Criminals Are Running the Government

I KNEW in my heart of hearts, my mind, and in my soul that the moment I heard that Obama had made the sudden and unexpected decision to put National Guard troops at the Mexican border, it was going to be used as some sort of diversion, Alinsky tactic, or distraction. Gateway Pundit has the story:

Figures. Obama Knew Arizona Immigration Law Would Be Challenged When He Announced 1,200 Guard Troops Would Be Sent to the Border Today
posted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit - 56 minutes ago
Ace of Spades nailed it. The Obama Administration announced today that they would send 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border. Ace said it was just cover for the Administration so that they coul...

My comment there:

The moment I heard about Obama sending the National Guard troops to the border, something told me that there HAD to be an ulterior motive. Thanks for revealing it here and cementing my suspicions.

We can’t trust ANYTHING that this corrupt administration does!

And – excellent comment wanumba! You wrote:

“The highest law enforcer in the land is trying to undermine the legal process.”

I agree – 100%!


Here is wanumba's entire comment:

wanumba May 25th, 2010 10:20 pm #6

Holder knows damn well there’s nothing wrong with the law. The heavy breathing is stalling. Meanwhile he’s busy influencing public opinion, while Democrats and Open Borders advocates try to whip up hysteria, with deliberately provocative words like “racist.” They want to have the law repealed by force of mob, by terror, because they do not have legal grounds on which to contest it.

The highest law enforcer in the land is trying to undermine the legal process.

This commenter nails it, too:

May 25th, 2010 10:37 pm #9
I feel like all the criminals are running the government. There are 2 Americas the patriots and the liberals.

The liberals are anti-Constitution, anti-Christian anti-gun, antiwar, pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-amnesty for illegals, and they are in power.

I think it will take a state to secede from the union to restore law and order. The states will have to jump ship and go on there on, otherwise everyone is going to go down with the ship. The state of the union is not good.

I wonder in 1930’s Germany when they elected Hitler if anyone had second thoughts, everyone eventually went down with the ship there. There where a lot of weirdos with crazy eyes in that government.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

Update: Hat Tips to the Gateway Pundit commentators too! (Thanks for the reminder, Al!)



Like this comment (and link!) too:

May 26th, 2010 | 8:46 am | #34
… ‘a team of radical Obama Justice Department attorneys recommended that the U.S. government challenge the Arizona state immigration law…good.
The sooner these open border, global governance shills file legal action against Gov. Brewer’s SB 1070 the better.
Americans can see November from their porch & ‘polling reveals an overwhelming public aversion to illegal immigration, with opposition reaching up to 70%. The Democrats might be better-advised to run on a platform calling for more child abuse.’

AM THINK’s excellent read, on immigration, election &’ smart strategy, intelligently worked-out media tactics, and a refusal to play the left’s game that will carry us across the finish line:’

Anerican Thinker: Illegals And The Election

(File soon, Holder.. conservatives will win bigger in the House and put the Senate within reach to boot.. file soon.)