TEA Party Patriots: Driving Enemies Crazy with Frustration!

A few months ago I decided to join the "Dallas TEA Party" organization just so that I could get their emails and be kept up to date with that extraordinary grassroots movement against big government out there in Texas. I have been receiving several email updates which have been informing me about what the group has been doing (town hall meetings, additional TEA Party events, etc.) and the biased reports (unfortunately) that have been shared via newspapers and the fringe media. Almost always - these fringe media [thank you for that accurate name Glenn Beck!] outlets have been disparaging and/or critical of the group and their peaceful, powerfully accurate protest events. The following is a perfect example:

Fellow Tea Party Patriots:

First of all, Happy Constitution Day!!!

Second, we got a little more 'love' from the Dallas Morning News--this time from the Editorial Board:

[I]f you aren't at least a bit concerned over some of the things on display at the tea party, you aren't thinking it through. Many of the demonstrators' lurid signs bore insane and repugnant messages about Obama. Some utterings, as from the marcher who called the Constitution an extension of the Bible, are extreme. The anger among the marchers was worryingly inchoate.

The tea partiers' main problem is lack of responsible leadership to bring focus, coherence and moderation to their movement. (TV conspiracy crackpot Glenn Beck is a sad choice for a movement guru.) It's more ironic that former House big shot Dick Armey is a key organizer – and the current GOP is cynically fanning the flames – given that he was part of the Washington GOP establishment responsible for the big-government overreach the tea partiers claim to despise.

The tea party movement deserves to be taken seriously. But until and unless it finds a way to police its radical fringes – and articulate its critique in a constructive, rational way that appeals to the great middle – it will not be. And must not be, except as an example of how not to win allies or influence debate.

Dallas Morning News Editorial

Some thoughts:

First, Dick Armey's group FreedomWorks WAS heavily involved in promoting the 9-12 March on Washington event. Dick Armey IS NOT a 'key organizer' of the Tea Party movement. There is no 'key organizer'--nor should there be. The Tea Party movement is highly decentralized, which drives its enemies crazy with frustration. Left without a target upon which to focus and tear down, the media sternly warns the great unwashed that 'the movement will never succeed without a leader.' In the meantime, the movement, apparently not knowing any better, continues to grow by leaps and bounds while chalking up one success after another.

Second, the Editors' criticism of Glenn Beck would carry much more weight if the so-called 'conspiracies' Beck is presenting turned out to be false. In reality, Glenn Beck is doing the investigative journalism that newspapers used to do before they apparently retired from the investigative journalism business. On one story after another, the 19th- and 20th-century media outlets have been asleep at the wheel, and it's been left to the 21st-century media to take up the slack. Glenn Beck is no more a leader of the Tea Party movement than Dick Armey is. Beck is, however, a source of useful information and analysis, most of it accurate, thoroughly researched and well-laid-out. If the Editors of local newspapers have an interest in staying in business, they would do well to take notes.

Third, far from being 'unfocused', the Tea Parties and their brothers and sisters in parallel movements (e.g., 9-12 We Surround Them) have been EXTREMELY focused--much to the chagrin of the White House and its allies. On Saturday, they were focused on the U.S. Capitol, in numbers at least several hundred thousand strong. If the movement is so unfocused and 'inchoate,' how is it able to cause so much frustration for the elites who now control the entire legislative and executive apparatus of the federal government? Van Jones is gone. ACORN is being defunded. The Health Care Bill is on life support. The Cap-and-Trade energy tax bill may never again see the light of day. Unicorns and rainbows are on indefinite backorder. How did this happen?

Fourth, public opinion polling has consistently reflected that independent voters identify strongly with the Tea Parties and town hall protesters. A Rasmussen poll released earlier this month indicated that fifty-nine percent of the American people believe town hall protesters are citizens accurately reflecting the concerns of their neighbors.

Rassmussen Reports: Most Voters Say Town Hall Meetings Should Be for Congressmen to Listen, Not Speak

Finally, anyone with an agenda can identify the most exuberant in a group and find something objectionable. In contrast to the left-wing rallies organized by the President's ardent supporters, the objectionable content at a Tea Party rally is the EXCEPTION rather than the RULE.

If you care to weigh in with your own thoughts, the Editors can be reached via this page :


You received this message as a member of the Dallas Tea Party Group


PLEASE NOTE: This email system is provided for the purpose of connecting local citizens and advancing the principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, the rule of law and national sovereignty.

Thank you Ken - for a wonder rebuttal of the fringy Dallas Morning News editorial that are so much like their ObamaFRAUD mentor - A BIG BUNCH OF LIARS!!!

Even though I haven't received the photos from the Temecula TEA Party protest yet, I will tell you that the protest was entirely peaceful and without incident. It seems to me that the most trouble was wrought by some of the progressive liberal left lunatics who drove by putting up their middle fingers towards the protesters. Nice...huh?

If they don't like our signs - I say TOUGH!! My sign stated "Obama: YOU LIE!" with some photos alongside the words (like Obama dressed in a tan suit, arms open like in the movie poster of LIAR LIAR!) which expressed many of the lies (and broken promises of the campaign) that he has been caught spewing.

The other side of my poster had huge letters that spelled "CORRUPT" with photos of Obama being for the death of unborn babies; for the scam of Cap and Trade; for special interest criminal groups like ACORN and SEIU; for unconstitutional czars, for the ObamaSCARE HELLcare bill, etc.

Whenever an ObamaBORG Bot drove by and put his/her middle finger up - I showed them the 'CORRUPT' side of my poster! It brought a lot of laughs from the people alongside us on the sidewalk!

There were FAR MORE people driving by, honking their horns in agreement and giving us all a thumbs up for our efforts to speak our minds at the protest. It was a great day...indeed!