The Unholy Alliance of Marxism and Islamic Jihad

Andrew Breitbart's Big Journalism Blog has a MUST READ Essay entitled: Ten Questions About ‘The Grand Jihad’ For Author Andrew McCarthy

Posted by Michael Walsh May 31st 2010 at 1:14 pm in Featured Story, Politics, Religion

Andy McCarthy’s vital new book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America, was published last week. The author, a former federal prosecutor, discusses the looming threats both foreign and domestic:

Q. Why did you write this book? Surely, you’re overstating the threat to the American way of life from radical Islam.

We’re 17 years removed from the declaration of a jihadist war against the United States, the bombing of the World Trade Center, and nearly a decade removed from the jihadist atrocities of 9/11. Yet, as recently as last week, we heard President Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser insist that Islam has nothing to do with the threat facing us and that because Islam is, by his lights, benign, and so is jihad — merely an internal struggle to “purify” oneself or one’s community. In point of fact, we are facing a movement that is very mainstream among the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims, a movement that unabashedly declares itself as engaged in a “civilizational” war against America and the West. I don’t think I’m overstating the threat; I think I’m reporting the threat precisely as our enemies have stated it, notwithstanding that our political leadership won’t come to grips with the fact that we have enemies, let alone with the ideology that catalyzes them.

Q. You open with the memorable moment when President Obama bowed to the Saudi King. Although you dismiss the notion that Obama is some kind of “Manchurian Muslim,” why else would he do such a thing? In fact, why is he so loath to speak out against any Muslim, anywhere, if on some level he does not share either religious or cultural sympathies with them?

There is a difference between being a Muslim, which Obama is not, and sharing religious and cultural sympathies with Muslims — indeed, adhering to much of the Islamist narrative that blames America for our tensions with Muslims — which Obama surely does. As I explain in the book, based on a comparative study of Islamist and Leftist ideologies (particularly Qutb and Rousseau) as well as on numerous historic and present-day examples of cooperation between Islamists and Leftists, there is immense common ground between these two camps. Both are authoritarian systems, totalitarian in the sense that they want to control every aspect of the individual’s life, and virulently opposed to capitalism and individual liberty. President Obama is the leader of the modern hard Left and King Abdullah — whose title is Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques, Islam’s crown jewels of Mecca and Medina — is the emblem of the global Islamist movement. They share a common goal of radically transforming the West. Even though they part company on the details of what they would transform it into, they both need to topple American constitutional republicanism in order to install their utopias.

Q. The heart of your book is the argument that the Left and Islam have made an alliance of convenience, sharing a common enemy, which is classical Western civilization. Some dismiss this idea with the riposte that the Left will suffer as much if not more than anybody under Sharia Law. How do you answer them?

The Left has colluded with Islamists numerous times in the past: Iranian communists supported Khomeini against the Shah, Nasser confederated with the Muslim Brotherhood against the Egyptian monarchy, the PLO has always combined Leftists and Islamists, the Pakistani People’s Party still regards its program as Islamic socialism (which is also the way Nasser saw his program), etc. This should surprise no one. Rousseau, the father of modern radical movements, was an admirer of Islam — mainly because it rejects the separation between the spiritual and secular realms. And just look around you: Who is al Qaeda’s main lawyer? The Leftist Center for Constitutional Rights. Who is CAIR’s reliable partner in litigation opposing sensible national security measure’s? The ACLU. Islamist groups like the Muslim Public Affairs Council were very active championing Obama’s big-government takeover of healthcare. The Muslim Brotherhood, which is the architect and chief theoretician of the global Islamist movement, is aggressively Leftist in its political and social programs.

So it seems silly to me to rationalize that the Left has lots to lose in a partnership with Islamists — as if we were talking about a hypothetical. The cooperation is happening. The better question is: Why? The easy answer is that the two sides have more in common than they have in opposition. Moreover, to say that the Left would suffer more than anyone under Sharia law misses the point. We are not in a situation where the only ones left are the radical Left and the Islamists — where they would square off against each other. Instead, we are at a point in history when they both have a more pressing common enemy: the culture of freedom in the West. As they have done numerous times in the past, they will work together to try to defeat that enemy. Once that happens — if we let it happen — then they can figure out which one is the crocodile and which one the last appeaser to be eaten.

Q. To what do you attribute the MSM’s reluctance to explore these questions? Does the “narrative” of the First Black President outweigh everything else? Are they lazy? Complicit? Some combination of all three?

The MSM has its roots in the modern Left: It is a product of the J-schools and Democratic Party politics. It has fostered our suffocating climate of political correctness in which America is always at fault, Obama is the savior, and Islam is an unalloyed societal good — to the point that even when a jihadist at Fort Hood, while screaming “Allahu Akbar!”, mass-murders twice as many people as were killed in the 1993 WTC bombing, the MSM (like our government) would rather gouge its eyes out than admit that the savage was a Muslim. There is laziness in the journalism biz just like there is everyplace else, but for the most part today’s journalists are invested in the Left’s ascendancy. We are living in their world.

Q. Why are Americans so slow to pick up the concepts of dawa and jihad?

For two reasons. First, our political leadership — including administrations of both parties — has been desperate to suppress Islamic doctrine’s role in fueling terrorism committed by Muslims. Second, though Islam aspires to be much more than a religion (it is an all-encompassing legal, political and social system from which the spiritual elements are indivisible), it is given the label of “religion.” We have an admirable impulse in the West not to pry into other people’s belief systems. Beyond that, no one wants to be accused of religious bigotry by a grievance industry dominated by Leftists and Islamists. Think about it this way: despite the enormity of evil and peril involved in terrorist attacks that have now claimed thousands of lives, we can’t get people to focus on the ideology behind violent jihad. How much more difficult it is, then, to get them focused on the less immediate threat of dawa, which Robert Spencer aptly describes as the stealth (generally nonviolent) form of jihad. Unless people perceive the challenge as truly threatening, they will never pick up on these concepts. The Islamist and Leftist groups are trying to keep them asleep. My book is a modest attempt to wake them up.

Q. Discuss the role of Political Correctness in our apprehension, or lack of it, of Islam.

As I’ve said, political correctness has a lot to do with our lack of apprehension. But so does flat out extortion. When people speak out against Islamist supremacism, they are threatened and sometimes killed — and the reaction of our opinion elites is to condemn the victims for being provocative. So we get to the absurd point where Yale University Press purges depictions of the Danish cartoons in a book about the Danish cartoons that sparked Islamist rioting. In the Flying Imams incident, which I consider in detail in the book, efforts are made to sue the passengers who reported the imams’ reprehensible conduct — and the airline, after some terrible rulings by a judge sympathetic to the Islamists, ends up having to pay a settlement. This is political correctness with some real teeth, and its unmistakable message is: If you see something, say nothing.

Q. Isn’t one of the problems that we continue to think in terms of nation-states, whereas Islam disdains such a concept in favor of the ummah?

Well, I prefer to think in terms of nation-states because, if we are saved, nation-states will play a major role in that. Nation-states are much more apt to pursue their interests, including their defense, than the alternative: international organizations run by transnational progressives who are a big part of the problem. It is undeniably true, though, that Islamists reject the Westphalian world order — and we should bear that in mind when they prattle about how much they purportedly love America and other Western countries, and how they’re just challenging us to live up to “our values.”

