The Gray Soup

I have a question. Is it true that the older we get the less sleep is required? For some reason, I have found myself falling asleep early in the evening (around 9 p.m.) but then waking in the wee hours of the morning - like 4 a.m. It must be the burden of worrying about the awful direction that our nation is currently headed.

The Lord is so good, though! Whenever I feel burdened in this way He leads me to books, Internet articles, encouraging emails and/or even an inspirational word from a friend that immediately reminds me that no matter what - God is with me, Jesus will never forsake me, and God is ultimately in control. When we live in this manner, in steadfast faith - no matter what happens on this earth - as believers, we can have the confidence that He is with us!

I'm sure that readers here have noticed how frequently I have linked to the writings of Rev. M. Bresciani over at American Ever since I discovered his website, I have visited it faithfully each day. It is as if his writings speak to my concerns as he articulates just what is bothering me about this new administration.

Rev. Bresciani's latest article is just too good for words. I present it here in its entirety:

Liberalism is having its day on a global scale. The United States is only a notch behind Europe in becoming the second great home for secular liberalisms gray soup where all absolutism is dissolved into a giant pot of tolerance and diversity. It promises to feed the world but it is un-palatable under the strong light of truth.

When many ideas are allowed to co-exist in a democracy where the tolerance is generated by common respect, miracles can take place. When different ideas are quickly stirred and mixed together by the force of law only anger, confusion, contradiction and despair result.

The by product of forcing everyone to speak and even think alike is always contradiction. Ignorance of human nature is the stupidity that fuels liberalism. People levitate toward their own heartfelt convictions about God, country, politics and all else. The new liberalism seeks to require, to mandate, to legislate that we all think as we are “supposed to think.” We become the Borg (Gene Roddenberry’s forced one mind culture) and because the gray slop is now the rule of law “resistance is futile.” But is it?

For decades we have heard the adage “you can’t legislate morality.” Faith and Family’s Dr. Richard Land has an interesting take on this allegedly sage admonishment and is often quoted for saying, “You can’t legislate morality but you have to pass a lot of legislation to deal with the effects of immorality.”

It seems the effort to legislate laws to deal with the rapid rise of immorality is losing ground and now it is easier to allow a lot of things under the heading of personal freedom. We are fast approaching the place where liberalism empowered by the law will produce something equivalent to state sponsored personal anarchy. It is sort of the legalized version of “if it feels good, do it.”

The governments of both the US and the EU are figuratively saying “it’s all good!” For the moment it may seem that they are right but in the near future we will all realize they are miserably wrong. The fast moving train that neither country sees coming down the track has already begun to smash everything in its path.

When liberalism’s train of tolerance and diversity is empowered by law then it will be illegal to oppose or disagree with others beliefs. When it was a matter of conscience, Christians could live with a neighbor who was Buddhist or a Muslim and carry on a discourse or even “witness” to them of our faith if we thought to do so. This could put you in jail in the very near future. In Muslim countries it can and now does often result in being jailed or killed, in accordance with the law!

Enforcing gray slop laws has only one outcome and it is always contradiction. Prime examples exist today that read like a list of liberalisms world class absurdities. It takes only a cursory search of today’s headlines to see some of these absurdities. Here are a few examples.

According to The Spectator UK Jan 22, 2009 Dutch Freedom Party MP, Geert Wilders is to be put on trial for inciting hatred and discrimination for his remarks and for posting an anti-Koran film on the internet. Contrast this to a news report in the Telegraph UK also on Jan 22, 2009 that reports an Australian Muslim cleric has been teaching his followers that it is perfectly acceptable to rape and beat their wives. Perhaps the world’s liberals should donate funds to fly those Muslim women to Mr. Wilder’s trial and even sit on the jury! Does anyone want to guess what the verdict will be?

An article on the Wired Blog Network Jan 21, 2009 says “Obama Promises New Era of Openness.” The article goes on to say “United States President Barack Obama announced today that his administration will roll back the secrecy that has ruled during the Bush Administration and implement a new era of government openness and transparency.” While the libs are titillated the conservatives headed up by former Pennsylvania Asst. Attorney General Philip Berg and of late Dr. Orly Taitz, are livid for good reason. Dozens of documents from Obama’s school days going all the way back to his birth certificate remain under lock and key and so far not a court in the land has had the chutzpah to get them released. Write this under contradiction with a capital C.

