The Great Campaigner (Updated!!)

12/2/08 Update: There are two important blog posts to read that contain updates about the Donofrio vs. Wells U.S. Supreme Court "private, full-court meeting" on December 5, 2008.

1. Citizen Wells

2. The Right Side of Life: Donofrio v. Wells, Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz: Major Updates on Conference, Cort’s Renewed Application

One part of the update that I was previously unaware of is this (from Citizen Wells):

If 5 of the 9 Justices respond in the affirmative, they could grant a stay of the Electoral College vote.


Recall that song by the Platters (and Sam Cooke) called "The Great Pretender?" For some reason, that song came to mind as I awoke this morning. However, I thought that the lyrics could be tweaked a bit to fit Obama. Admittedly, he was "the great campaigner" in this election cycle. Plus, he had a LOT of help from the liberal left media circus that refused to vet him properly and gushed sugary adoration for a man that no one REALLY knows.

I mean, do YOU really know much about Obama - especially about his history?

I don't.

There is much speculation out there. A lot of assumptions. But don't blame the public for any misinformation floating around in the blogs. It is truly Obama's fault. He has refused to allow the public to see his important records and papers from his past - which would dispel any information that is not true or accurate.

I ran across yet ANOTHER article about Obama that revealed some new information about him. It is hard to discern what is true or false in the article. In some sections, it gets quite bizarre.

The most documented part of the article was about a slew of parking tickets Obama got while in college. There's more, but a lot of it sounds quite strange and over the top. It is hard to know what else is true or false. I can say one thing though, the person presenting the article attempted to do a lot of research on the guy.

Now, before Spud Tooley comes along and tells me that I need a "reality check," please see both the blog post which asks, Is Obama Folding Under Pressure?" and the RSS widget reader article which states, Obama: Was he sent to save us? that I found over at Yid with Lid.

As I reviewed going through several articles and posts in my mind that I had read yesterday, I started to attempt to put some sense into what is going on in the media vs. the blogosphere.

These thoughts included the video of Obama's interview with Barbara Walters, the post (link above) about Obama's past, and the discovery of a full page ad that is to run in a Chicago newspaper today and on December 8th. Zach Jones sums up what Obama will be facing over the next several days.

Many bloggers have come up with various reasons as to why the media won't touch this story...yet. Isn't this just so frustrating?

While posting comments at The NEIN blog, I wrote the following:

This birth certificate fiasco makes me feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone!

I keep imagining that someone will one day hold a news conference and step up to the microphone at the podium to tell the nation -

"April Fools! Obama isn't really going to be president. It was just a ruse! ha ha! Isn't that funny? This was just a huge, two-year long, very expensive, time-consuming, tax payer money grubbing, manufactured financial crisis, pepto-bismol slurping, and "radicals-in-our-nation-exposed" experiment to see what portion of our electorate is totally uninformed...and really dumb!

Now that we have our results we will return our nation back into the hands of the people...where our U.S. Constitution says it belongs.

Ready for an election "do over?" Have a nice day!"

/sarcasm off

Does anyone else out there have similar feelings about this bizarre election, too? It is amazing to me that the Media of Mass Deception is keeping mum on the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court "private" meeting regarding the Donofrio lawsuit against Obama.

I mean - come on!! It's almost like the "Emperor has no clothes" story. People pretending (in the MSM, that is) that everything is going smoothly for Obama. He's busy creating his Cabinet appointees (which looks like a third term for the Clinton Administration), appearing with Barbara Walters for an interview (where it is told that Obama has developed an eye twitch - but I wasn't able to spot it), and carrying on like there is nothing for him to worry about as far as the birth certificate fiasco is concerned; or, even showing any concern about whether or not the electors will follow through on his appointment to POTUS. Yet, in the blogosphere, there are huge amounts of information that is getting out there to the public.

Isn't this surreal?

I could link to dozens of blogs and posts where well thought-out posts and comments have been published. Why is the media pretending that this huge issue doesn't faze them or exist?

I found it ironic that during his interview, Obama stated to Walters, "I don't have any power right now." Yet, he holds news conferences with that dumb "Office of the President-Elect" on the podium - giving the high flaunting impression that he does have some sort of power. I have asked this question before. Does anyone ever recall an incoming president-elect creating a podium with such an office title on it? I can't.

And where is Joe Biden? Maybe he's active on the NBC channels that I never watch. Anyone know what he has been saying lately? Perhaps he still has that muzzle on that was placed on him late in the campaign because of all of those infamous gaffes.

And then it came to me. That horrible thought that I had way back when I suspected that Obama would choose Biden for his V.P. pick as payback for keeping the Larry Sinclair story under wraps. Now, I am thinking that there is more to the story. Could all of this be a ruse in order to get Biden into the presidency? If Obama is sworn in, and then found ineligible, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution would allow Joe Biden to step in as president. He would then need to choose a V.P. candidate.