Q. What’s it going to take for us to wake up? If and when an American city is nuked will we even fight back? Or will the lawyers and the JAGs find legalistic excuses for inaction?

It’s going to take a solution from outside of government: the American people have to be made aware of the threat we face — which is much broader and more insidious than terrorism — and they have to demand action. This is not unheard of. Public outrage has been very effective in stopping some of our political leadership’s worst agenda items — comprehensive immigration reform and the closing of Gitmo come to mind; we came very close to derailing Obamacare and we still have a chance of reversing it before it goes into effect. But it is going to take public awareness and passion. I hope it doesn’t take a catastrophic nuclear attack, but — sad to say — 9/11 obviously didn’t grab people like it should have. In many ways, we’re worse off today.

Q. Is there a Martel, a Sobieski or a Kitchener on the horizon, or have we arrived at the Spenglerian end of western power?

The American people are an endlessly resourceful and energetic people. While dependency culture has made alarming inroads, I still believe we are passionate about our freedom, and we will fight for it once it is clear that the fight has to be made. But I admit, it’s late in the day.

Q. There must be one bright spot, right… Right?

It is still possible for us to have this conversation and to be very candid about what we’re up against. In a lot of places, that can’t happen, and if the Obama administration continues canoodling with the likes of the Organization of the Islamic Conference — which wants to criminalize any critical discussion of Islam — we’ll need to worry that America could become one of those places. For now, it’s not. For now, we still have our rights to speak, to persuade, and to act in our defense. There are real points of disagreement between Islam and the Left. They combine because they sense their mutual enemy, our freedom culture, is very potent. If that culture were fatally weak, they’d already have won. They haven’t … and they’re still a ways from achieving their aspirations. To me, that’s a pretty bright spot.


Be sure to read the comments over at Big Journalism, too.

There is SO MUCH that can be discussed regarding this interview! For now, I want to focus on one answer given by Mr. McCarthy:

So it seems silly to me to rationalize that the Left has lots to lose in a partnership with Islamists — as if we were talking about a hypothetical. The cooperation is happening. The better question is: Why? The easy answer is that the two sides have more in common than they have in opposition. Moreover, to say that the Left would suffer more than anyone under Sharia law misses the point. We are not in a situation where the only ones left are the radical Left and the Islamists — where they would square off against each other. Instead, we are at a point in history when they both have a more pressing common enemy: the culture of freedom in the West. As they have done numerous times in the past, they will work together to try to defeat that enemy. Once that happens — if we let it happen — then they can figure out which one is the crocodile and which one the last appeaser to be eaten.
[Note: bold and italics mine.]

Want to see an example of a protester at a leftist march up in San Francisco who is holding a sign that reflects EXACTLY what Mr. McCarthy alleges in the quote above?

The sign reads: "Thank you S. F. (San Francisco) Liberals - You Die Last."

In light of this interview, that sign makes more sense now, doesn't it?

The Islamists think that they will defeat their former cooperative cohorts - the Marxists - and the Marxists think that they will ultimately triumph over the Islamists.

Remind you of anything in history?

Perhaps the fact that Nazi Germany secretly worked together with Islam, [See Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West] and also worked together with Communist Russia [See Glenn Beck's Documentary: Live Free or Die ] before they became enemies later on during World War II? See this video that discusses the agreement between the secret protocol between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Please consider alerting your family, neighbors, friends and acquaintances to the danger that the unholy alliance of Marxism and Islamic Jihad presents to the United States of America, and all other Western nations that hold to the desire for freedom and liberty, smaller government, a strong military to protect our nation and border. We want the ability to pursue economic entrepreneurism and wealth-building capitalistic enterprises without the intrusion of big government. Most importantly, WE THE PEOPLE here in America want to hold onto our sovereignty and RESTORE the Constitutional Republic form of government originally given to us by our Founding Fathers.

Those who do not read blogs and depend entirely on the controlled network news probably have no idea what is really going with the unholy alliance of Islam and Marxism behind the scenes here in America.

Hat Tips:

Big Journalism

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Glenn Beck's Documentary: Live Free or Die


Update at 8:14 p.m. PT:

I just visited the website and read an excellent review of the book:

28 of 35 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars McCarty informs and is willing to call things by their right names, May 26, 2010
By Craig Matteson (Ann Arbor, MI) - See all my reviews

This review is from: The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America (Hardcover)
The title of Andrew McCarthy's new book isn't something he made up, it is taken from a 1990s document from a "mainstream" "non-violent" Muslim organization describing their long term goal of hollowing out Western culture using its own values of tolerance and religious freedom. Note that Islamic countries do NOT allow tolerance and religious freedom in anything like the Western manner. And their two holiest cities are closed to us non-Muslims because we are unworthy to enter such holy places. Once they have hollowed out Europe, America, and other nations, they can fill the void with Sharia, which is the Muslim law and turn these nations into Islamic countries and their Grand Jihad will have achieved victory. Note, that terror is not necessarily part of this strategy.

In fact, Al Qaeda and their brother terrorist groups are frowned at in some of this Salafi circles. Others see them as tools that supply cover for their "moderate" work. But make no mistake about it, McCarthy warns, the goal of the Islamist moderates and the terrorists is the same. They desire the collapse of the West and the rise of Islam as the ruling way of life throughout the world. To the extent that Sharia spreads into Western democracies the strategy of "Grand Jihad" is victorious.

Have you heard of the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani? He is a very powerful Shia cleric and deemed by our U.S. government as a "moderate" and key ally in Iraq. He teaches that we non-Muslims should not be touched or even associated with. That we, as non-believers, are filth no different than feces, urine, pigs and the like. Does that sound like moderation and mutual respect to you?

Islam is not a religion in the sense that the West currently views its various "faith communities" that are one aspect of the lives we assemble for ourselves from the lavish and extensive buffet we call our Western Culture. Islam is a faith, but it is more than that. In the Salafi view of Islam it is a complete way of life. Everything is settled and has been settled since around 900 A.D.. Well, they wouldn't use A.D. and I know it is fashionable to use C.E. nowadays, but I'm a Christian and will count my own years, thank you very much.

McCarthy also demonstrates how the post-Modern Left philosophies make us blind to this very real threat. We can't call terrorists what they are. We can't admit to ourselves what Islam is really about or even what Jihad actually means to hundreds of millions of Muslims or that this non-violent approach to conquering the West exists. This despite the fact that Sharia is making inroads into British, Dutch, and French jurisprudence. That there are whole sections of major cities in Europe that have been left to Muslim gangs to run because police cannot even enter them.

The Left elites advise that we can't use the word victory or that we are even at war with some kind of Islamic philosophy. These jihadist Islamist terrorists send a bomber into Detroit, my hometown, in order to blow a plane out of the sky on Christmas Day, a high Holy Day that most Americans observe, and our government's first instinct is to lie to us and tell us he is acting alone and that it has nothing to do with terror or Islam. But our enemies know they are at war with us and say so. And we refuse to accept the fight. Will that really end well? Where we are actually in armed conflict with them we refuse to press our advantages and let the other side dictate the rules of engagement: that we can't fight at night or shoot until shot upon and we see their weapons, and so forth. They respect only strength and we hope to appease through weakness and bowing. We need to wake up.

