Need a Laugh? Or cry...

Well, the following article will provoke some kind of reaction from you! The dirt is in the details, however. In reality, it is a very sad state of affairs. Despite that fact, I just couldn't help laughing when I read More Proof the Inmates are Running the Asylum

In the inmates-are-running-the-asylum department, too many cases are popping up to ignore them.

Read the article for the details, and then vote for your favorite idiotic "mind of the day" amongst the lunatic fringe of society:

1. At the state capitol in Olympia, Washington, Gov. Christine Gregoire (a Democrat, of course), has approved the placement of an atheist sign for public display next to a nativity scene.

2. In an unrelated Christmas story from the Netherlands, a gay group in Amsterdam has organized a "Pink Christmas" festival featuring a nativity scene with two Josephs and two Marys.

3. In Bloomington, Indiana, an undercover pro-life college student told a Planned Parenthood "nurse" that she was 13 and had been impregnated by a 31-year-old man. The nurse told the girl not to disclose her age or the age of the man. She then encouraged the girl to lie and say that the "boy" in question was 14. Apparently, local police, although they have been notified of the statutory rape implications in this case, have chosen to do nothing to investigate Planned Parenthood. They did, however, post extra security around the clinic in case of a "pro-life backlash."

4. In Great Britain (which is no longer so great), Muslims have so cowed the government that public schools have stopped teaching about the Holocaust. It seems that a significant percentage of the Islamic population in the U.K. (which is growing by frightening quantities) believes the same fairy tale espoused by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- namely that the holocaust never happened.

Apparently, in Britain we got a two-fer. Here's another example of political correctness gone crazy:

5. Also in England, the popularity of chaste pop idols like the Jonas Brothers has not been exalted. In fact, girls caught wearing "purity rings," signifying that they wanted to remain virgins until marriage, were forced to remove them. Apparently, the authorities didn't want the slutty girls to feel ostracized.

Now, we return back to the U.S. of gay, gay, gay...

6. In Congress, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), after having violated about half of the federal tax laws, is staying on as chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. Meanwhile, Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank, the king and queen of congressional oversight of the banking industry, are still in charge of running their respective asylums. Frank, whose boyfriend ran a prostitution ring out of the congressman's townhouse back in 1990, and who more recently was involved in a homosexual affair with an official of Fannie Mae, one of the bankrupt quasi-governmental entities Frank oversees as head of the House Financial Services Committee, sees no conflict between his public and personal life. Pay no attention to that little gay man behind the curtain.

Last, but not least, we have the automaker CEOs returning to Congress (in their "green" vehicles instead of using their corporate jets) bowing in front of Queen Nancy Pelosi...

7. The great irony here is that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has a jet available to her at all times as well. Not to worry, though, because the auto makers have been so cowed that they drove to DC in their own "green" vehicles the next time they came calling with their hands out.

The punch line is the best!

It's like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" meets "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Except that Mr. Smith is in a straight jacket in a rubber room while the loons run the asylum.


If author Doug Patton knew at the time that the Governor of Illinois would be caught (allegedly) trying to sell Obama's Senate seat - I'm sure he would have included that in his insanity list!

Illinois? Chicago? Corruption? Is ANYONE at all surprised by this??

But there is more! Go read the article.


"The breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering," Fitzgerald said in a statement.

On second thought, these are not laughing matters. They are all truly sad and represent man's utmost depravity that has taken over our beloved nation - and the world.

Come back Lord Jesus...and rescue us from these and their utterly senseless derangement syndrome!



Fox News

In an unrelated matter, I recently opened up my Talk Wisdom Forums (for about one day) so that someone could register there. The spammers came along and one or two "registered." I immediately deleted them and closed registration.

Today, I wanted to see what the IP addresses were of the "guests" at the board. This is what I found:
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Hey frank- re: baseball
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Truth in ID?
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Controversy over ID continues
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Evolution - Philosophy, Not Science

If you place "" in a search engine - you find out that it is a spam IP address.

When I had open registration at the forum, I was deleting about 10 spam IP address registrations per day. It was so time consuming, that I decided to close the board to immediate registration capability and only open it up for people who request registration.

Just wanted to let my Talk Wisdom blog visitors know why I have done this. If any of you want to register at the forum, please use the "Contact" method at the bottom of the front page.


P.S. Gary - you are already registered. Contact me again if you have any questions. Note: comment moderation is on over there, too.