Obama's Romper Room Mentality

It appears that Obamination broke wind...I mean...had gotten wind of Sean Hannity's interview with Rush Limbaugh.

WASHINGTON -- President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

Can you believe this idiotic usurper in chief?? The things that come out of this arrogant fraud are just so ridiculously silly it is absolutely astounding!

But wait! It gets even worse!

"There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats," the official said. "We shouldn't let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done."

That wasn't Obama's only jab at Republicans today.

While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House's Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message.

"I won," he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. "I will trump you on that."

The response was to the objection by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to the president's proposal to increase benefits for low-income workers who don't owe federal income taxes.

"I won?"

"I will trump you on that?"

What does this dumbbell think? He's in a gambling casino?

What an arrogant chump!

Some good comments written after the article:

Tarheelmaam wrote:
To take on Limbaugh is the height of insecurity for a president who once seemed so sure of himself. Is it not patriotic to question, Mr. President? You did. Does the term "loyal opposition" scare you? In a Democracy, listening to opposing views is the lifeblood that keeps it pumping, not something to disdain or suppress. A new President, intimidated by a talk show personality with a different ideology, is not one in whom I can invest my confidence.
1/23/2009 10:00 PM EST

Truth Lives wrote:
Did Bush ever criticize Keith Olbermann personally? No, it would have been petty.Thefact Hussein has done this right away shows how thin skinned he is. How's that eye twitch thing going Hussein?
1/23/2009 9:56 PM EST

LouisianaMan09 wrote:
Hussein is about as bright as a small appliance bulb. Rush has been around for years. And long after Hussein is gone from office, Rush will still be on the air. Politians come and go, but Rush has become a permanent fixture.
1/23/2009 9:56 PM EST

grcac wrote:
To Angus - Check your history. The Global Financial Wipeout we are experiencing, was a result of Barney Franks, Greg Meeks and Maxine Waters. Bush tried to increase regulation in 2005 and Barney and crew RIDICULED the regulators. Chris Dodd agreed and the result was the downfall of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Stop and think, why would republicans support letting subprime borrowers get into homes? Answer - They didn't. Starting with Carter enhanced by Clinton and rode hard by the Democratic Congress. I will grant you that Idiots in Merrill Lynch, Lehman and other firms decided the BS their Quants advertised that Subprime loans were as safe as cash. then the Idiots decided if they could borrow at 4% and loan at 6%, they could leverage themselves 20 to 1 and make 30% on subprime.

pauldia wrote:
A tale of two Presidents. Bush was pilloried unmercifully and in many ways unfairly by almost all major media, the press pool reporters, and satirists. Democrats has talking points daily on MSNBC. Never once did he react or complain. Now we have a spoiled child in the oval office who cannot even take legitimate criticism from basically only one media , i.e. talk radio.You better grow up real quick Barrack. Romper room is over!
1/23/2009 9:51 PM EST

conservative leader wrote:
President Obama's comment "I won" is a clear indication of his lack of understanding of the American democratic form of government with three governmental branches (legislative, judiciary, executive). We are not a dictatorship President Obama-you don't get to dictate the policies that you want. The scary thing here is that you probably actually believe that being elected President entitles you to be a dictator.
1/23/2009 9:40 PM EST

wkeller wrote:
I find it funny that obama sees the need to respond to Rush. Perhaps he hits a little close to home? I don't think he need concern himself with Congressional Republicans and Rush, the Republicans have long since abandonded anything even resembling conservative values. The choice of McCain proved that. They will roll over and play nice.