This is a terrific, powerful, and very informative work. I hope you pick up a copy today and read it and share it with everyone you know. Andrew McCarthy knows what he writes about. That his critics viciously attack him personally rather than debate his arguments is strong evidence that he is spot on in his observations and strong in his arguments.

We need to stand up and engage this war of civilizations at all levels. Folks, this is not going to go away. Our enemy is implacable, patient, and relentless. We have to be stronger, more tenacious, and willing to endure all things until we achieve victory. But first we have to allow ourselves to call things by their right names.

Reviewed by Craig Matteson, Saline, MI

McHenry--The New KXAN TV Weekend Morning Anchor

Welcome Back

Catenya McHenry is now KXAN TV’s (NBC) new weekend morning anchor. She blurted out the announcement this past weekend on her Facebook page. “I’m so excited and thrilled to say I’m the new weekend morning anchor. I’m ecstatic about the opportunity!” She replaces Jenny Hoff who was awarded a fellowship to study in Germany.

For months, Ms. McHenry has been on the air at KTBC as a reporter. No one would say anything about her presence or future. Management described her status as “temporary”. Her picture and bio were not included on the staff page with all of the rest of newsroom, but McHenry is a familiar face. She reported on KXAN in the late 1990s.

Then, she stepped away from broadcast news for several years. Here, she worked for a while in the public information office of the Austin Independent School District. She was also a TV reporter in Universal Pictures “Miss Congeniality” starring Sandra Bullock. While dabbling in acting, she did freelance work.

Now, she’s back where she belongs: Austin TV news. When Catenya McHenry smiles, you know she’s happy, and she’s smiling most of the time.

There is another familiar face back on the air in Austin. Chris Coffey is reporting for KEYE TV (CBS). Coffey was the award-winning investigative reporter for “7 On Your Side” on KTBC TV (Fox) from 2004 through mid-summer 2009 when Fox failed to renew his contract. Coffey was laid-off with six other news employees in a cost-cutting move. Coffey went to work for KEYE in March. (I’m just catching up.)

KXAN wins the award for the most new reporters, in addition to Ms. McHenry.

Jerrod Wise started work May 12th as a “multi-platform journalist” (AKA “one-man-band”). He’s in constant fear: He’s an University of Oklahoma Sooner and a native of Oklahoma.

Chris Sadeghi is a native Texan and a Longhorn. He joined KXAN in April, 2010.

Jacqueline Ingles is a native of Chicago covering “The Hill Country” for KXAN. She been on board since last November, but it’s worth noting that she graduated summa cum laude from Loyola before earning her master’s at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern.

KXAN reporter Josh Hinkle also has a MA. His master’s is from Missouri. His undergraduate degree is from Oklahoma State.

It appears that the staffs at KVUE, KTBC, and News 8 have been rather stable—very little change lately. It comes in cycles, however once one gets to Austin, they often stay even if they leave the news business. If they do leave, they often come back. Funny how that works out.

© Jim McNabb, 2010

Designing a Lunar Capital City


Still need something to do this summer? How about revisiting some of your much cherished childhood (or yesterday's) dreamscapes of a fantastical lunar city and then propping it (or not) with a bit of scientific credibility for SHIFTboston's Moon Capital competition.

When considering the moon destination, competitors are welcome to explore any concept, however, we recommend the submission address one of the following criteria:

PROTECTION The moon has no atmosphere. Envision shielding to protect the habitat from radiation, space debris, and temperature extremes.

MICRO-GRAVITY How would life and industry be in 1/6g?

FOOD A self-sustaining community that incorporates agriculture and food production.

ENERGY How would we harness or generate enough energy to run an entire community?

WATER production, purification and recycling.

How about a moon CULTURE?

How about a moon TRANSPORTATION?

This might be just the perfect opportunity for you to team up with those civil engineering students on the other side of campus to help you better understand constructing on indigenous soil material. If you're thinking of designing a lunar food system, surely you would want to exploit the expertise of a lunar farmer. Are you wondering if the entire moon could be turned into a gigantic battery? No doubt our readers already know who to consult first.

In any case, it's probably no different from designing for extreme environments here on earth, or a second Phoenix in a much harsher desert. Perhaps it's better to conceptualize your city as a company mining town, after all an independent moon would be more likely be supported by an exo-natural resource-based economy than tourism or scientific research, right?

Submission deadline is September 3, 2010.

Sixth grader May Be Blind, but He Still Has His Vision

Hey Guys,

Happy Memorial Day. I hope everyone has enjoyed a three day weekend as much as I have. It was certainly jampacked with a lot of surprise visits from people in our family's past. It was nice seeing them and being able to catch up. As a matter of fact, I'm writing Monday's post early so that I don't have to worry about getting to the computer. Dad's got the day off, it looks like we are going to have a family barbecue. Hopefully, it doesn't rain.

Anyway, I came across an interesting new segment on Friday that I thought might interest you guys. It featured the amazing story of 12 year old Bjorn Brooks; Suffering from a degenerative disorder called retinitis pigmentosa, he is using his blindness to create awareness for the disease. Recently, Brooks has begun organizing a walk at his school to raise funds for the organization. The ultimate prize: a lunch with well-known musician, Genuine!

In terms of a cure, Bjorn sees one in the future.

"As long as you hope, something good will happen," he says.

Things weren't always this easy though. It wasn't until this year that he really took hold of his disability and turned it into something positive.

"A positive attitude makes a good person; so I just figure if I have it, I have it. Don't mope!"

Inspirational words, huh?

-- -- --

Citation for TV Program: News Segment Fox channel 5 WTTG DC, News at 5 pm, May 28, 2010.

Hugely Entertaining Drummer

Dunno if he was bored, but he is awesome in Sharp Dressed Man

Putting on a show in Wipe OUt

Memorial Day Memories and Messages

Today is May 30, 2010. It has been fifteen years since my dad passed away (at the young age of 72) from mesothelioma - an inoperable form of lung cancer that is usually contracted as a result of unprotected exposure to asbestos. He was a wonderful dad. A tireless and determined provider for our family. As a brave World War II veteran, he was a member of The Greatest Generation.

You can read about my Memorial Day Memories from 2008 by clicking this link. Included in that post is the account of the salvation experience of my dad while visiting him back in January, 1995. The experience resulted in a miraculous event that you can read about in my post True Ministry.

The following is a partial list of some of the Memorial Day essays and tributes written and shared by several blog roll authors. More to share tomorrow.



If You Enjoy Freedom, Thank the Military
posted by Phil at The Right Side of Life - 2 hours ago A patriotic tribute (via US4Palin): It is the veteran, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion. It is the veteran, not the reporter, who has given us free...

The Meaning of Memorial Day
posted by (Evil Conservative) at Evil Conservative Radio - 2 hours ago
What does Memorial Day mean to you? I always think of John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." At any rate, here's another great Memorial Day piece th...

