No Mosque At Ground Zero!!! [Update 2]

Please visit Daily Thought Pad: Mosque At Ground Zero - What You Need to Know. Ground Zero mosque imam tied to un-indicted co-conspirator in Holy Land Foundation terror-funding trial.

But before you head over there, watch this 1:02 video!

Hat Tips:

Daily Thought Pad

Scott Whitten on Face Book for You Tube video link.


In my sidebar, I am listing blogs, websites, and articles about why there should NEVER be a Ground Zero mosque! I will be adding to the list daily. If you have a suggestion for the list, please provide the link in the comment section. Here is a copy of the list as of 7/25/10:

No Ground Zero Mosque!
Amazon: The Post-American Presidency Book Reviews
American Center for Law & Justice
Atlas Shrugs
Jay Sekulow's Trial Notebook
Stevex09: NY Muslims Trample American Flag
The Man Who Would Stop G.Z. Mosque
Vitor Palmer's Livejournal

In a new article posted today over at American Thinker, Pam Geller shares The Man Who Would Stop the Ground Zero mosque.

The following several paragraphs is just one of the great comments written there:

Posted by: theBuckWheat
Jul 25, 06:21 AM

The actions of leftist talking heads and pols in the matter of this proposed mosque reinforce my opinion that when the left advances a Constitutional principle, it is only because they find it useful to advance their agenda of self-loathing in the broader context. The left loathes themselves and this country. In the very narrow context, all peoples here have the right of freedom of religion.

The difference is: Islam is the only religion that seeks the overthrow of the Constitution. Its advocates here need the freedom of religion so they can attract supporters and build the appearance of success and power. From this base, they will attract more supporters and succeed in getting more concessions from those in our society who do not understand what subterfuge is going on before our very eyes.

If the mosque near Ground Zero were merely a place to worship, that would be one thing. But it is not. It is a symbol of success over us, over our way of life and a stake in the ground at the very place where an attack on us took place. It is a symbol of victory over us. They brazenly even give it a name, "Cordoba", that is an allusion to their conquest of Spain, a conquest that required the spilling of much blood to eventually repel.

This outrage must be stopped. We must also wake up anyone who thinks this is merely about religion. It is about Islam's war on the west.


Update Sunday, July 25, 2010:

More news you definately won't get from the media of mass deception:

Atlas Shrugs: Behind the Mask of the Morphing Mosque: Muslim Brotherhood and Post-911 Dawah.