Estimated 1.5 Million At WA D.C. TEA Party!!

I was at the Temecula TEA Party today from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. One of the speakers mentioned that there was an estimated 1.5 million people at the Washington D.C. TEA Party today! WHOOO HOOO!!!

RepubX has an aerial view of the crowd! Don't believe the Media of Mass Deception that is claiming only "thousands" showed up to the protest!!

RepubX: How the protest looked today from a high vantage point (very good)

Added: A video from Michele Malkin's blog!

Video link

More commentary and photos to come over the weekend - especially when I get the Temecula photos and a video that my dear friend Donna created while asking some of the protesters why they were there today!

Hat Tip:



Nice Deb has pictures and additional links to more pictures!


Of course, the New York Times gets it wrong! They claim only "thousands" attended. It was more like 1.5 - 2 million!!!

Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government