Super Bowl Selection on NFL Network

The first selection show for a Super Bowl should include little drama Tuesday, when most league observers expect NFL owners to approve New Jersey (specifically New Meadowlands Stadium) as the site of the 2014 Super Bowl.

NFL Network will present the show at 3 p.m. Tuesday.

Along with the sure-thing combined bid from the Giants and Jets, other finalists include Tampa Bay and South Florida.

Obviously, weather-related issues present the seemingly most formidable challenges for the New Jersey bid (the game will be played in Jersey and the teams housed there after flying into Newark, with only the media hotels and special events in NYC). Those issues and others would be ripe fodder for studio hosts discussing the competing bids on show like this, but it'll be interesting to see how NFL Network treats the show.

It's hard to expect any criticism of the Giants and Jets bid because of the league's generally accepted support for that site.

Still, the show could be interesting if hosts and guests had access and were able to ask about potential safety and weather scenarios that could play out at any site. The league has a team of event experts who could provide some interesting insights into putting together a Super Bowl.

Just because the owners will probably rubber-stamp the move for a cold weather Super Bowl does not mean NFL Network has to go through the motions, too.