Sarah Palin's Memorial Day Message
posted by (Evil Conservative) at Evil Conservative Radio - 3 hours ago
Speaking of leadership, you know who I think has it in spades? Thanks, Mrs. Palin, for having the class our elected President is lacking. I think we could do a heck of a lot worse for a President that you....

Memorial day weekend, Lest we forget, Citizen Wells open thread, May 30, 2010

posted by citizenwells at Citizen WElls - 16 hours ago
Memorial day weekend, Lest we forget, Citizen Wells open thread I know more about ancestral participation in the American revolution than I do of the Civil War. However, I discovered the obituary of an anc...

Memorial Day 2010 - Ronald Reagan Speech at Arlington National Cemetery
posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 1 day ago
Memorial Day is set aside to express our deepest gratitude to those, who for the love of our country, accepted death. The video below is narrated by Ronald Reagan. Read about Arlington National Cemetery...

Hat Tips to all links.

Weekend Pre: Clinching Games, Fast Cars

Auto racing, basketball and hockey provide some of the most high-profile TV viewing options this weekend -- comprising a series of separate, single events that could produce dramatic endings.

The NBA Conference Finals will certainly conclude during the long holiday weekend with the Eastern Conference matchup ending as soon as Friday night when Orlando visits Boston in Game 6 (8:30 p.m., ESPN). If they need Game 7, it will be played Sunday night (8:30 p.m., ESPN).

In the Western Conference, Los Angeles visits Phoenix Saturday (8:30 p.m., TNT) for Game 6 in that series. A necessary Game 7 would come Monday (9 p.m., TNT).

Drama comes in the conclusion of those events. One team advances while the season ends for the other. So they're playing for something -- and that usually draws a few more viewers. Ratings have been up for this round and if Boston and Los Angeles advance the NBA would have a seemingly TV friendly matchup for the NBA Finals.

In hockey, the Stanley Cup Finals begin on NBC with Game 1 between Chicago and Philadelphia Saturday night and Game 2 on Monday night. Both begin at 8 p.m. with the enjoyable and talented Mike Emrick providing play by play. He just makes the sport come to life.

Plus, the two major U.S. markets also should mean good things (in perspective) for NHL ratings. What has been interesting, though, has been the approach of some TV types to Philadelphia's march through the playoffs. Because the Flyers were an eighth seed, some see that as a sign of weakness for the sport, that a supposedly less-deserving team has gone so far.

But if this were college basketball, people would be piling on the underdog storyline and suggesting that people love an underdog. Apparently that's the difference between collegiate and pro sports.

Finally, and not at all to be overlooked, auto racing takes center stage Sunday with the Indy 500 (1 p.m., ABC) and the Coca-Cola 600 (6 p.m., Fox). Ratings for both have been down in recent years, but ESPN has put almost all of its promotional weight -- as much as it could spare in advance of World Cup soccer hype -- to spread the word about the "personalities" and "storylines" of the Indy 500.

None of the hype matters once the green flag drops though, but ESPN/ABC should be more-than prepared for coverage. It has 51 cameras for the race, including eight HD-capable, 360-degree cameras on cars.

A Father's Sacrifice

Welcome Back~

Well, today's Friday and I seem to be a little sore from the dentist yesterday. Being disabled, it's often difficult for me to relax my facial muscles.(i.e. my jaw and lip muscles) I am lucky to have the a dentist, that is willing to adapt to the circumstances based on my ability. For example, they are able to do most procedures in my chair with it tilted back; that's one of the advantages of a reclining wheelchair. Anyway, I am still in quite a bit of pain. My back teeth are always the hard ones.

Still, "No pain, no gain."


As promised, below is my review of "Extraordinary Measures". This movie is very inspirational, showing the links that a father will go to help their children. They will stop at nothing to ensure they get the best of everything, no matter what the cost. Brendan Fraser plays John Crowley, a father who invests his own money in an effort to find a cure for Pompe. In first glance, this movie reminded me a lot of Pursuit of Happyness (probably because it was produced by the same person). This movie gives a accurate portrayal of the conflict of interest that sometimes occurs between healthcare and society. All in all, it was well written and kept you guessing; although I would have liked to see more of the impact this journey had on the family dynamic as a whole.

Happy Memorial Day to all my readers!

Have a great weekend. Hopefully, it won't rain!

Until Next Time,

The Sestak Scandal

See the following blogs for information about the Sestak Scandal:

The Sestak Scandal: Obama Blames Bill, Coordinates with Sestak’s Brother, Claims Position “Unpaid”
posted by Phil at The Right Side of Life - 1 hour ago
Cue Michelle Malkin quote (emphasis original): And I ask again: What did Bob “The Silencer” Bauer know, when did he know it, and how long does the Most Transparent Administration Ever plan to play dodgebal...

Continuously Updating - It was Bill Clinton, Woops (not good enough) um... Sestak's Brother? ...It Was Just a Volunteer Job!
posted by (Arlen Williams) at Investigating Obama - 1 hour ago
Listening to the joint Obama/Sestak story now, on Fox News. They think this will pass the sniff test of honest news watchers, whether conservative, moderate, or even liberal? After all this time for Obama...

Sestak's Lose-Lose Dilemma -- Nan Matthis
posted by (Arlen Williams) at Investigating Obama - 2 hours ago
See also today's articles: "The Silence of the Sestak: The Big Me involved?; Update: WH memo released," by Ed Morrissey, HotAir "White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race," ...

Karl Rove: Joe Sestak Is Lying Or Protecting a Felon in the White House
posted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit - 2 hours ago
It looks like the Sestak scandal is not going away any time soon for the Obama White House. And if Karl Rove is right, this won’t have a happy ending for the Obama corruptocrats. Andrew Malcolm at The LA T...

Rahm Emanuel Directed Bill Clinton to Offer Joe Sestak a Job
posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 3 hours ago
A bribe via Rahm Emanuel, via former President Bill Clinton: If Sestak is smart, he will come clean, quickly and face the consequences, which will be few if he steps up now. I understand a Sestak press co...

Obama Promises a Sestak Explanation “Shortly;” Outright Denies Offer to Romanoff -- Phil, TRSoL
posted by (Arlen Williams) at Investigating Obama - 3 hours ago
See also today's articles: "The Silence of the Sestak: The Big Me involved?; Update: WH memo released," by Ed Morrissey, HotAir "White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race,"...

Expect A Friday News Dump From White House On Sestak (with updates)
posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb - 3 hours ago
Byron York spoke to Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, who had this to say about Obama’s curt answer to Major Garrett’s Sestak question, yesterd...

Dick Morris Joe Sestak: Dick Morris Suggestion to make White House and Sestak Talk
posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 17 hours ago
Deck Morris suggests, via an idea gleaned from Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano, that Pennsylvania Attorney General, Tom Corbett, convene a grand jury, bring in Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), maybe Rahm Emanuel,...

Hat Tips to all links.

Huffy Puffy Prof Disses Beck

Since I do not want to establish a direct link to the evil nemesis of blogs - The Huffington Post - I will just share the copy and paste version.


