Pastor Broden on Glenn Beck; Maafa 21 Film

Pastor Stephen Broden appeared on the Glenn Beck Program yesterday (8/31/09). Even though I never heard of him until his appearance on the show, I must say that I agree with his political position to oppose the Obama agenda.

Video Link

One of Pastor Broden's main concerns is Obama's activist pro-abortion stance. This was, in fact, my very first concern about Obama and the first reason why I opposed his candidacy for POTUS. Pastor Broden mentioned a documentary called "Maafa 21." Here is a trailer of the film:

Video Link

More to come as I do some research.

Just found this:


The purpose of this web site is to expose the disproportionate amount of Black babies destroyed by the abortion industry. For every two African American women that get pregnant one will choose to abort.

A Black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a White baby.
Statistics from The Alan Guttmaucher Institute.

The most dangerous place for an African American to be is in the womb of their African American mother.

Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.

Enter the Site

I cannot understand - for the life of me - why so many Black voters supported Obama!! They must have been fooled - just like all other races - who thought they knew just whom they were voting for. We are now finding out that his campaign was FULL OF LIES AND DECEPTION!

1. He is pro-death to babies in the womb. One of the most radical pro-abortion persons in government - ever!

2. He is only 7% Black! He is 50% White, 33% Arab, and 7% Black African!!

3. He got a 100% rating from that horrible babies-in-the-womb killing machine - NARAL!

4. And now, we are seeing him appoint un-constitutional "Czars," some of which are mainly radical Black activists! They include Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Atheists, Anti-Christian haters, and some (Van Jones) are even former criminals!! Plus, Obama's dealings with White criminals & domestic terrorists (Williams Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, the other Jones guy) should alarm EVERYONE!

Hat Tip:

Saynsumthn's Blog



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Repealing Conscience Protection