Obama's Abysmal Lack of Discernment [Video Added]

Over at Gateway Pundit, I just read about Obama laughing during his 60 minutes interview. He laughs while our nation is in dire straits economically?? Even the interviewer couldn't believe it! He asked Obama, "are you punch-drunk?"

NOBama acts like a freakin' baby! He has a spiritual shallowness that shows his abysmal lack of discernment. We are seeing this phony deteriorate right before our very eyes.

Why does he keep appearing on news and talk shows? He is self-seeking for his own feelings and experiences. A narcissist at the core!

Think about it people. An infant is completely self-centered. The characteristic that is most descriptive of an infant is selfishness. They scream if they don't get what they want when they want it (forcing Congress to pass his stupid StimuWASTE and OmniBUST bills) - without even reading them??

All that ObamaFRAUD is aware of is his own needs and desires. Who in their right mind would say "gallows humor" when a reporter confronts him about laughing while our economy is in crisis? It is unconscionable to me that we haven't thrown his a** out of office already!

Just like an infant, Obama can't help others. He never says thanks for anything and can't give what is needed to fix this economy. So what does he do? He stays in "campaign mode" and tries to keep his "celebrity idol" image intact. I'm telling you people, his development is so lagging that I don't think we will ever see him get past the stage of helpless selfishness.

What a tragedy for our nation!!

Even leaders in other countries are snickering and laughing at him for his ineptitude!

ObamaUSURPER is totally preoccupied with self. That is why he can laugh during a 60 minutes interview. The guy has no conscience! He appears to have a dark soul - too. His comment gaffe about Special Olympics athletes shows how little he really cares about others. The same can be said about his tragically abnormal psyche and worldview regarding killing infants through abortion - even if they are born alive after a botched abortion.

ObamaCREEP has such a severe lack of discernment that it reveals a spiritual apathy that is deadly evil.

Guess I just needed to vent. I am finding it very difficult to hold back my anger at Obama for the many ways that he is utilizing to try and destroy our great country!

Please God - have mercy on us and save us from this disastrous man and give our nation a REAL, GENUINE LEADER FOR PRESIDENT!!

Hat Tips:

Gateway Pundit

I Took The Red Pill

Pundit and Pundette

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Photo credit: JITcrunch at We Surround Them.com

Update on 3/23/09 :

Obama is so high on drugs in this video clip! Isn’t this obvious to everyone? I did not see the video prior to writing the above post last night.

Not only do we have a moron in the Oval Office, he’s also the new “Druggie-in-Chief!”

Punch Drunk Obama