Rush's Power and Compassion For America

Rush Limbaugh's speech yesterday at the CPAC conference was truly awesome! His power and compassion for America came shining through! He isn't afraid to tell it like it is! He instinctively knows (as should all conservatives by now) that the liberal left will never like us - or ever be our friends. That fact is SO TRUE - and someone needed to be brave enough to say it!

The view that "bipartisanship" wins the day is ridiculous. To liberals, "bipartisanship" means "agree with us." Like many of the Republicans stated after meeting with Obama at his wine and dine session (and, as Rush pointed out in his speech) do you think for one moment that Obama's goal was for the opposition to change his mind?? Of course not! We are political enemies with the liberals and nothing will ever change that fact! We must be brave enough to admit this and go about our agenda accordingly.

I only saw the last 46 minutes of it so I hope to find a video or transcript of the complete speech and link to them here. Rush was certainly hard-hitting against the tax and spend liberal politics that are coming out of Resident Obama!

Sean at The Nein Blog has a post up and brief video clip of Limbaugh's "bringing the house down" speech!

Common Cents has a few video clips.

Also, found a link via Common Cents to Hot Air's Full Video Link of the speech!

The bloggers are abuzz with this! Take a look at this comment thread from Hot Air:

[Liberal ObamaBorg Bot]: "No, to the average voter not blinded by ideology, they witnessed a rant full of hatred of the other side."

getalife on March 1, 2009 at 10:29 AM

Blinded by ideology? How blind do you have to be to not admit that the obama admin has had the worst start of any administration in our lifetime? You try to imagine the preponderance of Conservative appointees in a Bush administration having the level of tax and personal life scandal your parade of fools has had and tell me your side and the MSM wouldn’t be all over it 24/7 about the Culture of Corruption. Your side and the media has had zero, ZERO critical analysis of his early missteps and outright blunders. All ob has done since he took office is “rant” about what a dire dark time this country is in. Eyes wide shut, you guys are.

hawkdriver on March 1, 2009 at 10:39 AM

Daily Kos and ACORN must be paying getalife overtime pay today. Rush must have rattled someone up the chain of command with the speech.

angryed on March 1, 2009 at 12:02 PM

Yep! Rattled a lot of liberals who yell "hate" the moment anyone disagrees with them and their ObamaBORG!

Here is a link to Rush Limbaugh's site with the full transcript.

Powerful portion of the speech:

For those of you just tuning in on the Fox News Channel or C-SPAN, I'm Rush Limbaugh and I want everyone in this room and every one of you around the country to succeed. I want anyone who believes in life, liberty, pursuit of happiness to succeed. And I want any force, any person, any element of an overarching Big Government that would stop your success, I want that organization, that element or that person to fail. I want you to succeed. [Applause] Also, for those of you in the Drive-By Media watching, I have not needed a teleprompter for anything I've said. [Cheers and Applause ] And nor do any of us need a teleprompter, because our beliefs are not the result of calculations and contrivances. Our beliefs are not the result of a deranged psychology. Our beliefs are our core. Our beliefs are our hearts. We don't have to make notes about what we believe. We don't have to write down, oh do I believe it do I believe that we can tell people what we believe off the top of our heads and we can do it with passion and we can do it with clarity, and we can do it persuasively.

Hat Tips to all links above.