Superficial Baubles or Truth?

A question that often comes up from non-Christians, is that certain polls (like those from Barna and Gallup) often reveal that there is little difference between the morals and lifestyles of Christians and non-Christians. That is a very sad and sobering thing to admit!

The reasons for this can be many. Backsliding, the lack of prayer, not studying the Bible, losing your first love for Christ - the list could go on and on. The negative affects of "the world" can get to anyone - including Christians - and can cause some to fall away from the faith. However, I found it quite intriguing that Dr. David Jeremiah makes a good argument in his study guide book, Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven that the absence of a focus on heaven in the minds and studies of Christian believers can, in large part, be to blame as well.

Dr. Jeremiah writes:

When we lose sight of the fact that God has a wonderful destination prepared for those who are His, we start trying to create heaven on earth. We start investing our time and talent and treasure in creating a place that we know in our heart is what we were created for (Ecclesiastes 3;11). We know there is supposed to be a heaven; and when we stop seeking the biblical heaven, we try to create an earthly one.

I think that this is where the progressive, "social justice" crowd goes awry. For example, on his T.V. show today Glenn Beck exposed that the organization called "Faithful America" is funded by the liberal leftist (and quite evil) billionaire, George Soros. What true Christian would ever want anything to do with any organization led, owned and funded by that anti-God fraud and criminal?

It was interesting to see the list of topics discussed on the website. If I recall correctly, health care was mentioned 26 times! The list of items of discussion also included how many times Glenn Beck was mentioned. At the bottom of the list Glenn wrote the name of Jesus. How often was Jesus mentioned at the site? Zero! That's right - NOT ONCE! Some faith-based group...huh?
Like I said many times before. It is highly important to know in what - or whom - a person or group bestows their faith upon!

Speaking of health care, go here and find out exactly who was lying about the health care bill - Obama or Beck. (Hint: It was Obama!)


Who's Telling the Truth About Health Care?

Glenn Beck Show- July 19, 2010

The lies coming out of Washington are unbelievable. The President first said the health care bill was not a tax the administration is saying it is a tax. The President also called out anyone who was saying this health care bill would federally fund abortions..but look at what is happening now in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Obama also promised that you could keep your own doctor..but now- uh oh. Glenn told you that these were coming and he was called crazy and a liar. But look at the record and ask yourself: Who's telling the truth?

There is much more to see on that show. If it doesn't make you uncomfortable that this gangster government is on the way to an ObaMAO type dictatorship, then you aren't paying attention!

Back to Dr. Jeremiah's book.

People who are involved with organizations like "Faithful America" (or are leaders of such leftist progressive groups) are obviously more interested in creating a utopia here on earth rather than teaching true Christian faith. These utopia-on-earth advocates inevitably fail to live up to expectations and end up putting people on the road to serfdom. (I'm currently reading that book, too!). Such individuals get involved in the collective salvation false "gospel" and are either ignorant of where the socialist beliefs they are being indoctrinated with ultimately leads (hint: Marxism, Communism, and/or Nazism - all led by dictators), or, they approve of such "isms."

Dr. Jeremiah warns us that the problem with such human strategies is that "we [they] could never approximate on earth what God has created for us in heaven."

That's it people! Leading individuals away from individual saving faith (which occurs only via the true Gospel of Jesus Christ) inevitably takes them right into a heretical false gospel (like collective salvation), and the political mindset "isms" (as described above) are the propaganda vehicle(s) by which they are brainwashed to follow that wrong direction.

Dr. Jeremiah had a great line about this.

"If we do not feed the hunger for heaven with biblical truth, we will feed it the superficial baubles and bangles of this world."

That describes Obamism in a nutshell. The hopey, changey mantra that was fed to people during the campaign of 2008 is now being found out to have been lies! The unsuspecting got caught up with some "superficial baubles and bangles of this world" by an inexperienced, teleprompter reading con man!

Unfortunately, many Christians fell for the hype and were caught up in that a trap. The good news is that many have now wised up and see the true evil, corrupt, immoral, and lie-infested Obamination that has been used to tear us, and our nation, apart. The puppeteers were good at finding ways to pit us against each other in order to cause havoc, chaos, and discontent. But such a game can't last forever. Their schemes have been found out! And you can do your part! The more people that you can wake up from the Obama Kool-Aid stupor - the better!

There is a saying among Christians that "if you are too heavenly minded - then you are not any earthly good. " I contend that "if you are too earthly minded - then you are not heavenly good!"

As believers, our assignment here on this earth is to point people in the direction towards Christ! This is the Great Commission commandment that Jesus gave us before he ascended back to the Father in heaven. He is there preparing a place for us so that where he is, there we will be also.

Heaven is an eternal place. So is hell. Answering Jesus question, "who do you say that I am" will determine where you will end up.

This earthly life is but temporary, and just a flicker of time when compared to all of eternity.

I highly recommend Dr. Jeremiah's book and study guide, Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven!

Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven will answer and clarify the most important questions Christians have about their future eternal home. Pastor David Jeremiah provides answers to questions about the nature of heaven, the kinds of bodies heaven’s occupants will have, why heaven will never be boring, why infants and small children will go to heaven, and the dwelling place God is preparing for Christians in heaven. Answers to those questions and more – 11 critical issues in all – are revealed.

I have been studying the Bible for over 20 years, and this study guide includes lots of Scripture that has opened my eyes to revealing what heaven is all about! I sincerely hope that you will consider buying the guide and reading what is in store for you in heaven as a believer in Jesus Christ!

Hat tips to all links.