A "Drive By" Blog Post

Isn't that pic the best? The "Prez Dispenser" - Ha ha ha! Even though the situation in America is dire right now, sometimes ya just gotta laugh!

About today's post. I try not to do this very often, but sometimes it is necessary. What is it? Well, I will just call it "drive by" blogging. When I'm REALLY busy with a project, family, or just plain awful "spring cleaning" work, I try to locate some of the best blog posts of the day and post them here.

Fortunately, The Right Side of Life certainly makes things easier! Phil often has "headlines" up each day which include so many of the articles, issues, and happenings that I would love to blog about!

Of course, Gateway Pundit always has LOTS OF POSTS up each day. I wonder if there is just one blogger over there or a team of them?

Lastly, I discovered something quite weird in the comment section of Orly Taitz's blog, Defend Our Freedoms. Apparently, a Pakistani website has a group of world leaders listed on a discussion forum. Scroll down and you will read:

President of USA (44th) Barrack Hussain [sic] Obama of Democratic Party* (Kenyan born) (Since 20th Jan 2009)

I don't know a whole lot about this website, but the post and thread that this is in is supposed to be for "FPSC Recruitment Tests." It is under the category that reads, "General Knowledge, Quizzes, IQ Tests - A zone where General Knowledge related to this exam can be shared. Surveys and Threads with polls and questions that require answers can be Posted here."

The forum is labeled "CSS Forum" - which stands for "Civil Service of Pakistan."

Anyone out there have more information about this?

Hmmmm....you would think that answers about leaders on a civil service test would be accurate...right?

Hat Tips:

The Right Side of Life

Gateway Pundit

Defend Our Freedoms.