Bolden and Barack's Islamophilia Borg

Oh my...there is a great post up over at American Spectator: Obama's Milky Way.


The Islamophilia of the Obama administration at this point is well beyond the parodies of The Onion. This week NASA administrator Charles Bolden announced that the space program has adopted a new mission -- to serve as a self-esteem project for global Islam. He informed a reporter with Al Jazeera that when he took the NASA job Obama made it clear to him that "perhaps foremost he wanted to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering."

So, apparently, radical Muslims who consider science intrinsically blasphemous are going to help us get to Mars once their egos are sufficiently massaged. Or perhaps Bolden is saying that NASA has become a kind of learning annex for the scientifically illiterate throughout the world. In any case, the comment is staggering. This is an administration which looks at terrorists and sees misguided peace activists, looks at radical imams who issue death edicts against scholars and sees budding space engineers.

Earth to Bolden and Barack: These imams don't "feel good" about Islam's centuries-back contribution to science; they feel ashamed of it. As Robert R. Reilly chronicles in The Closing of the Muslim Mind, mainstream Islamic theology today views science as impious/useless because it presupposes that God created the world rationally, a presupposition which is an affront to God (under the twisted metaphysics of Islamic theology) since it is seen as a limitation on his freedom and transcendence.

Continue reading HERE.

Even the comments over there are quite educational - and some are hilarious (especially the ones written by ObamaBot "Nate" and the replies made to him)! Some bad language and offensive comments by guess who? (Hint: He's an ObamaBorgBot!) Just thought I'd warn readers who happen to venture over there and read them.

In order to be a supporter of ObaMARXIST anymore, I surmise that one just has to have had his/her mind taken over by a Star Trek - The Next Generation type of Borg mentality. Except in the case of BHO zombies, it's specifically a "Marxist-Islamo-Fascist Borg" mindmeld.

Hat Tip:

The American Spectator

P.S. Do you suffer from ObamaBorgBotitist? There is still hope (the true kind - not the propaganda of the Liar) for you!

From Wikipedia page:

In Star Trek, attempts to resist the Borg become one of the central themes, with many examples of successful resistance to the collective, both from existing or former drones, and assimilation targets. It is also demonstrated that it is possible to survive assimilation (most notably Jean-Luc Picard), and that drones can escape the collective (most notably Seven of Nine), and become individuals, or exist collectively without forced assimilation of others. They are notable for being a main antagonist race in more than one series who never appeared in the original Star Trek.