Fighting for Certainty In an Age of Deception

This morning, I noticed that Bill Muehlenberg had a post up reviewing John MacArthur's book, "The Truth War" over at his blog Culture Watch.

My comment there (might still be in moderation):

When John MacArthur wrote this book, little did he know how important the additional words on the book cover would be:

"Fighting for certainty in an age of deception."

Deception is all around us in the terrible lies that abound in our current political atmosphere here in the United States.

I loved this book. Thanks for your excellent review. You have inspired me to read it again!


P.S. Inside the book jacket, MacArthur writes, "this book is not friendly fire." That is certainly a literary shot across the bow of the liberal, seeker-sensitive "don't talk about the need to repent" churches that keep their congregations in bondage to sin - all the while making them think they are saved.

Hat Tip:
Culture Watch


Additional related posts:

The Truth War

Countering Stealth-Like Apostasy

Compromise Veiled as Love

Problems of Uncertainty and Apathy about Truth

More on the biblical view of truth:

Beholding to Absolute Truth