As for Obama himself, I wonder is there is just a little shudder going through the soul of those who witnessed 9/11 up close and personal? With the stroke of a pen of four sheets of paper, he has "closed" GITMO, dictated the Army Field Manual be used as a guide to interogations and removing protections during interogations for field agents. Given that Bush was hammered for not "connecting the dots", will anyone say anything about the blindfold Obama just across America's eyes? He's an obvious fool, America is in much more danger tonight than we have been since 9/11.
1/23/2009 9:32 PM EST

FearGod wrote:
It sounds as if our new president will need a little dose of humility. No worries, God has a way of knocking people like him down to size. This "I won" bit sounds like a little kid on the play ground. Rush will have a field day with him on Monday. Dittos Rush can't wait.
1/23/2009 9:26 PM EST

businessisbooming wrote:
Remember...just Hussein says it, doesn't make it so. America will quickly find out just how socialistic and stupid this bozo really is.
1/23/2009 9:22 PM EST

J Man wrote:
I don't think the Obamatrons realize Obama was a legacy admittance into Harvard. Sad thing is they don't really know much at all about the guy they blindly follow. They don't really know much at all
1/23/2009 9:19 PM EST

JSirko wrote:
There's something positively sick about the president telling anybody they can't listed to an entertainer on the radio. Is this the America you want libs? Did you ever hear Bush rail against Al Frankin? Bush had more class than Obama could ever dream of!!
1/23/2009 9:19 PM EST

tanarg wrote:
The Chicago Bammer is an arrogant little boy who cannot stand anyone who disagrees with him. I predict we will be free of this little nasty fellow long before 2012. I see impeachment in his future -- and conviction.
1/23/2009 9:17 PM EST

whitejaq wrote:
Why is the most powerful man in the world all whipped up about one media commentator? Could it be that Obama ain't all he's cracked up to be? Some of you know what I mean when I say, People, we've got to do something. Obama is about to destroy this country.
1/23/2009 9:16 PM EST

tonypal wrote:
His comments about Rush and his near obsession with Sean Hannity during the campaign are evidence of a thin skin. As for those who don't like what Rush has to say and want him shut down (fairness doctrine), just remember that over the last 8 years it was democrats that lectured us that dissent was patriotic. So in other words, Rush and the rest of us who disagree with Obama, no matter the language we use or the intensity of the dissent, are just engaging in acts of patriotism.
1/23/2009 9:15 PM EST

dogsrule wrote:
Why is Obama so worried if anyone is listening to Rush? What happened to listening to different ideas? Just like the libs, they don't like what you say they try and shut you down. Here comes the Fairness Doctrine. Anyone else notice Obama cares more about the rights of scumbag terrorist than that of the unborn.
1/23/2009 9:14 PM EST

finemess wrote:
Limbaugh has never tried to silence his opposition. In fact, he welcomes their arguments. Obama is in office three days and is worrying about a radio host, a private citizen at that, telling Republicans not to listen to him. What is Obama afraid of exactly?
1/23/2009 9:11 PM EST

Political woman wrote:
Uh, Mr. President...all those in the room won too. Even the Republicans. They were all voted on and sent to represent their districts so you need to listen to the American people's elected Reps and Senators too. You ain't royalty bro....
1/23/2009 9:08 PM EST

ccrabill wrote:
"I won." Is this an adult comment? Is this the type of comment a serious minded, America loving representative (Yes the Presidency is representative of US...)would make? No. It is the type of comment a poser, a fraud, a phoney, a non-citizen-who-has-made-a-mockery-of-our-republic, would make. God knows who you are, Obama, and who YOU ARE NOT.
1/23/2009 9:02 PM EST


Hat Tip: New York Post

Related posts:

Atlas Shrugs: Hussein takes on Rush Limbaugh.

Newsbusters: Obama - The Rank Amateur

Update 1/24/09

You've GOT TO WATCH the brief video over at The Right Perspective where Obama dodges reporter Jonathan Martin. Obama's arrogance comes shining through when Martin asks about Pentagon nominee, William J. Lynn III and Lynn’s past lobbying. Obama became agitated, and tried to stare down the reporter. Obama then states, "I can't end up visiting you guys if I'm gonna get grilled every time I'm down here."

Yep... As the author at the site writes, "Only days into his presidential term, Barack Obama has shown a boorish and bullying attitude towards reporters, and a glaring, flippant arrogance against Republicans and even Rush Limbaugh."

Update 1/24/09 @ 8:31 p.m. PT:

Rush Responds to Obama

Let's face it. Obama will NEVER be a match for Limbaugh! Heh heh...got 'em!!