A novel concept: "Pay me Dunta!"

With all of the furor over Dunta Robinson's "Pay me Rick!" game one shenanigans you'd think the guy was shut down corner. Or at least someone who made several tackles and pass defenses against the Jets.

Sadly, what Dunta made was a repuation for himself as a whiner and someone who doesn't take the game very seriously, at least not when he's making the paltry sum of $10 Million per. That's right, $10 Meeeeelion dollars, or more money than Brian Ching, and the latter had a better year. For those of you not paying attention, that's $625,000 per game, before taxes. Assuming a 35% tax rate on the highest tax bracket, his take-home pay is probably somewhere around $406K per game. Based on his stats for game one, that's 203K each for his one tackle and one pass defense. Good work if you can get it right?

Understanably Texans fans are a little just a wee bit riled up about a Multi-Meeeeelionaire grousing over his pay while people are losing their jobs. Unfortunately, I can't help you there Texans fan. But what I can do is look out for good ol' #1. Namely: me.

Therefore it is with little fanfare that I unveil the "Pay me Dunta!"/3CB football income plan.

In the event that Dunta Robinson does anyone of the following, I propose that he submit payment to me in the amount of $100:

Missed tackle
Blown coverage
Poor angle taken in run support
Flop on the ground like a fish out of water.

Based on game one I figure the "Pay me!" account is currently sitting at somewhere around $1,500. Granted, I haven't looked at the tape so that could be just for the flopping around on the ground account. Either way I think we'll call it even.

I understant that Dunta might be a tad bit reticent to pay money to a total stranger, therefore I would suggest that Bob McNair (whose not in it to make money after all) offer matching funds.

How will this help the Texans win games you ask?

Quick answer: It won't.

Not any more than Dunta getting paid will, at least at the level he's playing.