I'll Wear That Tin Foil Hat - Thank You!

During a conversation with commenter "Rebecca" in my last post, I shared some information that I thought deserved a blog post all its own. So, I present to readers here my latest "blogment."

In the comment thread of this post Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous said...
Here's what's happening:

1. Berg's case is going down to the Court of Appeals.

2. Supreme Court has nevertheless accepted the amicus brief that, regardless of Berg, Supreme Court MUST issue a stay until the matter is resolved (either at the Court of Appeals or through one of the other actions now before the Supreme Court or Obama voluntarily withdraws for the peace of the country) because it would be catastrophic damage to USA if Obama were inaugurated and LATER determined inelligible (that is, because all actions by the Federal Government under an inelligible Obama would be void or voidable).

3. Supreme Court currently has a Stay set for Conference on 1/16/09 and can Stay the 1/20/09 Inauguration of Obama to be replaced by the swearing in of Biden under the 20th Amendment (at least to serve as Acting President until the Obama constitutional elligibility is resolved).

4. Alternatively, the Supreme Court can retroactively Stay (after 1/20/09) -- say on 1/23/09 at its scheduled conference on the Lightfoot case -- the Obama Inauguration until the eligibility issue is resolved

January 12, 2009 1:02:00 PM PST

Then, Rebecca replied:

rebecca said...
i am just beyond weeping and shame! eight days left people! what on earth can we do to save this country from the biggest liberal of all history?

it just makes me SICK to think that foreigner might POTUS.

And to ANONYMOUS: Biden is NOT the answer. If anything that guy is a BIGGER liberal than BHO... he certainly has a bigger MOUTH!!!

On JAN 20 John McCain becomes the true president... he won more votes than BHO, ignoring the fraudulent ballots of ACORN.

January 12, 2009 2:21:00 PM PST

This led me to ask some questions. If Anonymous comes back and answers them, I will post them here.

Christinewjc said...

Anonymous -

Thank you for the additional information. I sincerely hope that you are correct about the SCOTUS needing to stay the inauguration until the constitutional eligibility issue surrounding Obama is resolved. Will this happen at the January 16th conference?

I have a few questions, though. What about the fact that Biden may have accepted the V.P. nomination under Obama, all the while KNOWING that Obama is not a natural born citizen? Would that make him an accomplice in this fraud? How then, could Chief Justice John Roberts swear Biden into the office of the president on the 20th - even if it would be temporarily?

And, if the inauguration happens, then Obama is found ineligible days, weeks or even months down the road, how is he removed from office? I have read that he cannot be impeached because he wasn't eligible in the first place. Therefore, he would need to be removed in some other way - police or military action?

Any additional information that you could provide here would be greatly appreciated.

January 13, 2009 7:38:00 AM PST

In response to Rebecca and Anonymous, I also shared:

I have been accused of being a "conspiracy theorist" and a "tin foil hat" blogger (notice "John's" comment in previous thread) over the course of this entire election cycle.

When attempting to get at the ultimate truth, one needs to examine everything. [Added here: When I share something that can be deemed speculative, I admit that fact.]

[Added: As far as being labeled a "tin foil hat" blogger - I think that I'm in good company. There are hundreds of thousands of bloggers now questioning Obama's eligibility for POTUS and millions of voters who want answers!]

At one point, I had a sneaking [speculative] suspicion that the Obama phenomenon was all just a show and that the Democrats in charge KNOW Obama isn't eligible.

Recall how quickly Harry Reid changed his vote for Burris (when he was originally staunchly against him) to get Obama's vacant senate seat after Mr. Burris mentioned in an interview that he, himself, is a "natural born citizen." I think that the man used that as a verbal weapon against the Senate and House Democratic leaders so that they would "change their minds" and give him the senate seat - despite the fact that that the Dems didn't want Blagojevich's choice to be seated. Of course, the Media of Mass Deception didn't make such a connection or even mention it during their reports.

It is for these reasons, and many, many more, that I think this whole charade COULD BE an "end run" to get Biden into the presidency.

Back in August, before Biden was chosen, I had guessed correctly that Obama would pick him for V.P.

As Obama's ineligibility issue caught steam and the lawsuits started piling up, I wrote about the possibility that it was all a ruse to get Biden into office.

Everyone knows that Biden's lack of popularity, campaign flubs and verbal gaffes (not to mention his ugly, ultra-liberal leftist policies...ugh!) would NEVER enable him to get into office without the Obamessiah's teleprompter rhetoric.

I was reading some comments at another blog and someone else mentioned similar suspicions about the Obama candidacy and Biden's presidential aspirations.

I found the comment over at
Citizen Wells blog.

Here is a copy:

In Palin We Trust // January 12, 2009 at 11:24 pm

I bet all this ineligibility is suddenly and CONVENIENTLY “discovered” once Obarfa is inagurated. See, then Biden (who has desperatly wanted to be President since like forever) has a serious chance at it if Obarfa is then found to be ineligible. Biden would NOT serve temporaily, HE WOULD BECOME POTUS. I bet Nancy Pegrossi will help him with the “discovery” to get the nod as his new V.P.! The second position she could claim as being the first woman to hold.