I know. Total speculation on my part. But I couldn't shake this nagging feeling this morning. All of the research that I have done (and have discovered through other bloggers) tells me that We the Voters have been HAD - BIG TIME! It makes me very uncomfortable to even write this. How horrible would it be for the Democrats to have pulled such terrible stunt over on the people?

Joe Biden could NEVER get elected on his own - NEVER! Yet, with the help of a Jr. Senator from Illinois who has the tremendous speaking ability that he has - and the rich donors like George Soros with the money to back up his well orchestrated campaign - a "Great Campaigner" could get Biden into the presidency via this convoluted fiasco, masquerading as an election, that we have just witnessed over the past two years.

Perhaps you are thinking that this is just too far-fetched for anyone to believe. I agree with you. Just strike those last two paragraphs from this blog post.

Or is it that far-fetched?

[Updated Note: My theory is just that - only a theory. In fact, what I also SHOULD have stated earlier is that it is possible that the DNC and Obama campaign never even dreamed that they would ever get caught in the "natural born citizen" debacle. They probably thought that they could easily get away with it! They might have - if not for some persistent lawyers like Berg and Donofrio!]

Anyway, I wanted to bring over a "blogment" from Thursday's post because it deals with how the Media of Mass Deception has enabled "The Great Campaigner" to get elected. You will see the tactics and techniques used - and how 62% of the electorate apparently fell for it - hook, line, and sinker.

I am STILL PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE - that Obama is prevented (if deemed ineligible - because a lot of evidence points towards him not qualifying for POTUS re: the "natural born citizen" clause in Article II of the U.S. Constitution) from taking office. It is HIGHLY IMPORTANT for this to be discovered BEFORE the Inauguration, otherwise, the Usurper in chief will pass on his fraudulent candidacy to Joe Biden.


In case you missed it in the comment section of my last post, here's my blogment which reveals how the public has been duped by the Media of Mass Deception:

I have been praying every day for a miracle that will save us from the most radical and dangerous, Marxist administration ever.

The Media of Mass Deception (MMD) isn't about to destroy their "marketing blitz" and image of Obama that they want the public to hold.

I don't think that they will ever report on the issue unless they absolutely have to.


Lots of reasons!!!

I have been reading a book called, Media Revolution which exposes the tactics that were used in the pro-Obama media campaign. There is much more detail in each of these categories, but for now, I will just list them and briefly describe them.

1. The Name Game

This tactic uses semantic twists and turns that seek to take a term with positive connotations and use it to promote a concept previously viewed with distaste. One of the best examples is the use of "pro-choice." The cold-blooded willingness to kill an innocent child in the womb was coined with the word, "pro-choice" in the 1960's and 1970's in order to convince Americans that killing babies in the womb was a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. Pro-abortion wouldn't work - but using the term "choice" appeals to Americans' deeply ingrained sense of liberty and fairness. The term deflects attention away from the murder of an unborn child. Even Christians have become willing accomplices in the "pro-choice" name game. How utterly sad it is that they have fallen for an absolutely repugnant lie!

This is why I often call it the "pro-death movement." Because that is exactly what it is!

Obama is the most radical, pro-death-to-unborn-babies, leftist liberals in the Senate. For him to have been elected to POTUS is astonishing. A certain percentage of Christians and Catholics voted for him. They completely ignored his pro-death to babies in the womb policies. Such a terrible shame!

2. The Blitz.

No one can deny that the pro-Obama story blitz was extraordinary in its volume of repeated messages (hope! change!) it's bombardment and constant barrage of the same idea or action step and the advertising that backed Obama practically at a 100% level on T.V., newspapers, magazines and even in many areas of the Internet.

People succumbed to this mesmerizing hypnosis without truly investigating the man and his more sinister purposes.

Unfortunately, many of the Americans who voted for Obama were "garbage-in, garbage-out" people (though, some may not have known they were being had). They were heavily influenced by what the MMD (and the Obama campaign) put into their minds over the course of this election cycle.

I'd like to remind my fellow Christians (especially those who may have voted for Obama) that God instructs us to meditate on the Scriptures night and day. In Joshua 1:8 the Lord commands Joshua, "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it." In Psalm 1:1-2 we read, "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.

I won't go heavily into the rest of it here, but suffice it to say that a statistic shared by the author (Brian E. Fisher) states that most Americans spend almost 3 hours per day watching T.V. and only 7 minutes per day on religious and spiritual activity. What a sad statistic!

3. Say What?

This tactic takes a half-truth and promotes it as a broadly acknowledged fact. I think that this one fits extraordinarily well with the Obama birth certificate/ U.S. citizenship debacle.

This tactic is also constantly being used by groups like the ACLU which promote the "separation of church and state" lie (which, btw, ISN'T IN THE CONSTITUTION!) by taking it out of context to promote their own agenda.

The truth is, our Founding Fathers had no intention of evicting God from government - as so many have done today. The men who drafted our Constitution considered the Christian faith to be essential to good government.

