Beck's Show: A Mother's Challenge [Update!]

Glenn Beck: What's So Complicated About Tea Party Protests? [FOX News]
A discussion with ordinary citizens - in particular - moms, about why the TEA Party Protests are happening around the country.

Video Link

I am still searching for video of the rest of the show where the moms shared their concerns regarding many subjects that they object to about the current socialist agenda being pushed upon the American people.

If you watched or recorded the show at 2:00 p.m. (PT) yesterday, you will notice that the show was interrupted by Obama's news conference at the G-8 Summit. (how coincidental)

I decided to record the re-broadcast and was able to view the entire show. I think that Glenn should do an entire week of shows where ordinary Americans can speak their minds and state their objections to what is going on in Washington D.C.!

Glenn mentioned that he had accumulated 40 pages of concerns from moms across the nation! The moms in the audience agreed that the top 3 concerns are:

1. Our children are not being taught the TRUE history of our nation! (They are getting a revised version of it that takes out the fact that our Founders believed in God and that He had a hand in formulating our Constitutional Republic!)

2. Parent's rights are being taken away. (The liberal indoctrination in schools [e.g. pro-homosexual agenda]; and the United Nations claiming rights to your children over and above parent's rights.)

3. Killing our childrens' future. (Particularly with the out-of-control spending that led to a trillion dollar debt, and the horrible socialist/Marxist/Communist agenda being pushed upon an unwilling public while ignoring our Constitution!)

Conservative New Media has hundreds of videos on these topics. The link I just shared is about:

The Children of the Barack Obama Cult
[Last Updated (playlist created) -- 9.26.09] You've seen the disturbing videos, before and after the 2008 campaign: Kids forced to sing praises to Barack Obama. Songs based on religious favorites such as "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and the like. The creation of the Obama Cult is not an accident nor are the repeated instances of children being used as propaganda vessels a coincidence. This playlist will provide examples of this unsettling trend of Obama worship, as well as help to provide some background to what such songs of praise are intended to accomplish. Finally, similar examples of propaganda in other cultures will be included to provide context. In order to successfully resist a cult of personality, one must first understand the scope of the effort being undertaken by the propagandists, the techniques employed and what the desired outcomes are for the propagandists. Only then can a proper, focused response to the propaganda and its purveyors be enacted.

This link lists 94 videos:

Glenn Beck Exposes The Barack Obama Administration
[Last Updated (videos added) -- 9.23.09] There has been one place on television (in addition to the great work done by Sean Hannity on his show) to find the best information on the scandals, seamy connections and (alleged) corruption of Barack Obama and his administration: The Glenn Beck TV program on FOX News Channel. You might think that the now-discredited and unsuccessful boycott attempt of Beck's TV show advertisers was because of something he said. False. The real reason far-left radical organization ColorOfChange (founded by self-proclaimed "Communist" and [former] Obama "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones) has targeted Glenn Beck is because Beck has consistently and thoroughly exposed Team Obama's shady, often shocking, backgrounds and goals. This playlist will provide some of Beck's reports on Obama, Obama's circle and Team Obama's often-paid minions and 'astroturfers' (fake grassroots supporters), such as ACORN, the SEIU union, etc.

Explore the site! You will get a REAL EDUCATION!!


We'll bring you what you need to know in order to be a fully-informed US citizen or an astute observer/reporter of the American political scene.

We will provide you with an actual presentation of the facts on the ground, with much more detail, information and accurate analysis than you will get from an extremely-liberally-biased American mainstream media which is 100% dedicated to protecting Barack Obama rather than reporting the news as it actually occurs.

Hat Tip:

Conservative New Media

Update 9/29/09

Found the tapes (there are 4 of them!) of the women in the audience and their comments!

Youtube videos