Delicious Firms

Dino Riders

Quick blog-related announcement: we've revived as a link dump for our bookmarks of landscape architecture firms. We've added 15 offices so far, and 5 more will be added each weekend for you to click around during week. Subscribers to our RSS feed should already be aware of this, as these links get spliced to the blog feed.

We also have a quick request: we're looking for landscape architecture firms, offices, studios, ateliers, research labs, syndicates, cartels or one-person operations not based in the U.S., Canada or Western Europe. Those regions are ridiculous well-represented on our list while there's none representing Africa and South Asia. We don't have yet any firm guidelines of what sort of firms we're looking for (unless “whatever piques our biases” and “whatever we fancy that day” are considered helpful guidelines), so just leave any links you have bookmarked in the comments or email them to us.