed to help us do just that."

Representative Louise Slaughter called the "motion to recommit," "a gimmick that was used to kill bills."

Shame on those evil conservatives in Congress! They should be flogged for demanding legislative transparency!

How dare they "play games" by stopping liberals from sneaking legislation through Congress under the cover of darkness.

How dare they "abuse" their authority and put liberals in a "bind" by demanding transparency.

How dare they institute a "gimmick" (how one institutes something that has been around for 100 years is anyone's guess) to force liberals to actually vote on the unpalatable laws they want to shove down the throats of the American people.

Tell our elected officials that the American public does indeed know what Nancy Pelosi is trying to do and that she must not be allowed to get away with her tyrannical change of House rules. Tell them you do not want tax increases, amnesty for illegal aliens and other egregious measures passed in the dark of night and under the cover of darkness.

Secrecy Is the Liberals' Favorite Weapon. Seriously, Pelosi and her left-wing cohorts in Congress firmly believe that what YOU don't know won't hurt THEM. They believe that as long as you don't know what they're up to, they can get away with whatever they want to impose on the American people. Pelosi is depending on the cover of darkness and the silence of her allies in the media to keep her shenanigans under wraps.

The last thing Pelosi wants is for the American people to find out what she has done. And that's how we STOP her. We let the cat out of the bag.

They WILL be disabused of the notion that they can: Secretly raise your taxes. Secretly impose amnesty for illegal aliens on your community and your neighborhood. Secretly take away your ability to protect your family by regulating away your right to own and keep a firearm.

Tell our elected officials that the American public does indeed know what Nancy Pelosi is trying to do and that she must not be allowed to get away with her tyrannical change of House rules. Tell them you do not want tax increases, amnesty for illegal aliens and other egregious measures passed in the dark of night and under the cover of darkness.

Is The Media Helping Pelosi Keep The Secret? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Liberals in the mainstream media are taking that old philosophical adage to heart.

Just because you haven't read about what is happening in your local newspaper or haven’t heard about it on the nightly news, do not think that conservatives in Congress don't understand the horrible implications of what would happen if Pelosi is allowed to quietly get away with taking away the rights of the American people They're hopping mad... they're making their feelings known... but the liberal media simply is NOT reporting it.

You'd better believe that if conservatives moved to SHUT DOWN the voice of the minority, it would be on the front page of The New York Times.

Conservatives are talking and just in case you missed it, here is some of what is being said: House Republicans sent a letter to Pelosi which addressed the hypocrisy and dishonesty of her position. The letter read in part: “This is not the kind of openness and transparency that President-elect Obama promised.” Representative David Dreier of California said the rule change would create “the most closed Congress in history.” House Minority Leader John Boehner complained that Pelosi's little subterfuge “silences the voices of tens of millions of Americans by further shutting down open debate on the House floor and taking away the minority’s right to offer substantive policy alternatives on behalf of the millions of Americans they represent.”

Conservative legislators are trying to get the message out but they need your help to drive the message home Pelosi and liberals in Congress must be made to understand that the American people ARE getting the message and that the liberal media can't give them cover this time around. And they need to know that you ARE NOT happy!

Tell our elected officials that the American public does indeed know what Nancy Pelosi is trying to do and that she must not be allowed to get away with her tyrannical change of House rules. Tell them you do not want tax increases, amnesty for illegal aliens and other egregious measures passed in the dark of night and under the cover of darkness.

A Government of Pelosi, By Pelosi and For Pelosi? Nancy Pelosi changed her tune on a great many things once she assumed the position of Speaker of the House. Two years ago, she said; "Bills should generally come to the floor under a procedure that allows open, full and fair debate consisting of a full amendment process that grants the minority the right to offer its alternatives, including a substitute."

Even the liberal Washington Post could not help but comment on Pelosi's blatant hypocrisy and her apparent rush to change the rules when it comes to transparency and openness: "When they took over in 2007, Democrats set aside their pledge in order to muscle through their agenda during the first 100 hours; their promises continued to prove hollow in the ensuing months.... Democrats brought more measures to the House floor under closed rules - permitting no amendments - than any of the six previous Republican-controlled congresses."

The Post also wrote: "But there is a legitimate concern about whether the House can return to a semblance of 'regular order': committee hearings and markups rather than measures brought precipitously to the floor with little time for review; reasonable allowance for amendments on the floor rather than closed rules allowing no changes; and conferences to resolve differences between the chambers rather than leadership-dictated products."

Naturally, The Post doesn't quite get it. The issue is about A LOT MORE than Pelosi's apparent hypocrisy! It's not about a choice between a Congress that is orderly versus a Congress that bickers.

It's a choice between a Congress that is accountable to the people or a Congress that simply tries to legislate through stealth. It's a choice between freedom and tyranny.

Will you stand up for your freedoms? That's your choice!

Tell our elected officials that the American public does indeed know what Nancy Pelosi is trying to do and that she must not be allowed to get away with her tyrannical change of House rules. Tell them you do not want tax increases, amnesty for illegal aliens and other egregious measures passed in the dark of night and under the cover of darkness.

Yours In Freedom,
Jeff Mazzella

Another Digg user claims:

Reply+1 digg +1 / -0 Beerformyhorses
19 hr 51 min ago Here is a truism. Governments are about power and money. Period. They want your money and want power over you so you cannot resist them robbing you. There is no altruism in government. They want the first right of refusal on every dime you earn. We are fast approaching a tipping point at which many will say ENOUGH! They need to ban and confiscate our weapons before that tipping point or they will lose their power. Resist.

Now, it will be interesting to see if Obama gives Pelosi and her cohorts "their way" on the Bush "investigation" issue and/or the gun issue. If he doesn't side with Pelosi on the Bush investigation issue, then I predict that the liberals will go ballistic - once again (just like they did with the Rick Warren pick for prayer at the inauguration) and start to doubt that Obama is as much of a "Bush hater" as those who have been suffering from "Bush Derangement Syndrome" over the past eight years!

The gun issue I cannot predict. Obama has sent mixed messages about that and there is no predicting what he might do. At least there are many Americans already well armed. Gun sales rose 50% after the election results and prior to tomorrow's inauguration!

Ah...I feel like I am leaving a lot of details out. As I think of additional questions, comments, theories, conspiracies etc. I will add them here and in the comment section.

Any thoughts? Comments? Rantings? Agreements? Disagreements?

We now return you back to the normal Talk Wisdom blog...

P.S. I was SO GLAD to read that the border agents - Ramos and Compean - have been pardoned by President Bush!!!