Probably the most blaring contradiction of the day is the recent booing of outgoing President George Bush by the crowds at the inauguration of Barack Obama. Here stood the quintessential crowd of liberal progressives watching as their hope of tolerance, fair play and oneness recited the oath of office even as they showed open disdain, disrespect and even hatred for President Bush. This is the by product of liberalism and it is always contradiction.

The very idea that a President can stand before a crowd of one million and promise a better life for Americans even while he supports the ending of life for the unborn to the tune of 4,000 per day will have to top the list as the greatest single liberally generated absurdity of the day. The gray soup will produce many more contradictions in the future so where does it all end?

Secularism seeks to produce a “form of government” and a “form of utopian society” that will usher in a new age of blissful diversity and acceptance. It requires a leveling of many playing fields such as religion, politics, and let us not forget that great Devil we must all defeat together known as “global warming.” The new “form” of things looks so tantalizing as to be the very “form of Godliness” itself. This is where I would have to fall out and revert to the sage teachings of the Apostle Paul who for me not only has the last word but his word helps to illumine yet another blaring contradiction birthed from the liberal hype of the day.

Paul, warning of the state of things near the end of time as we know it, told his beloved young disciple Timothy, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” (2Tim 3:1-5)

I am always thankful that Paul didn’t mention that these same folks at the very least were busy hustling up some way to cool down their overheated planet. After seeing the behavior of the liberal constituency of this country and reading everything from their legislation to their blogs I now know who Paul was speaking of. The gray soup Paul is speaking of is now so very close to home.

Notice that Rev. Bresciani labels the liberal mentality that is sweeping the nation these days as "Borg-like." This has been one of my favorite analogies regarding "liberal think" - but especially when it is applied to Obamamania.

These two parts of Rev. Bresciani's essay say it much better than I ever could:

...liberalisms gray soup where all absolutism is dissolved into a giant pot of tolerance and diversity. It promises to feed the world but it is un-palatable under the strong light of truth.

The by product of forcing everyone to speak and even think alike is always contradiction. Ignorance of human nature is the stupidity that fuels liberalism. People levitate toward their own heartfelt convictions about God, country, politics and all else. The new liberalism seeks to require, to mandate, to legislate that we all think as we are “supposed to think.” We become the Borg (Gene Roddenberry’s forced one mind culture) and because the gray slop is now the rule of law “resistance is futile.” But is it?

Let's repeat that one sentence in there that sets apart those who are biblically-based Christians vs. secular humanist liberals:

"Ignorance of human nature is the stupidity that fuels liberalism."

Oh my...THAT'S IT! That is the difference in a nutshell right there!

I am so grateful that Rev. Bresciani answers the ObamaBorg Bot mania of "resistance is futile" with the question:

But is it?

Answer: No! Resistance against evil is NEVER FUTILE!

As I had mentioned at the beginning of this post, after prayer, God often speaks to my heart of hearts, and my concerns of the day through pointing me in the direction of a book, email, blogpost, website article, comforting friend - you name it - at just the right time with just the right message. He has done so, once again, through Rev. Bresciani's essay, as well as the following email devotional message:

Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon
Saturday January 24, 2009
Christians Unite Devotionals

Care of Our Feet

He will keep the feet of his saints. (1 Samuel 2:9)

The way is slippery and our feet are feeble, but the Lord will keep our feet. If we give ourselves up by obedient faith to be His holy ones, He will Himself be our guardian. Not only will He charge His angels to keep us, but He Himself will preserve our goings.

He will keep our feet from falling so that we do not defile our garments, wound our souls, and cause the enemy to blaspheme.

He will keep our feet from wandering so that we do not go into paths of error, or ways of folly, or courses of the world's custom.

He will keep our feet from swelling through weariness, or blistering because of the roughness and length of the way.

He will keep our feet from wounding: our shoes shall be iron and brass so that even though we tread on the edge of the sword, or on deadly serpents, we shall not bleed or be poisoned.

He will also pluck our feet out of the net. We shall not be entangled by the deceit of our malicious and crafty foes.

With such a promise as this, let us run without weariness and walk without fear. He who keeps our feet will do it effectually.


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Christians Unite devotionals

Update 1/25/09 -

Speaking of "The Borg" of Star Trek fame, see Fausta's Blog.