The Real Story

The Real Story Behind the Rushed Blagojevich Bust: How the Feds Are Frustrated by Losing (Maybe) Half of Their Case

Cam Simpson reports on the Rod Blagojevich case in Chicago.

Conventional wisdom holds that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald ordered the FBI to arrest Rod Blagojevich before sunrise Tuesday in order to stop a crime from being committed. That would have been the sale of the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

But the opposite is true: Members of Fitzgerald’s team are livid the scheme didn’t advance, at least for a little longer, according to some people close to Fitzgerald’s office. Why? Because had the plot unfolded, they might have had an opportunity most feds can only dream of: A chance to catch the sale of a Senate seat on tape, including the sellers and the buyers.

The precise timing of Tuesday’s dramatic, pre-dawn arrest was not dictated by Fitzgerald, nor was it dictated by the pace of Blagojevich’s alleged “crime spree.” It was dictated by the Chicago Tribune, according to people close to the investigation and a careful reading of the FBI’s affidavit in the case.

At Fitzgerald’s request, the paper had been holding back a story since October detailing how a confidante of Blagojevich was cooperating with his office.

Gerould Kern, the Tribune’s editor, said in a statement last week that these requests are granted in what he called isolated instances. “In each case, we strive to make the right decision as reporters and as citizens,” he said.

But editors decided to publish the story on Friday, Dec. 5, ending the Tribune’s own cooperation deal with the prosecutor.

Read the rest.

And still no further comments from Obama? Let me guess. At his scheduled news conference to announce more cabinet members he will state, "that isn't the Gov. Blagojevich I knew."

During my blog travels last evening, I ran across some interesting news about Obama. [Note: Not necessarily presented in same exact order as at the blog.]

In the comment section of this Citizen Wells blog post the following comments were shared:

1. BerlinBerlin // December 14, 2008 at 7:25 pm

I just found this comment on Orly Taitz’s site.
The poster has seen another comment on Leo Donofrio’s site.
Sure feels like gossiping.
Here it is:


Thought you might be interested in this!…

There was something interesting in the comments. Did anyone see this comment in Leo’s blog by a poster named TruthSeeker:



I wonder if there is anything to this?

2. Janet // December 14, 2008 at 9:13 pm

Berlin Berlin,

I just read a day or two ago that Lolo Soetoro was not Obama’s stepfather’s full name, it was Lolo Soetoro Mustajab —– now I think that was the spelling — I believe the article said it was the town he was from, not sure. So there is definitely something to this.

Do you think Berg is capable of looking into this as he seems to be discouraged. Maybe that female DDS/attorney Orly whatever might be more interested in doing the research. Do you know who I mean? Can you email your blog post above to her?

3. Janet // December 14, 2008 at 9:34 pm

I just emailed that blogpost by Berlin Berlin about Obama’s scholarship as a foreign student to Orly asking her if she would please do some research to see if there is anything to this.

4. BerlinBerlin // December 14, 2008 at 9:50 pm

jawohl, Wells!

I found this comment on Orly’s page.
Funny enough I live n the area of El Camino College.
He said High School, there is also an El Camino Real High School in Woodland Hills (LA area)
But I have the feeling he means the community college in Torrance.

5. Janet // December 14, 2008 at 9:52 pm

Berlin Berlin & everyone:
Here is the address & phone # for El Camino College in CA:

El Camino College (ECC)
16007 Crenshaw Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90506

Perhaps we can call or write for a list of people who came in on a foreign scholarship in 1981.

That would be 27 years ago when Obama was 20 yrs old. So where was he for two years after high school? Or maybe he’s not really 47? Whatever, let’s try to get that 1981 list.

And one more question: Why the hell do the citizens of this country have to be detectives to find out the truth about Obama, the Transparent One?

6. anonymous // December 14, 2008 at 10:15 pm

Blogger here

Pics of Soetoro

wonders who is the Soetoro (no second name) pictured at El Camino High School.

This is the photo close up

The high school Soetoro’s ear shape

is not Obama’s ear shape*Y_/SenatorBarackObama1.jpg

7. Bob // December 15, 2008 at 8:06 am

Citizen –

Perhaps my point with the Time Magazine story was too well hidden, so let me put a little better light on it –

1. Time’s historical article traces arrival of foreign national on temporary student visa from Kenya.

2. Temporary student visa issued by U.S. State Department with cooperation of British Embassy.

3. No visible means of support, but foreign national on temporary student visa marries, has child, and later divorces.

4. The father of child born on August 4, 1961 is a British subject.

5. Child is born under the care and custody of British subject who in the U.S. on a temporary student visa until January 1964, when divorce is finalized.