The Reverend Jerry Falwell's Liberty University recently conferred upon Glenn Beck an honorary doctorate in the humanities. It's official: Beck is now a doctor of philosophy. Liberty University's honoring of Beck is fitting because he has clearly established himself as Fox News's resident "historian," with his area of expertise being American civilization, with emphases on the early republic, Progressivism, and the New Deal. Glenn Beck, Ph.D. makes about $1 million a month, earning him the distinction of being the highest paid "historian" in the world.

Other than that paragraph, you could sum up the rest of the author's diatribe against Beck by saying 'he acted stupidly.'

This morning, Glenn Beck mentioned this article on his radio show. He read portions of the article and refuted the lies and misconceptions in it. Beck also thanked Barack Obama for telling America to "read the Huffington Post." HA!

Of course, the author cannot possibly give Glenn credit for his success without disparaging him. What's more, the video link to a portion of the commencement speech that was presented to Liberty University graduates by Glenn Beck had to be accompanied by hate-filled commentary.

So be it.

But all is not lost!

The Beck supporters who have been commenting there are probably causing all of the progressive liberals to blow a Prius head gasket!

What's more, at the time I was reading the comments, the following ad showed up on the page:

Ads by Google
Liberty University Online
Official Site. Affordable Christian Degrees from Liberty University!

Heh heh heh...the regular Huffies (or, should I call them "Huffpost Super Users??") over there probably hated seeing that ad, too!

Hmmmm....Super....Users. A very fitting description (at least for the liberal bloggers there) since progressives really know how to use other people (in any and every evil way possible). Their progressive cohort criminal 'leaders' in Congress demonstrate their tendency to super-use Other People's Money (a.k.a. the American taxpayer) without even considering what the majority of the public want - or don't want - passed as law.

You can read through all of the comments at the link. However, here are some of the best (as of 5/27/10 at 12:30 p.m. PT):

chestwilly 31 minutes ago (2:38 PM) 0 Fans
Hey Joe, you crazy Historical Professor. You got it right when you said. “Beck's shtick is a backhanded nod to the relevance of history as a discipline and to historians not only as educators, but also as the keepers of the nation's myths”. We need to remind ourselves that you myth-keepers have very little value past our college years. You seem a wee-bit jealous that you’re not getting all that attention.


CallHim 23 minutes ago (2:11 PM) 0 Fans
Christianity has been a force in almost all of human history partly because it deals with human nature, which has not changed in all the “modern” circumstances that have come and gone. Dr. Palermo & Dr. Wood can’t see the (true shape of the) forest for the trees: they see details (trees) that don’t seem to hold together over time–time changes their theories (forest). Christian worldview WORKS in all circumstances; Atheism doesn’t. Therefore, the Constitution (based on the Christian worldview) WORKS today. Treating it as a “living document” just means they interpret it with their Atheistic worldview. . . thus giving us governance that HISTORY SAYS will result in loss of liberty and maybe even death (e.g., Mao, Hitler, & Cambodia)!


Schwarzwald 6 minutes ago (2:28 PM) 0 Fans
I find it interesting, that no one cares to disprove his connections, or produce anything that contradicts what he says, aside from name calling. Well, and the wonderful "He's a liar you idiots!"
Phenylalanine, have you ever considered that you're being lied to?
Are you in search of the truth? Or are you willing to swallow what it is shoved down your throat, whole?
You accusation of the unemployed rallying behind Beck is nonsense, The President extended unemployment to 99 weeks. Who would say "F*$K you jack, I hate the money you're giving me for free!"
No, most "BeckHeads" as you call us, are self-employed, stay-at-home-parents, or 'rich' enough to own a smart phone.
Further more the notion that only old people listen to Doctor Beck, as demonstrated by your off-handed remark about social security checks, is falsehood. His listener-ship boasts a broad range of ages, though is mostly centered around 25-45 year old women. Now, applying that age range to out society's statistics..
Well.. Are Moms stupid, trolling, BeckHeads?
I ask again, are you in search of the truth?



ColoradoTaxpayer 3 hours ago (11:51 AM) 95 Fans
Glenn Beck is our George Whitefield.

Largely forgotten today, George Whitefield was probably the most famous religious figure of the eighteenth century. Newspapers called him the "marvel of the age." Whitefield was a preacher capable of commanding thousands on two continents through the sheer power of his oratory. In his lifetime, he preached at least 18,000 times to perhaps 10 million hearers.

The spiritual revival he ignited, the Great Awakening, became one of the most formative events in American history. His last sermon on this tour was given at Boston Commons before 23,000 people, likely the largest gathering in American history to that point.


Mscapp 5 hours ago (9:49 AM) 1 Fans
In Palermo's first paragraph, he attempts to back his demonization of Glenn Beck by citing how much money he believes he makes. Does Glenn make a lot of money? You bet. Does this automatically disqualify him for speaking on certain subjects? No. Having money does not make you an evil person, although this myth is being contradictorily purported by Obama himself.

I'm surprised that the other two American evils weren't mentioned here; being Caucasian and having a Christian faith. Although Beck may be white for sure, please understand that Mormonism is far from being Christian. Any faith that doesn't acknowledge the cross alone for any possible redemption, is anything but Christian. Mormonism is more in line with Catholicism, where they believe 'cross + yourself.'

But you have to hand it to him. When he's right, he's right. I have yet to see anyone disprove anything he has said, without later being disproved themselves, whether it's a month later or a year later. So when a joke like Palermo states that Glenn Beck has a skewed sense of history, then how come he is able to so easily predict it repeating itself? That alone is proof to who knows our country's history and who doesn't.


bleedingblue 3 hours ago (11:54 AM) 0 Fans
One main reason his detractors have trouble disproving anything Glenn Beck says is that he uses their own words to support his assertions. They have forgotten that words mean things and in this technological age, EVERYTHING is recorded. Sheer's killing the Left.


In answer to a leftie who thinks Beck is wrong to put the Nazis and Communists in the same camp - and on the left side of the political spectrum:

CallHim 2 hours ago (12:50 PM) 0 Fans
Your bothering to read & quote Hitler is admirable, but you're missing Beck's main point: worldview. It's very simple & basic. How do the leaders of the groups we're concerned with actually think about the world? The Nazis & Communists have the same BASIC worldview. . .compared to the Founders of this country. Nazis & Communists believed there was no God & that man is basically good: so power can be concentrated with no big risk. God says we ALL will steal & abuse others, thus the Founders wanted limited government. Obama thinks like the Nazis; I don't!


bleedingblue 3 hours ago (11:59 AM) 0 Fans
Glenn uses recorded words from the very people who hate him and are trying to discredit him. Now what does that mean they are?? He loves our country (Do you?). Sure he has his opinions, but he also backs them up with undeniable recordings and documentation. Watch the whole program.


restoretheconstitution2 7 hours ago (7:05 AM) 15 Fans
What a horrible article and distortion. If you knew anything about history to begin with, you'd realize that what is being said by beck really is the truth, and a simple look at history can prove it. Let me ask you, how is social security (broke), medicare (broke), welfare (completely broke), minimum wage (everything made in china), federal reserve (creating the largest debt bubble the world has ever seen), etc. holding up for you? I bet your life is just great knowing that from the day your child is born they owe 40k that will never be repaid. History has shown us that sticking to things worth real value and having real morals, while rare, is the only thing that works in this world. Since you obviously feel you are an authority on this subject, I'd love to see you explain how great things are with the "progressive" idea installations from the early 20th century now? Why not just admit you want a pure socialist nation with an unelected world body as your leader since the people don't know what's good for them?