Really…has anyone really thought about the Biden angle? He really wanted to be President…or wants to be President.

Since yesterday when I first read it, other commenters have chimed in. Found this article posted over there quite interesting:

Jacqlyn Smith // January 13, 2009 at 2:25 am

Please read the article below. This sounds fishy to me!!! Do you suppose he was getting rid of incriminating evidence on Obama. Why can’t there be access to Obama’s passport if this guy got it illegally???

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Obama’s Intelligence Adviser Involved in Security Breach

Monday, January 12, 2009 1:46 PM

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Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser, John O. Brennan, heads a firm that was cited in March for breaching sensitive files in the State Department’s passport office, according to a State Department Inspector General’s report released this past July.

The security breach, first reported by the Washington Times and later confirmed by State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, involved a contract employee of Brennan’s firm, The Analysis Corp., which has earned millions of dollars providing intelligence-related consulting services to federal agencies and private companies.

During a State Department briefing on March 21, 2008, McCormack confirmed that the contractor had accessed the passport files of presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain, and that the inspector general had launched an investigation.

Sources who tracked the investigation tell Newsmax that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to “cauterize” the records of potentially embarrassing information.

“They looked at the McCain and Clinton files as well to create confusion,” one knowledgeable source told Newsmax. “But this was basically an attempt to cauterize the Obama file.”

At the time of the breach, Brennan was working as an unpaid adviser to the Obama campaign.

“This individual’s actions were taken without the knowledge or direction of anyone at The Analysis Corp. and are wholly inconsistent with our professional and ethical standards,” Brennan’s company said in a statement sent to reporters after the passport breach was made public.

The passport files include “personally identifiable information such as the applicant’s name, gender, social security number, date and place of birth, and passport number,” according to the inspector general report.

The files may contain additional information including “original copies of the associated documents,” the report added. Such documents include birth certificates, naturalization certificates, or oaths of allegiance for U.S.-born persons who adopted the citizenship of a foreign country as minors.

The Obama campaign acknowledged at its “Fight the Smears” Web site that Obama was a foreign national until the age of 18, by virtue of his father’s British then Kenyan citizenship.

“Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982,” the Web site stated.

“Fight the Smears” attempted to debunk rumors that Obama was not a U.S. citizen by producing a 2007 computer-generated copy of his certification of live birth.

“The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America,” the Web site states.

However, “native citizen” is a colloquialism, not a legal term. It is not the same as “natural-born citizen,” the requirement to be president set out in Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Chief Justice John Roberts has scheduled a Supreme Court conference on Jan. 23 on Lightfoot v. Bowen, one of several cases alleging that Obama is not a “natural born” citizen because of his birthright British citizenship.

The State Department chalked up the passport file snooping discovered in March 2008 to “imprudent curiosity” by contract employees hired to help process passport applications.

Asked by reporters during a campaign stop in Portland, Ore., to comment on the breach, Obama said that attempts to “tap into people’s personal records” were “a problem not just for me but for how our government functions.

“I expect a full and thorough investigation. It should be done in conjunction with those congressional committees that have oversight so it’s not simply an internal matter,” he added.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice phoned Obama and personally apologized for the breach. “I told him that I myself would be very disturbed if I learned that somebody had looked into my passport file,” Rice told reporters. She phoned Clinton and McCain and offered similar apologies.

Following the breach, State Department managers met with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph Biden, whose committee has oversight over the Foreign Service and the passport office. Biden will be sworn in as Obama’s vice president on Jan. 20.

The State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a 104-page report on the breach last July. Although it is stamped “Sensitive but Unclassified,” the report was heavily redacted in the version released to the public, with page after page blacked out entirely.

The problems posed by the breach were so serious that the inspector general recommended that the State Department conduct “vulnerability and risk assessments of all passport systems” to identify security weaknesses and suggest “a timetable for implementing corrective actions.”

Acting Assistant secretary for administration William H. Moser sent a six-page reply concurring with the recommendation, all but one paragraph of which was blacked out because of the sensitivity of the information it contained.

Had Brennan been appointed CIA director, as rumored in the Obama campaign shortly after the election, senators also would have questioned him about an article he wrote in an obscure foreign policy magazine over the summer.

The article, entitled “The Conundrum of Iran: Strengthening Moderates without Acquiescing to Belligerence,” appeared in the July issue of “The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.”

Among other recommendations, it argued that the next U.S. administration should grant political legitimacy to the terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas, and should exercise “strategic patience” with Iran rather than engaging in “bellicose” rhetoric and coercive diplomacy.

