The Big Question (Update: Stay denied)

Earlier this morning I was reading the polls results and comments over at WorldNetDaily regarding the opinions of several people who thought that the U.S. Supreme Court would cave and not have the guts to "stay" the electors from casting their votes for president on December 15, 2008. According to postings at The Right Side of Life and Citizen Wells, the "stay" has been denied. As of this writing, there is no additional information about the Writ of CERTIORARI that was also requested by Mr. Donofrio. Updates will be included here as I find them.

Another brief article at WorldNetDaily

While reading the poll results and comments at WND, I got the sinking feeling that this was going to happen. The rule of law seems not to matter anymore - and the U.S. Constitution is "just a piece of paper."

I have read that Obama has said himself, (paraphrased here until I find the exact quote) 'The Constitution is a fundamentally flawed document.'

So. What do we conclude? We have a Supreme Court that agrees with him and will allow Obama to take the presidency while hiding all of the following information about him:

Mr. Barack Hussein Obama -

The American People want to know, who sent you?

Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no records -- no paper trail -- none -- this can't be an accident.

Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released

Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit

Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released

Punahou School records -- Not released

Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit

Occidental College records -- Not released

Passport (Pakistan) -- Not released

Columbia College records -- Not released

Columbia thesis -- Not released

Harvard College records -- Not released

Harvard Law Review articles -- None (maybe 1, unsigned?)

Baptism certificate -- None

Medical records -- Not released

Illinois State Senate records -- None

Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost

Law practice client list -- Not released

University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

What a terribly sad day in America.


P.S. It is now up to the individual states (several lawsuits are still out there) to take the action needed that the U.S. Supreme Court refused to do. I wanted to include a comment from a writer over at the WND poll:

Law of the moment!
Posted by mac1 on Dec 08, 2008 09:06

I guess their[sic] are three views folks can have here.

1. Nothing is unusual here. Just politics as usual. Won't effect me.

2. The Constitution is null & void. We need a current up to date one.

3. The Constitution is the document that this Country was based on and powers (people) within this country have successfully destroyed most of what it stands for.

We have done exactly what the writers of the Constitution wrote and warned us not to do. In order to do it, people had to commit treason and blatently[sic] break the "laws of the Constitution of the United States". To do so, all the branches of government had to stand idly by and allow it, or in most cases be fully involved in its demise. Also, we the people, had to stand by and let it happen. The federal government has turned into the monster that the founders of the Constitution hoped would not happen in this nation. That monster, they knew, would devour all wealth, freedoms, hopes, and rules of law. It will then devour all that oppose it.

The Constitution by its very purpose made it clear that the people would follow it or change it by clear methods of amendment by law. If the people chose not to amend it by proper law then it would be trampled on and all that it stood for and the guidence that it was intended to give would be lost. We are a generation that is witness to that terrible reality.

The matter needs to [be] addressed and could be taken care of very easily in a country that followed its "Constitution". As for the Supreme Court looking at the President elects' eligibility constitutionally, why would they? We don't follow that old out dated piece of paper any more.

The case of Leo C. Donofrio v. New Jersey Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells, which claims Obama does not meet the Constitution's Article 2, Section 1 "natural-born citizen" requirement for president, was initially denied a hearing by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter, but Justice Clarence Thomas agreed to bring it back for review today.

In order to go forward in the process, the case needs four of the Supreme Court's nine justices to approve a full hearing.

Will Supremes review citizenship arguments?
Lawsuit: Even with a valid birth certificate, 'he still wouldn't be eligible to be president'


P.S. To stay up to date on what is happening (and, to dispel incorrect information that the media of mass deception is spreading) please visit Natural Born Citizen

Update on 12/8/08 at 12:54 p.m. PT:

Perhaps there is more hope for this case:

The Right Side of Life reports: Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz: Distributed for Conference by Justice Scalia


World Net Daily

Natural Born Citizen