Bilderbergers - Devious Corporate-Globalist Scheme?

When something is placed before my eyes several times within one weekend here on the Internet, I sit up, take notice, and get the feeling that perhaps I should blog about it. I didn't want to blog about several conspiracy theories that have been "out there" for quite some time. However, they kept popping up over the last two days and perhaps readers here might want to share their opinions on them.

The first is the 9/11 "truthers" conspiracy theory that our government was behind (or, in some conspiracy theorists minds - was "allowed" to happen despite our government knowing about it in advance) the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The second is called the "Bilderberg group" conspiracy.

Here's how I got involved in a discussion of the 9/11 "truther" conspiracy.

Over at Citizen Well's blog, a commenter named "Marty Didier" wrote several off-topic comments claiming that he knew certain secrets that not many others would have been in a position to know about 9/11.

You can go to the link above and scroll down to read his comments. In fact, the blog owner shares some additional comments that Mr. Didier wrote at his blog in the past.

If you read the comments, it appears that Didier is linking the Clintons, Bush, and Obama into a "Political Mafia." However, most of his bashing rhetoric seems to be against the Clintons and Bush.

One commenter must have noticed and asked:

Maddie // March 12, 2009 at 9:00 pm

Hi Marty,
Only 1 question: will you be telling us more here
that will involve Obama?

This is where I felt led to reveal some doubts about Mr. Didier's credibility:

Christinewjc // March 12, 2009 at 10:05 pm

Sorry if this makes me into a “party pooper,” but I have my doubts about some things that “Marty Didier” has written.

Ronald Reagan once said, “Trust, but verify.”

The part that rang the alarm bells about him for me was when he wrote:

“I was told all about 911 in 1996 however at that time they were reviewing three sites and New York was one of them. “

Told by whom?
Is he claiming that our government planned the 9/11 attacks?

I draw the line of credibility with that one statement. IMO - he is not credible if this is what he believes.

Then, others chimed in:

JJ // March 12, 2009 at 10:42 pm

Christine previously wrote: Told by whom?
Is he claiming that our government planned the 9/11 attacks?

Not exactly——technically, they just allowed it to happen…………….read ‘Crossing the Rubicon’ by Michael Ruppert and more of Devvy Kidd’s research and it’s all over the net.
Lots of pictures, books, and material out there if you still believe that 19 Islamic terrorists with box cutters defeated a multi-billion dollar defense system and attacked the most guarded building on this planet, the Pentagon.

I thought, "Oh great...there are two truthers over there to refute."

Then, Jacqlyn Smith shared her doubts about him, too:

Jacqlyn Smith // March 12, 2009 at 11:35 pm

I’m with you Christine….This Marty person must be checked out before we go passing this information on to anyone. CW….do you know if what he writes is legit???

Mr. Didier then wrote another long comment.

I wrote:

Christinewjc // March 13, 2009 at 6:52 pm

I don’t believe you Mr. Didier. The “truther” theories about 9/11 being an inside gov’t job have been debunked - scientifically.

Those who choose to believe that crap have every right to do so.

But I don’t. (believe that crap)

Then, JJ replied again:

JJ // March 14, 2009 at 12:46 pm

Christinewjc // March 13, 2009 at 6:52 pm

Christine previously wrote: I don’t believe you Mr. Didier. The “truther” theories about 9/11 being an inside gov’t job have been debunked - scientifically.

Those who choose to believe that crap have every right to do so.

But I don’t.

(I have 90 items for you to debunk if you believe that 19 Islamic terrorists with box cutters defeated a multi-billion dollar defense system to take down the most guarded building on this planet, namely the Pentagon) was now time to set these people straight from their crazy conspiracy theory about 9/11.

Christinewjc // March 14, 2009 at 1:45 pm
JJ -
You probably won’t believe otherwise, but I will share two links that show you are wrong.

Perhaps others here who may be absolutely aghast about your accusations will be glad to see the truth of the matter.

Photos Of Flt 77 WreckageInside The PentagonExclusive Photos & Story

Popular Mechanics: Debunking the 9/11 Myths

Christinewjc // March 14, 2009 at 1:49 pm

Sorry. That previous link began at “page 2.”

Debunking the 9/11 Myths

Special Report: Popular Mechanics examines the evidence and consults the experts to refute the most persistent conspiracy theories of September 11.

Then, a blogger wrote:

MB // March 14, 2009 at 3:58 pm

google bilderberg group

google narcissist and Obama

I didn't google them. Didn't have to because the very next day (today) I found links to blogs with information about the Bilderberg group.

The first link was to someone named "Alex Jones" who just released (today) a documentary video on his site called, "The Obama Deception."

Here is a link to a review of the movie and the 1 hour, 53 min. YouTube video is also there on the page.

I watched the first few minutes. But when Jones turned out to be another 9/11 "truther," I decided to fast forward to the last 30 minutes of the film. I had read on another blog post that the last 30 minutes was "truly frightening."

It is difficult to accept such a huge conspiracy theory about many of the past presidential administrations. For me, I draw the line at believing that 9/11 was an "inside job." Perhaps you disagree with me and think that Alex Jones, Mr. Didier, and JJ are correct in their views. So be it.

Moving on, I discovered a blog post over at about - you guessed it - the Bilderberg group.

Bilderbergers excite conspiracists.

I read the article, but plan on going back to read the 101 comments tomorrow.

So...readers...what's your take on all of this?

Hat Tips:

Citizen Wells

Popular Mechanics