6. Not before January 1964 is child under the care and custody of the mother, an American citizen.

7. The British subject’s status in the U.S. was temporary from the first until the last, because of his temporary student visa — i.e. never applies for permanent residency, and never intends to.

This scenario does not describe a ‘natural born Citizen’ under anybody’s definition.

Further, this totally ignores the fact that after age 6, the child is voluntarily placed under the care and custody of a second foreign national (this time in a foreign country) until the age of 11.
Bob // December 15, 2008 at 8:30 am

Citizen –

Now I want to say how this is all pulled together.

NOWHERE in anything that you have put on your indictment does Obama demonstrate a single shred of evidence that he understands that the U.S. is a nation of laws and not of men.

In fact, the evidence is that he believes exactly the opposite — that he better understands the meaning of monarchy, “a nation of men,” or even better, the “cult of the personality.”

How in God’s name has he slipped under our nation’s radar? Our defense system hardware must have been unplugged!

We need the “over the mountain boys” now!

There are many more comments that contain some speculation (i.e. that the "Clintonistas" are somehow involved and that the Soros crowd is unhappy with their "puppet" boy Obama due to his center-left selections for cabinet positions), but the question that remains is why is Obama continuing to be the "Teflon man" with all of this controversy about his "natural born citizen" status, lawsuits against his eligibility, Chicago corruption and scandals, etc. surrounding him?

One by one, the lawsuits to get Obama to show his Certification of Live Birth are being dismissed. Why?

I think that one commenter over at Citizen Wells may have the answer:

In this thread commenter Bob wrote:

Bob // December 15, 2008 at 11:41 am

SCOTUS has allowed the election from the people’s participation to the official election without comment, or prejudice.

What this means is that all commentary concerning the meaning of ‘natural born Citizen’ prior to December 15, 2008, is acceptable as written to this Supreme Court. Nothing has changed at all on that front.

The specific time for SCOTUS to participate in the official election process is after January 8 at Midnight, when the world know what Congress has done, and any lawsuits will have to come from a member of Congress.

So, it’s time to focus on CONGRESS. They will count the votes of the Electoral College. Dick Cheney will chair (he’s President of the Senate).

Congress must be convinced that the following must be done:

1. They cannot count the votes for someone who is a “dual or multiple citizen” under their own law as codified by the Code of Federal Regulations by the Department of State, under FAM 7 (Consular Services). — Remember: Barack Obama, Sr. was in this country on a temporary student visa issued by the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, so he was under the supervision of the British embassy in Washington, D.C. . I don’t think anyone in Congress is aware of this fact, but it’s accurate history.

In other words, he had no intention of taking up permanent U.S. residency or apply for naturalized citizen, EVER!

2. They cannot vote for a first generation Commander-in-Chief, based on the debate in the 1787 Constitutional Convention, which records are preserved under the supervision of Congress in the Library of Congress.


This is the syllogism:

If lawless Congress, then lawless Presidency. If lawless Presidency, then lawless citizens.

A lawless citizens pay no taxes (proof: Alphonse Capone).

Next, commenter "NBC" wrote (at the end of his comment):

The argumen[t] that SCOTUS could not act now, is therefore, unworthy of merit.

But commenter Bob came back with:

Bob // December 15, 2008 at 1:06 pm

In my experience, when a court is not specific (which they must be when they render a decision), and simply leave the status quo (which is what happened here), the benefits are often greater than you might imagine.

Leo’s case and Cort’s case and Orly’s case were basically orders to the SOS of NJ and CT and CA to do their job. They didn’t, so the Electors today are voting on two bogus candidates. However, in the future, no SOS in any state is likely to get a pass on this, so the dog has had his bite — but no seconds. So, really, this is a win for good government.

With respect to the “bogus” candidates: there are two challenges remaining — Keyes and Berg.

Berg is a fraud case, and should have gone to PA court, but that option is still open to him.

Keyes is a bonafide challenger to both Obama and McCain, who is only challenging the winner, Obama. Since Keyes challenge is meaningful to everyone who has ever run for office, including every Member of Congress, I have a gut feeling that this one will proceed to SCOTUS.

Why? Because candidates from both sides of the aisle and from every party have a dog in this fight!

Update at 11:03 a.m. PT:

The news that "the scrubs" was going on at several online news sites is covered extensively over at TD blog

That reminded me of another comment thread over at TD blog that is chock full of additional information, including some interesting scenarios regarding the upcoming Obama trip to Hawaii:

Janet is occurred to me that Hawaii is a good jumping off point for Jakarta or Nairobi.