Then, another comment about Biden:

Ace // January 13, 2009 at 9:30 am

The amicus brief is from an Arizona elector. This Arizona elector (a McCain elector) achieved standing on January 8, 2009 when the congress certified the electoral vote. Arizona law states that an elector can compel the Attorney General to discover the eligibility of candidates. Berg is attempting to have Soetoro’s birth certificate subpoenaed through this elector who has standing. The Supreme Court just agreed and confirmed that this elector has standing. The republican of Hawaii sealed Soetoro’s BC months ago. If the circuit subpoenas the BC, Soetoro may be in serious legal and political trouble.

Note that last sentence: "Soetoro may be in serious legal and political trouble."

Another comment from Citizen Wells thread:

CJ // January 13, 2009 at 11:27 am

In reference to the post above about the passport breach: The mention of Biden being involved at some point is curious. Could this be how he got to be the VP nominee? Maybe he knows the truth via the passport investigation. Maybe he told Obama you better pick me or it’s curtains for your run for the Presidency. He already knows how to win elections via questionable tactics and has seen it all in his years involved, so he probably felt there was a good chance the Dems could pull it off at this time. He knows he won’t ever get elected on his own because he’s tried and failed miserably. He isn’t getting any younger either. Biden now could become Pres. if OB is found ineligible. He could even provide the leak himself if he has the goods. Wow, I am now looking for conspiracies in every corner of the government. We all should become writers for some of the crime shows. We’d all win Emmys. The trickier part is knowing what is really the truth on this stuff. Will we ever know really?

We can only hope he's caught in a big sting!! This wouldn't trump the "natural born citizen" issue, but it would be additional evidence as to why this fraud should NEVER set foot in the White House!

One last thing that I thought of since posting this last comment. Has anyone else noticed the attitude of some of the Senate Democrats regarding Obama? I think it was Harry Reid who said that he won't work "under Obama" - he will work "with him." Even some Democrats refuse to show their own fraudulent president-elect any due respect!!

Hat Tip: Citizen Wells

Photo courtesy of "Planet Wally."

More "Tin Foil Hat" Wearers? [Some are REALLY SMART AND EDUCATED - like the author at the first link listed here.]

Dr. Edwin Vieria, Jr. Ph.D. J.D. - News With Views: OBAMA MUST STAND UP NOW OR STEP DOWN

Very Important Petition filed

The Right Side of Life: Berg v. Obama: Second Conference Hearing on Friday [Great video to view there!]


Indirectly related - but very useful information. Goes to show how Obama kept the press from asking him any pertinent questions about his eligibility problems!!

Sun-Times: Journalists Being Shut Out by Obama

Is the honeymoon between the Media of Mass Deception and Barack Hussein Obama already over?


Keeping up with all of the Barack Hussein Obama ineligibility lawsuits:

The Right Side of Life: Eligibility Lawsuits


Just another "Shiny hat" wearer - with comments!

Final update tonight:

This is a link to an INS Document about Obama's mother's travel documents (I think). Tried to view it, but the server is busy.


Note: BTW the link I provided might not work once you click on it, but hit the F5 key (refresh) and then click on Microfilm on the top menu bar.

Ins document # CD E509B TECX SQSQPQ

Add on to final update:

Since no one seems to be able to get to the micro fishe document page, I thought that I would include this comment from "kittycat77" over at Citizen Wells blog:

Author: kittycat77
Tim, they can all be opened to Yahweh's truth, but the whole thing will be up to
them. It has to do with "hearing," and IF and WHEN one decides to hear. That
was always the hardest for me to understand years ago, but a person MUST want to
hear. Once they do, a light enters into their minds, the light of truth. Yahweh
says to turn to him and he'll turn to us. He always gives us the choice.

Anyway, in the Days of Our Lives in the BO saga, have you read on Restore the
latest? Wow, this is something and let me post it.

She's answering a person named Justice:

"Justice, that is Dr. Orly Taitz! She is very tough and we are so lucky to have
her on our side! She saw what was happening and I am sure it reminded her of her
home country Russia! Glad to have you aboard!

Ed is going to release the document either Friday or Monday. The document,
according to Ed, is in a safe place but he does not have a hard copy as of yet.
Steve apparently has the document. It states that S.A.D Obama's (funny, her
initials are SAD) port of entry was Miami six days after Obama was born and she
arrived with a child. Ed gave us the document numbers in the room. However, you
can not get to the doc on line due to it being that all records from that far
back are on film. It sounds like the real thing. Globe is suppose to have the
document as well so that they can run the story next week!

Guys, if you were not on Plains last night, Steven P. told this story about a
Barrack Obama that died in a plane crash in Pakistan in 1979. It was a private
jet with a pilot, co-pilot, and two (?) passengers. After an investigation the
plane was fine but the flight crew was overcome by nerve gas and that is the
reason the plane crashed. One of the passengers on board was a Barrack Obama.
Steve stated a number of times that he was not tying this to our Barrack Obama
(wink wink)! FREAKY!

Ok, I see now that you guys have somewhat covered the micro fishe thingy!