BuckCarson 8 hours ago (7:00 AM) 44 Fans
As a "neo-con", I'll tell you that the best way to gain influence of the gullible, low IQ, uneducated people like myself is to refute Glenn's facts. Of course, Glenn promotes his views. Views are not facts.

Reality- Glenn promotes small government. You see big government as the solution. Therein is the real source of objection.

Reality- the more we hear how gullible we are from the left, the more the left appear to be on a kool-aid high themselves.

Reality- Beck does promote fact. The left responds with smear campaigns.

Reality- Most of us do not believe there is an active conspiracy, *perhaps* Beck does. Beck's blackboard descriptions of the "conspiracy" makes for effective drama-- drama that weaves a factual web of real government influences.

Reality- Your side would be much more effective if it stopped the overwhelming emphasis on character assassinations and focused on fact, like Beck. Should you so change your ways, the recipients of your message will weed through any "vast right wing conspiracy" you'd like to include in your delivery.

Reality - Your side is losing at a rate that doesn't look too good.


I just have to post the following libtard comment:

Egghead 13 hours ago (1:39 AM) 17 Fans
You have absolutely nailed the thing that drives me the craziest about Glenn Beck. It's his usurpation of the props of a professor, when he doesn't have to provide any foundation for his so-called "facts."

What an....egghead!! Ha ha! The next commentator puts the eggman in his place. Nothing like seeing a virtual "egg on your face" moment:

Are you serious 2 hours ago (12:27 PM) 0 Fans
Like a good professor, Beck does reference all of the facts presented on his show. If you watch or listen to the shows long enough, he will present you with every book and transcript he has researched. It is open for anyone to read...and dispute. BTW, his TV show actually airs on FOX NEWS...they only show clips on MSNBC. Watch it so you can get your so-called "facts" straight.

Hat tips to the commentators!

God's Changelessness

During the hour long round trip that I took to the eye doctor today, I saw two old, beat-up vehicles with worn-out and fading "Obama '08" stickers on them. On the way home, I spotted an SUV with a sign tacked to the inside of the back window which read, "'s that hopey, changey thing workin' out for ya?"

How much things change in the world of politics.

The candidate who had the saying, "Change you can believe in" is now working furiously with his cohorts and lawyers in an attempt to cover up The Sestak Scandal.

Conservative radio talk show hosts were the ones who originally asked the question, "what kind of change" was Obama's campaign proposing? The lies that were told to get Obama elected are quite evident now. Those who voted for him were completely duped. Many regret their votes - especially the Christians who didn't bother to vet Obama before going into the voting booth!

People are sinful. They have the character to change - either for good or for bad - at any turn in life. But there is One who does not change - and that's God. God's changelessness is evident in Scripture:

For I am the LORD, I do not change. Malachi 3:6

In his book, Knowing God, Dr. J.L. Packer tells us that Bible study helps us because the God who interacted with the characters of Scripture is the same God who cares for us today. "The God with whom they had to do is the same God with whom we have to do," wrote Packer. "for God does not change in the least particular." His character does not change; His truth does not change; His ways do not change; His purposes do not change.

"God does not change," said Dr. Packer. "Fellowship with Him, trust in His Word, living by faith, standing on the promises of God, are essentially the same realities for us today as they were for the Old and New Testament believers. This thought brings comfort as we enter into the perplexities of each day." 1

You can count on this--it's as predictable as God Himself: He is unchanging. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Because the Lord does not change, we know that He will keep His eternal promises.
We can have confidence to trust in Him completely!

All change must be to the better or the worse. But God cannot change to the better, since He is absolutely perfect; neither can He change to the worse, for the same reason. - Henry Thiessen

1 J.I. Packer, Knowing God (Downers Grove: Intervarsity, 1973), quotes from chapter 7.

Hat Tips:

The Right Side of Life..."But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good." — 1 Thes. 5:21

Turning Point Magazine and Devotional, May, 2010

"Extraordinary measures" DVD- a story inspired by the Crowley Family


So it's Wednesday and "Encouragement Day" here on A Life Without Limits. I haven't done much lately because I've been busy and haven't found much of interest. But today's your lucky day.. As most of you know, Extraordinary Measures is out on DVD. I just received it through Netflix yesterday and plan on writing my review on Friday. But from what I understand and have read, it seems like an inspirational movie. This movie is inspired by the true story of the Crowley family whose two children had been diagnosed with Pompe, a life- threatening disease that ultimately impacts the hard, liver and other vital organs. In simple terms, the body has a difficult time breaking down glucose so it ends up storing it. To this day, there is no known cure, but that hasn't stopped the family from searching. He even quit his job so he would be able to get his children into a clinical trial.

To read more about his story and the movie until my review, go to either one of these links.

Irrelevant WNBA Misses Mark w/Silly Hype

As if the WNBA were not already enough of a niche sport, the on-air TV tease before the start of the Phoenix Mercury-Tulsa Shock game on ESPN2 Tuesday night mostly featured Tulsa backup Marion Jones.

Yes, it's that Marion Jones -- the disgraced Olympic sprinter and former North Carolina point guard who's trying to resurrect her athletic career after claiming for years she did not take drugs and then, tearfully, admitting to steroid use.

She deserves the opportunity to produce a bounce-back, feel-good story but what's funny is that the WNBA and its TV partners keep pushing her presence but she hardly plays. Against Phoenix, Jones saw the floor for just over three-and-a-half minutes. She grabbed two rebounds, got steal, made a turnover and finished without a point.

In fairness, nobody expects her to return to basketball and be a star.

In reality, though, people do expect some perspective. Perspective from the TV partners who should know better than push a bench player. And perspective from Jones who should be more media savvy at this point not to talk about the WNBA providing a "wider audience" for her to share her message as she now touts the importance of playing clean and fair.

A wider audience? In the WNBA? Keep in mind, she was an Olympic champion.

The arena Tuesday night was barely a quarter full and more people watched her sprints during the Olympics than watched all of the game Tuesday night.

It's not a wider audience, and it's not responsible or wise to push sidelight stories. If she's the most newsworthy thing a WNBA has going for it, then that league is in deep trouble. Oh, right.

The Moonbat Parades

I haven't visited Zombietime , which is THE best photo journalist site on the Internet, in quite a while. So I figured that with the Islamo-Fascist ObaMARXist and his cronies in power, what would the far-left loons have to march and complain about? Apparently - they continue to have a lot to protest!