I can dream...can't I?

Another thing. At first I was pissed that those two Hawaiian officials came out (for no real reson) and announced they had actually SEEN the original birth certificate. I thought at first they were trying to give Obama cover. That is how the media did play it, of course.

But their statement was in the context of the Republican governor’s (a friend of Palin’s) request that the certificate be safely “sealed” (hermetically, I suppose!).

But the REAL significance of that episode (I came to see) is that 1) the damn thing cannot now be tampered with, and most importantly, 2) Barry now is on notice: Others now know what that document says….the secret is out there now and you don’t know how many others - beyond those original two officials - now know the truth about you.

Barry has to assume at this point that ALL his enemies may know the truth. Potentially ANYONE can blackmail him now about it. Checkmate.

on December 14, 2008 at 8:31 pm copp
Barry’s coming trip to Hawaii could give him his final chance to “innocently” come clean. He can say that given all the questioning about his origins, he finally became curious about it all himslf. He asked to see for himself what’s on the original certificate … and now having seen it … well, I guess it means I can’t be president after all!! Well whaddya know??!!

Copp, i think the final scenario of obama ‘finding his true self’ in Hawaii seems plausible, as well as the Onion’s premonition of things to come, when barky takes off in that plane for Indonesia. But yes, if the government lets him get away, then he has cut a deal and many shoes will begin to drop.

As far as McCain dropping hints, well its a little too late for that. He lost credibility with me when he abandoned Palin.


The Governor of Hawaii sealing the BC long form was a good move, primarily because it prevented tampering precisely at the time when that would have helped Obama. I don’t think the Hawaiian health officials have ’seen’ the ‘details’ of the long form–otherwise they would have been bribed, moved to a different department, or would be in witness protection now!

BTW, I don’t think Obama has seen his own birth certificate…. His certification of live birth found in a shoe box with his mother’s things is probably the only thing he’s seen (and probably lost), and has used it to create an identity ‘at will’. Did he ever legally change his name? Did he declare US citizenship at any time? Did he ever apply for, or does he have, a US passport? Will we ever know since his passport files were rifled and his records sealed (probably as early as 2004)?

re this ongoing saga of obama-

Such %^&$#@!! drama when our world and economy is crashing around us!! What a selfish, self-centered man, and all who went along with this charade!!! Throw the rascals out (at the ballot box, RICO charges, or through proceedings) !!!!

on December 14, 2008 at 10:23 pm Janet
nobama2 wrote:

Janet it occurred to me that Hawaii is a good jumping off point for Jakarta or Nairobi.

OMG so funny you should write that! I had been tinkering with the idea that he MAY NOT RETURN! That he would take off from there but head in the opposite direction of the USA!

on December 15, 2008 at 2:35 am Janet
Just keep in mind that GW Bush did not bring home 20,000 troops for the purpose of taking care of “civil disobedience” because he thought nothing big was about to happen.

This is a really big thing and needs to be handled very very carefully, slowly, methodically. Keep in mind that the Supremes only denied the stays, they never said that there was no cause for a hearing regarding citizenship qualifications — that part of the 2 lawsuits is still pending. Pending? Doesn’t that mean “waiting”? Waiting for what? THAT is what we have to be patient about.

Since most of the country does not understand the Constitutional requirements and Obama’s lack thereof (even the electors!), Patrick Fitzgerald is coming in from another direction as well.

Think of it as someone with many diseases. It’s only a matter of time before ONE of them gets him. on December 14, 2008 at 8:17 pm nobama2

Last but not least, how's this for some stats?

American Girl
Morning all -

OT - but wanted to share some interesting statistics on how this train wreck started…..which reveals how much work needs to be done if we are to reverse course….to save our country from the slide she’s on….as far as “unreported”….is anyone surprised MSM hasn’t reported THESE stats??

-note where he thinks we are on Prof Tyler’s “definition of democracy”, which we discussed on an earlier thread.

INTERESTING FACTS…2008 Election —–

Some unreported stats about the 2008 election…

Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota ,

points out some interesting facts concerning the 2008 Presidential election:

-Number of States won by: Democrats: 20; Republicans: 30

-Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000; Republicans: 2,427,000

-Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million; Republicans: 143 million

-Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2; Republicans: 2.1

Professor Olson adds:

“In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens.

Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in rented or government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…”

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the “complacency and apathy” phase of Professor Tyler’s definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached the “governmental dependency” phase.


WSJ online

Citizen Wells


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Even in the midst of some serious subject matter - sometimes- ya just gotta laugh!!