Hugh Hefner and his "playboy" magazine really did redefine an entire industry and take it out of the backrooms and make it more "mainstream". Heck, darn near every male in the industrialized world not only knows about Playboy, but probably has fond memories of their favorite pinup girl! Sadly, "dead tree" magazines are at best a fragile medium not really suited to long term storage.

This is why BONDI DIGITAL recent release of a very special 250GB USB hard drive containing EVERY issue of PlayBoy between 1953 and 2010 (in other words, the entire collection up to NOW!) is so intriguing (that is 53 years and over 100,000 pages!). The Playboy Cover to Cover Digital Archive, may not be the first time a magazine archive has been delivered in digital format, but it certainly is one of the first that will interest people OUTSIDE of academia! 

Let’s face it, pretty pictures of exotic creatures and far away places stored on a hard drive is all well and fine, but pretty women photographed in their "birthday suit" and saved for posterity in a hard drive is bound to peak the interest of any male with the money to buy it! Of course, with so much IP wrapped up in that itty bitty package the price has to be a tad on the pricey side, but at a MSRP of $299 it may just find a wider audience than previous past attempts, as this bad boy is 100% LEGAL!