Take a look at San Francisco "Anti-War" Rally: The New Communist/Truth/Jihad Alliance March 20, 2010

Whew! When crazies unite in a protest it's quite the sight to see! Warning! There are some very nasty anti-American (no surprise, of course) anti-Israel, rabidly anti-Semitic, pro-Islamic radicalism, pro-9/11 Truthers, pro-Communism, and pro-hatred of all kinds of people and groups-isms at the links. You will see that they have a habit of putting crude, and highly offensive curse words and messages on their posters. There were even some anti-Obama posters! Some were from the Lyndon LaRouche followers (who are the ones who put Hitler mustaches on Obama posters - even when they infiltrated TEA Party events), and some were from the anti-war crowd.

But when I clicked over to another blog called Ringo's Pictures there were additional, more highly unusual signs and posters that contained some very weird and even more crude and highly offensive language!

One, in particular, had me guessing (at first) just what was being depicted on the poster. After figuring it out, I realized that I just can't even bring myself to post it here! I have to admit, when it dawned on me what each of the photos on the poster were meant to depict, I couldn't help laughing at my own initial naivete'! The person who made that sign is, apparently, angry at everyone who has anything to say in the political arena here in America. If you are curious, go to the Ringo's Pictures link (above) and scroll down to the 57th photo (I know! There are so many!!) and you will see why I could not re-post it here!

The very sad part is that those who hate Israel and America are rabidly evil. Their hatred is deep in their souls. They do not want to repent of their sins. So, they rail against the Jewish nation of Israel - the apple of God's eye, and the Judeo-Christian nation of the United States of America. Ultimately, their hatred is the result of a spiritual problem.

What's more is that their hatred is really just an extension of the rejection they have towards the God of the Bible, the prophecy fulfillment of the re-born nation of Israel (and it's capital of Jerusalem), and their own personal, individual rejection of the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, His Son.

You will see many who (unfortunately) side with the enemies of America. You will also notice that many of them cannot even spell! One sign reads: "Isreal Kills." (11 photos down from "they are screwing us" photo.)

Over at the Zombietime site, there is a sign (5 photos down) that reads, "Fund scools not war." Perhaps that protester has a point! But throwing more money at failing schools is not the answer.

The First Amendment of our beloved United States Constitution allows free speech - even when such speech is filled with hatred and/or highly offensive and crude messages.

One reason why I wanted to share these photos of moonbat lunatics and their signs is to show that the media chooses to ignore the leftist craziness that goes on here in America; yet condemns, mocks, and ridicules the millions of ordinary SANE Americans of the TEA Party events who are legitimately protesting the corruption, lies, forced gov't health care, out-of-control spending, and heavy-burden taxing that this gangster government is inflicting upon WE THE PEOPLE.

The far-left radicals are lost people. They need the Lord!

Mat 18:11
For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

Luk 9:25
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?

Hat Tips:


Ringos Pictures

Criminals Are Running the Government

I KNEW in my heart of hearts, my mind, and in my soul that the moment I heard that Obama had made the sudden and unexpected decision to put National Guard troops at the Mexican border, it was going to be used as some sort of diversion, Alinsky tactic, or distraction. Gateway Pundit has the story:

Figures. Obama Knew Arizona Immigration Law Would Be Challenged When He Announced 1,200 Guard Troops Would Be Sent to the Border Today
posted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit - 56 minutes ago
Ace of Spades nailed it. The Obama Administration announced today that they would send 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border. Ace said it was just cover for the Administration so that they coul...

My comment there:

The moment I heard about Obama sending the National Guard troops to the border, something told me that there HAD to be an ulterior motive. Thanks for revealing it here and cementing my suspicions.

We can’t trust ANYTHING that this corrupt administration does!

And – excellent comment wanumba! You wrote:

“The highest law enforcer in the land is trying to undermine the legal process.”

I agree – 100%!


Here is wanumba's entire comment:

wanumba May 25th, 2010 10:20 pm #6

Holder knows damn well there’s nothing wrong with the law. The heavy breathing is stalling. Meanwhile he’s busy influencing public opinion, while Democrats and Open Borders advocates try to whip up hysteria, with deliberately provocative words like “racist.” They want to have the law repealed by force of mob, by terror, because they do not have legal grounds on which to contest it.

The highest law enforcer in the land is trying to undermine the legal process.

This commenter nails it, too:

May 25th, 2010 10:37 pm #9
I feel like all the criminals are running the government. There are 2 Americas the patriots and the liberals.

The liberals are anti-Constitution, anti-Christian anti-gun, antiwar, pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-amnesty for illegals, and they are in power.

I think it will take a state to secede from the union to restore law and order. The states will have to jump ship and go on there on, otherwise everyone is going to go down with the ship. The state of the union is not good.

I wonder in 1930’s Germany when they elected Hitler if anyone had second thoughts, everyone eventually went down with the ship there. There where a lot of weirdos with crazy eyes in that government.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

Update: Hat Tips to the Gateway Pundit commentators too! (Thanks for the reminder, Al!)



Like this comment (and link!) too:

May 26th, 2010 | 8:46 am | #34
… ‘a team of radical Obama Justice Department attorneys recommended that the U.S. government challenge the Arizona state immigration law…good.
The sooner these open border, global governance shills file legal action against Gov. Brewer’s SB 1070 the better.
Americans can see November from their porch & ‘polling reveals an overwhelming public aversion to illegal immigration, with opposition reaching up to 70%. The Democrats might be better-advised to run on a platform calling for more child abuse.’

AM THINK’s excellent read, on immigration, election &’ smart strategy, intelligently worked-out media tactics, and a refusal to play the left’s game that will carry us across the finish line:’

Anerican Thinker: Illegals And The Election

(File soon, Holder.. conservatives will win bigger in the House and put the Senate within reach to boot.. file soon.)

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America

I have found another book that I must read! Just read about it on Mark Levin's Facebook page.

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America
The real threat to the United States is not terrorism. The real threat is Islamism, whose sophisticated forces have collaborated with the American Left not only to undermine U.S. national security but also to shred the fabric of American constitutional democracy—freedom and individual liberty. ...

What is interesting to note is the following copy of a review of the book by a PERSON who was raised in a Muslim country in a Muslim family and society! [Note: The author of the review has chosen not to capitalize "islam," "muslim," and "mohammad."]

Here is a copy of the review:

88 of 92 people found the following review helpful:
As one raised in islam, I am amazed that a westerner finally gets islam & terrorist connections, May 24, 2010
By LOVE "TRUTH-Seeker" (Kirkland, WA USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America (Hardcover)
As one who was raised in a muslim country in a muslim family and society, I often find books by westerners trying to describe islam through western paradigms to fail to grasp the reality of islam. Finally someone breaks through all the political correctness and presents true islam as clearly compatible with Jihad. To the surprise of many westerners, for 1300+ years, since the prophet of islam, mohammad himself practiced jihad as he took out 600+ Jews and beheaded them in front of the faithful muslim leaders following mohammad's understanding of God.

This author rightly presents the reality that many wonderful muslim neighbors do not want sharia law! They are muslim culturally because their parents were muslims, but they want to be able to walk in public with members of opposite sex, play chess, play soccer, have a drink every now & then, have fun and live a happy life. True Islamic sharia law practiced by muslims for centuries requires the mullahs or imams of the nation to tell all muslims what they can and cannot do. If mohammad can take a 6 year old girl as a bride along with his other teenage wives and concubines and slaves, then muslims are taught that it is right for all muslims. If mohammad told us to hate all nonmuslims, including his final words prior to his surprise death, that we are all to hate Christians and Jews and behead all who will not submit to sharia law, then all faithful muslims are supposed to accept mohamamad's words as divine and imitate his lifestyle.

