THE Best "Choose Life" Ad EVER!

The person that came up with this ad idea is a genius! Hard for ANYONE to argue against it! Best pro-life message I have ever seen. It is an illustration of one of my favorite sayings - Choose Life, Your Mother Did!

I have been asked by some Obama supporters whether or not I would be willing to pray for Obama. I do pray. I pray that he will come to the authentic realization that he is a sinner, desperately in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that he will be GENUINELY born again in Christ through confession and repentance for his sin. I pray that he will one day kneel, at the foot of the Cross of Christ and acknowledge Christ's sacrificial death for his sins. I pray that he will ask the Lord to forgive him, and cleanse him of that sin. I pray that he will ask Jesus Christ into his heart as Lord and Savior of his life. I pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit, and in his renewed life and ongoing walk with Christ, that the sanctification of his heart will occur and that Obama will turn away from his evil ways and terrible policies.

I pray that he will realize the error of his pro-death-to-babies policies, and change his mind about them. I pray that he will choose life - his mother did.

Imagine the Potential

Update: 1/30/09 -

My friend Neil over at Eternity Matters has placed this video in a post called A Great Day For Life! My comment there:

Even though I still think that Obama is not a natural born citizen, and therefore, ineligible to be POTUS (unless his real father is someone other than Obama Sr.), this video makes two reasons why I can see God's hand in the election.

The first reason is because so many of the blacks and hispanics in California who voted for Obama, also voted to pass Proposition 8.

The second reason is because this video is getting around and I pray that millions will see it and lean them towards the pro-life position for the unborn.

These are two issues that many, many Christians have been praying about for years.

Despite Obama's overt support for homosexual indoctrination and causes, he has, inadvertently and ironically, also had an impact for the Christian, pro-traditional family, pro-biblical marriage issue (via passage of Prop. 8 in CA) that marriage should always remain as the union of one man and one woman.

Despite Obama's overt and lethal pro-death-to-babies-in-the-womb worldview and policies, it has led to a video so powerful for the pro-life cause (starring him!!) that he is also, inadvertently and ironically, having a huge impact for pro-life causes!

Only God could accomplish such a feat! Praise Jesus!!