Mama Grizzlies!

Sarah Palin is the best! She just is!!! Such a breath of fresh air in the midst of a gangster government that doesn't respect the will of the people! I was looking at my stats tonight and someone from Wasilla, Alaska was reading my blog!

Recent Details

2'48" Talk Wisdom

3'13" Talk Wisdom DULUTH

4'5" Talk Wisdom: The "Days of Noah" Are Here GIG HARBOR

11'16" Talk Wisdom: Bolden and Barack's Islamophilia Borg WASILLA

20'15" Talk Wisdom OKLAHOMA CITY

I told my daughter (via a text message) that maybe it's Sarah Palin! Ha ha...wishful thinking. She doesn't need to read my blog - or any blog. She's got it all together in my book! I love her latest Internet ad - "Mama Grizzlies."

Count me in with the Mama Grizzlies crowd!

Hat Tip:

Gateway Pundit