4. A Major Rewrite

This tactic is used by the MMD to revise history to suit contemporary purposes. This can also be considered a tactic used by the DNC, Obama campaign, and supporters in order to have avoided the proper vetting process of Obama's citizenship. If this case goes on to the full Supreme Court review (I PRAY IT DOES!) then the Obama side will try and argue that the 14th Amendment "takes away" the natural born citizen clause in Article II. From what I have read, that may be a tough sell. There is also the dual-citizenship issue at stake.

5. That's Un-American

Basically, this tactic is used against people (who passed Proposition 8 in CA) who may stand up against what they believe is wrong (e.g. the judges in CA who created "gay" marriage out of thin air by judicial fiat in CA); yet, opponents who wanted "gay" marriage - are now busy protesting (rabidly) and labeling all who voted for YES ON PROPOSITION 8 as bigots and haters (and every expletive you could think of) because they perceive this as being a "right" taken away from them. We have been told the lie that restricting anything that anyone wants to do is "Un-American."

I think that this tactic is being used by the MMD right now - in their complicit silence on the pending Supreme Court meeting on the Obama et. al. eligibility issue.

This tactic is also (very unfortunately) being used to allow child pornography under the guise of "free speech."

6. Odd Man Out

This is a BIG ONE! The MMD uses this tactic to make the viewer/listener feel that his or her traditional biblical values are isolated and idiosyncratic. They want biblically-based Christians to believe that we are all alone in our objections to anti-biblical values.

Why do you think that Obama's "Christian faith" is acceptable to the MMD? Because he doesn't follow the traditional biblical values in God's Word - that's why! His political views are just like "the world's" - not accountable to God's written Word and certainly not accountable to Jesus Christ. Jesus told us, "if you love me, keep my commandments."

Obama has broken (politically speaking) almost every commandment and has shown the world this by exposing his hard-core liberal/licentious worldview for all to see.

7. Silence of the Lambs

The MMD bullies people who hold traditional values - thus, some Christians keep quiet because they don't want to be seen as intolerant or hateful people.

Examples of this are so numerous, it would take me hours to type them all out. Suffice it to say that each incident of such "silencing" is a tactic employed to create the inaccurate stereotype that all Christians are obnoxious, violent prudes who are a danger to a free society. The truth is, however, that true Christians are the most loving, compassionate, truthful people on the planet.

Though Christians (and churches) are not without mistakes, the truth is that the countless acts of grace, charity, assistance, love, commitment, fidelity, faith, and hope is not being portrayed correctly by the MMD. If they ever did report the truth, there would be a monumental shift in public attitudes towards evangelical Christians.

8. Didn't Moses Build the Ark?

This tactic includes diversions meant to keep us distracted from the basics of our faith.

The fact that Obama does not overtly practice true biblical Christianity appeals to all of the detractors of true Christian faith. They like the "Christian-faith-light" (meaning - not geared towards evangelism, true adherence to Bible truths, or, any mention of the cross of Christ) mindset of Obama. His particular "brand of faith" is not threatening to them (unlike the true Christian faith shown by Gov. Sarah Palin - thus the MMD endless attacks against her).

They don't even mind the Catholic-light-faith of Joe Biden! If Biden had adhered to many of the Catholic church teachings (such as pro-life, pro-traditional man and woman marriage) do you think that the MMD would have attacked him? You betcha! But, of course, a pro-life Democrat would never get the V.P. pick in the first place.

The questions raised in this tactic are:

Overall, is the church impacting the culture?

Or has the culture been far more effective at absorbing and silencing the church?

Christians have become fearful to offend. That's the bottom line, people. Why do you think that the "seeker-sensitive" church boom is so effective? Yes. It's effective - at producing false converts! Why? Because before the Good News of the Gospel is preached, the bad news of our sinful condition must be realized. Unfortunately, Christian believers today are so caught up in the worldly mantras of "never offend anyone" they are of no earthly good for the Gospel of Christ!

When it comes to proclaiming eternal truths that actually might offend a sinner in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ, we shy away out of fear they may not "like us."

Well guess what?

The Gospel IS OFFENSIVE to those who are perishing! If we don't repent of our sins, then we are only guilty of "amusing ourselves to death."

The proclamation of true godly principles often hurts and offends. Period.
For every person who is humbled and changed by the truth, there are ten who reject it, scorn it, and hate it.

Think about this. Who in the Bible acted according to the principle of making everyone around them feel comfortable when it came to the subject of confession of sin and repentance? Can you name even one?

Sharing the truth is an act of love and obedience on our part!! Please don't ever forget that!

Christians may never do such a task perfectly (no one can), but our Lord Jesus has given us the Great Commission here on this earth and NOTHING should divert us from that task.

[Notes paraphrased from Media Revolution: A Battle Plan to Defeat Mass Deception in America by Brian E. Fisher]

November 30, 2008 10:27:00 AM PST


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