The "You Lie" Heard Round the World

It was the best part of the entire ObamaFRAUD speech! Representative Joe Wilson yells out "you lie" when Obama tried to claim that the ObamaSCARE HELLcare bill "doesn't cover illegal immigrants."

Video Link

Obama was just the usual partisan hack that he has always been. But now he calls a Congressional meeting to spew his dumbass rhetoric! Does he REALLY think that he has won over anyone with that despicable speech?

He tears down Republicans, the town hall meeting protesters, the former Bush Administration, and anyone else who doesn't agree with him. Then, he thinks that everyone should get together for a kumbayah moment to get "health care done."

Can you believe how unethical this guy is?? He used Ted Kennedy's death to push people towards voting for his HELLcare plan!

I'm so disgusted with this usurper - it's truly pathetic to watch someone who acts like a cruddy old bad teacher in a classroom by verbally pointing his bony finger and lecturing his "students" about the need to stop the partisan politics; and then in the next breath spews the worst partisan rhetoric that has probably ever been uttered by a "president" in that chamber!


And then - he slyly throws in a line or two - pretending that he wants to hear from "the other side" and that his "door is always open." Yeah right. His door might be open but his liberal leftist Marxist mind is shut tighter than....well....we won't go there.

Above all, this speech once again PROVES WHAT A LIAR OBAMA IS!!

I agree with Nice Deb - calling Obama a liar had to be said! Joe Wilson is my new hero, too!

Hat Tip:

Nice Deb


Obama's speech was full of lies and distortions!! Gateway Pundit reports: Stunner... AP Fact Checks Liar In Chief's Big Fail