Under modern nonrestrictive interpretations of first amendment, the author rightly points out that the mastermind of the 1993 NY bombing under Clinton, laid out his case that as a muslim religious ruler, he was free to issue Islamic fatwas to destroy the lives of innocent nonmuslims. Shockingly, ACLU & liberal westerners are falling for this argument now more than ever . Under President Bush, even the muslims who succeeded in blowing up the towers on 9/11 were given muslim freedoms to continue to read the quran and live by the islamic sharia law while in prison. Subsequently, when some of the muslims were released from American prisons, they immediately went back to fulfill their Islamic call to destroy all infidels. Sadly, under hussein obama , we have accelerated our downfall as president obama has opened the door for muslim terrorists to believe they now have the strong upper hand and multiple terrorist attacks in America only failed because of The Grace of God. Shockingly hussein obama told the world that America is one of the largest muslim nations in the world and disavowed all Christian connections of the early founders of America.

The author of this book lays out a strong logical case for the reality of islam and the fact that majority of all muslims around the world who would not personally murder others, are fully in support of the muslim jihad terrorists; and the few that do not support the Islamic sharia law but call themselves "muslim" are only culturally Islamic, while walking against Islamic law as practiced by mohammad and muslims for 1300+ years.

This book will trouble the politically correct and western minded intellectuals who do not understand islam or those who are fooled by quotes of earlier quran revelations that were abrogated/overruled by the prophet of islam himself once he had the power to establish sharia law.

Every American and westerner should read this book and look up quran and hadith and Islamic history to determine the real Islamic threat so we can deal with the problem of terrorism at its root, rather than make up false causes for muslim inspired terrorists like poverty or illiteracy. As everyone knows by now, muslim terrorists were engineers, doctors psychiatrists and professors of islam and often very well off. They simply followed the iman/faith where islam led them. For us to win the battle against terror, we must first agree on the honest root cause well documented in this book, so we can finally address the tough needed solution for peace in our lands for all people! To have our troops die on the battlefield only to then establish sharia law and even open a center to promote sharia law where 9/11 muslims succeeded is utter foolishness that will lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent around the world. Hope we wake up before that time! This book helps get us on the right starting point.

Something's Changed

The Ethos

of the

Kerrville Folk Festival

This week I’d be into heavy packing and meticulous planning for the Kerrville Folk Festival if I were going this year. The 39th annual Kerrville Folk Festival starts its three-weekend, two-week run May 27th, but I won’t be there.

In years past, I’d start thinking about going not long after the first of the year. In a “Kerrville State of Mind” I’d smile at the thought of sitting on the side of a hill with my guitar and a new song. I’d drool and almost smell the delicious fare we’d cook at the camp site, but I’m not going this year.

The sign at the front gate of the Quiet Valley Ranch still says, “Welcome Home”, but the ethos has changed. That’s one of the reasons I won’t be there this year.

In the 1970s, we’d crawl up rutted roads with little bunny trails leading in to the bushes to find a flat spot for my pick up and a canopy. Over time, we settled on a triangular space about half of the way up the hill, close enough to the concert area that you could still hear the music. It was our spot for years.

I was there, sitting on a bench in a rain suit, water dripping off of my hat during a deluge while Riders in Sky played “Ghost Riders In The Sky” when a monstrous bolt of lightning stopped the show. (Memorial Day, 1981). I’ve sat in the sizzling heat listening to the New Folk sets, before they moved them to the now covered Threadgill Theater.

I’ve been there when the violent storm bent the canopy poles and sent them crashing on our site. My elementary school-aged son slept through it all while other children wailed.

Before cell phones, there was one pay phone (Remember pay telephones?) on the premises. Only one. There was always a quarter on top so you could drop it in the slot and make a collect call. When you’d hang up, you would always return the quarter to the top of the phone.

I’ve been there as a reporter in the early ’80s waiting for the KVUE TV helicopter to land with a photographer on board. We’d shoot stories for several days. I’ve just been there alone, alone on purpose for the purpose of contemplation. I wrote a song trying to capture the essence of the place as I tried to decide whether to go back for a second weekend. The lyrics of “I’m Going Back Again” are found on

Some of the best times were and are between the weekends when the scene becomes peaceful again. I enjoyed three songwriters school over the years, spending one-on-one time with folks from Boston’s Berklee College of music and successful singer-songwriters.

On the weekend I’ve heard incredible music from acts I’d never heard of, acts who became stars, and others who were stars: Lyle Lovett, Mary Chapin-Carpenter, Robert Earl Keen, Peter, Paul and Mary, Odetta, Bob Gibson, Carolyn Hester, Small Potatoes, Uncle Walt’s Band, Eaglebone Whistle, Joe Ely, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Butch Hancock, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Eliza Gilkyson, The Limelighters, The Kingston Trio, Glenn Yarbrough, Steve Fromholz, Asleep at the Wheel, Guy Clark—the list is long. Of course, these are just a few from 30 or so years of evening concerts.

The music lineup is great again this year featuring Indigo Girls, the Austin Lounge Lizards, Sara Hickman, The Burns Sisters, Brave Combo, Trout Fishing in America, Shake Russell and dozens of others, but I won’t hear them.

I just couldn’t get excited this year. This malaise has been growing for the past two or three years, and finally it caused a change in my behavior and a decision to avoid “Big Folk” in 2010.

Sure, 30 years ago, I could tolerate the conditions better. So, some of my problem this year is me, but not all of it.

Nowadays, the air is different at the Kerrville Folk Festival. Just a few years ago when we all set up the same kind of camps with canopies and tents, there were no chalk-line boundaries for camping space. We shared the space. Now, RVs rule the hill and tent campers must hike elsewhere. Our little triangle was long ago carved away to create an RV hook-up. Nowadays, people seem to keep to themselves more.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for improvements. The arrival of electricity was a welcomed change. Fans could create a breeze when there was none.

Yes, the KFF experience may still be the same down in the valley where people never sleep. I sampled the valley area a few times, each time coming away saying, “I must return to the hill!”

I will not, however, be returning to the hill in the spring of 2010 to push the limits of the chalk line and intrude on the RV campers’ cliques. Maybe I need an RV too. First, I’d need money.

The sign at the gate where you exit Quiet Valley Ranch says, “It Can Always Be This Way”. I love the sentiment, but while the Kerrville Folk Festival has matured and continued growing, some of the ambience, the ethos, the KFF experience has been lost as campers become faces in the crowd.

I’m not ruling out a trip to “Little Folk” (the Kerrville Wine and Music Festival, formerly the Kerrville Blue Grass Festival) this Labor Day. Yes, it’s often hot, but the crowds are smaller, the RVs are fewer, and it feels more like the festival that I’ve loved for more than 30 years.

© Jim McNabb
(Photos by Wade McNabb, KFF 2009)